Mary Mini and Easter

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Postby Sunny » Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:28 pm

What I ate today:

B- mashed potatoes w/corn

L- baked potato w/ beans

D- left over potatoes O'Brien

Snack- carrots / banana

Drink- water :-D
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Postby KitKat » Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:19 pm

You're going great Sunny, keep it up! I like seeing what people ate - thanks for sharing.

I did pretty good too today - oatmeal with a little brown sugar (I don't know if that's allowed but for me I'm really reducing my sugar intake, like 90%)

Pea soup for lunch - very filling.

I was busy & went a little hungry but I ate a big baked potato with some dressing, and will probably get hungry and have a little snack - banana later. My rule is to eat when hungry, as much as I want- cos I tend to eat junk food when I get real hungry.

But I messed up and had an extra coffee :( Overall I think I did good for the first day, is it my imagination or am I feeling better all ready?
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beans and oatmeal?

Postby KitKat » Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:33 am

Hi Chaplain Mike, beans and oatmeal are in the McDougall plan, but I think the idea of the Mini plan is to keep it simple. I am still eating oatmeal and pea soup, because it's healthy and it's already a routine in my diet. so I don't even have to think about it. I would say just see if it works for you. She did say that potatoes have more vitamins or something, so if you eat beans as the starch, be sure to eat veggies. Those are just my thoughts on the subject.

Oops, like someone said - beans are ok on the diet. You can lose weight eating oatmeal for breakfast (I eat it with fruit) so if you like it - it will work - I've done it.
Last edited by KitKat on Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby KitKat » Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:47 am

Hi again Chaplain Mike - if it means making some adjustments that's better than dropping out. When I go to a Mexican restaurant I like having a vegetarian burrito, with whole beans, rice, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and salsa, or pico de gallo sauce. Top off with a squeeze of lime - and that really is yummy. Also, I've learned from the McDougalls that corn tortillas are less fattening than the others. Just make sure to get whole beans instead of refried, and no sour cream or cheese. The quality of the burritos varies depending on the quality of the ingredients but I find most are quite delicious! And yes, I am a burrito freak - I love them, and yakisoba noodles! Hope this gives you an idea -- KitKat
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Postby KitKat » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:23 am

Hey Bobby Jo - I like your ideas of wasabi mustard (cos I've never tried it) and apple sauce with apple pie spice. I will have to try it some time!
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Mango peach salsa

Postby KitKat » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:34 am

Hi Havfaith, I like jicama, but what is a daikon and how do you use it? It seems like it might be a radish but I'm not sure!

Let us know how the mango peach salsa is - it sounds yummy.
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Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:40 am

Chaplain Mike - thanks for starting this thread. I'm back on the MWL wagon after a detour into regular 12 day soft foods for a couple months. I gained weight - long story - and am now back because I can chew salad again, as long as I let it sit out on the counter until it's room temperature. :?

I think your compromise of beans and salad when eating out is just fine. I remember someone recently posted about attending the live in program, which is MWL, and one day for lunch sandwiches were served. Someone mentioned to Dr. McDougall that they were surprised to see bread on the table, since this was MWL, and he responded with something like "What, you're a perfectionist?" Ha. So, I say you're doing fine.

I've been in a Mexican restaurant lately where I couldn't get anything legal but plain lettuce, I ordered beans but they came mashed with lard melted on top, and the warm tortillas I asked for came drenched in melted lard. I couldn't think of how to say "without fat" in Spanish and the waiter didn't speak English. And this was in MICHIGAN!! Anyway, I think you're doing fine with beans and a salad.

I'm trying the Mini for a while to see if I can budge this weight and feel better. I've been recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and also need to prove to my old doctor, in case I ever run into him again, that he was wrong and I was right about my potatoes. He told me eating potatoes was just like eating a Mars bar. Really, he was serious. He told me I would never lose weight eating potatoes.

Kitkat - I tried a daikon radish once, it was pretty good. It reminded me of the nice long white radishes I used to grow when I was a girl. I loved those! I think the daikon ones are good sliced in big flat pieces and used with hummus, or grated as part of a grated salad mixture.
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Postby jmgoforth » Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:47 am

I lost 2 lbs. 317
I ate potato's for breakfast-Hash Browns.

I'm riding with a officer-
Salad and beans

poato baked
green beans

Baked potato
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Where's the veggies?

Postby Losing Linda » Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:12 am

Yesterday I went to the store and got ton's of potatoes and bushels of vegetables or at least what barely could fit in the refrig. :D I told the cashier I was on the potatoe diet :lol: :lol: She said never heard of it. So I went on and on about what we are doing and why as I unloaded my cart. The total came up to $40 :-D and then I said it will save you tons of money. Of course she said how wasn't starches bad for you and I said Oh No My Dear they make your brain work better and make you happy! I wanted to skip out sing some funny tune but I think she thought I was a nut anyway :lol: :lol: :lol: .
Breakfast- sweet potatoe, apple sliced ,1/2 bannana
Lunch- hash browns with Kale and green salad (non fat tomato dressing
Dinner - Bake potatoe with mushroom, steam veg and salad
Remember eat lots of vegetables with your starch and God Bless
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Postby ReneeK » Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:28 am

B: hashbrowns; juice; coffee

L: Baked potato; steamed zucchini and summer squash

D: church dinner...i forgot to bring along my potato to microwave there, so i'll have a large green salad and whatever other healthy choices that are available

S: fruit; veggie sticks
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KitKat -- how to get that ticker working

Postby slimkat » Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:42 pm

Hi KitKat --
Sounds like you're doing great! Keep up the good work.
To get your ticker to work, select the "code" that is for the 3FatChicks forum. I think that's the one that works here.
Note that there are 3 differents chunks of "code" to paste, each for a different format. Try each one till you find the one that makes the ticker show up here.
Like I wrote above, though, I think it's the first chunk of "code" that you need to cut and paste into your profile here at the McDougall board.

Oh -- also addicted to American Idol :) even though the guys are not so good this year! Got home at 10:30 last night (recorded it on DVR) and skipped over the commercials.
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daikon & potatos

Postby KitKat » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:42 pm

Hi Mrs. Doodlepunk, (I like your name :D ). Thanks for the info on daikon - I will have to try it. I love discovering new foods!

Also what you said about potatos - I can relate. One of my relatives - diabetes runs in her family and she's on this low glycemic index diet. She can eat meat and dairy, but no white potatoes! She can eat red potatoes but not white? It's strange.

Also, my neighbor who's a smoker said that someone who's trying to quit smoking shouldn't eat potatoes because it's a night shade vegetable. I don't even know the logic of that - has anyone heard of it?

She also likes the idea of a no-white foods diet. I tried to tell her that potatoes and certain other white foods are non-fattening. Also I've run into people who just generally think that potatoes are fattening. I try to tell them different - but they never listen - LOL! I wish I knew what to say, expecially on the diabetes and night shade thing.

One guy told me that tomatoes weren't allowed on the Atkins diet or something, because they were high on the glycemic index. That was so funny to me - if you were to eat nothing but tomatoes all day long they wouldn't get you fat! In fact you'd probably starve!

Also I thought I saw a post on how to put in my signature last night, I was going to check it out later but I can't find it now. Does anyone know where that is or was it just in my imagination. These potatos are making me hallucinate!
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Postby KitKat » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:55 pm

Congrats on losing 2 pounds Captain Mike! I see the logic of sticking to the diet more strictly with the beans & salad and I think you are doing fantastic. I'm very weak when it comes to eating out so I admire you. Maybe I'll have more willpower because I'll be in the habit of eating potatoes and beans.

I checked my blood pressure - yesterday it was 120/90, and today it was 115/81. This is only after about 1 & 1/2 days on the diet. Also I feel much calmer and my heart doesn't pound very much. I don't know what I have but I have all kinds of symptoms, and it's good to see them getting better all ready.

I've had a terrible bout of insomnia. I started using sleeping pills which helped for a few weeks, but then I was feeling much too tired in the day. It was a struggle getting off them - when I tried going off my insomnia was even worse and I got into the habit staying up all night and sleeping from 8-10am to 3-4 in the afternoon. So, the night before I was sleepy but I only slept 3 hours - then wide awake! Then I took a nap in the afternoon. Another thing is the sleeping pills would give me headaches, which I'm prone to, and I would take Excedrine migraine with caffeine. Yesterday I took some, and didn't manage to sleep until 5am, but I slept a good solid 6 hours. I wanted to sleep longer but I made myself get up so hopefully it will be easier tonight. So I'm feeling much better about it! Ok enough of my crazy insomnia talk!
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Postby KitKat » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:59 pm

LOL Losing Linda - that's funny. I wanted to tell my cashier that I was on the potato diet but I chickened out! People do think you're nuts when you tell them potatoes are good for you and non-fattening. :D

That's one thing I forgot - to eat veggies with my potatos yesterday, I will do that today. Thanks for reminding me!
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Postby KitKat » Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:14 pm

Thanks - the ticker worked. Wow - 0 pounds lost - I've got a long way to go. Reneek, you lost 7 lbs, I'm impressed!

My BMI is 29.8 btw. Just thot I'd let you know, heh.

Yeah the girls on American Idol are fantastic this year. I really liked AJ Tabaldo - he was really doing good trying to catch up to the girls, and then they voted him off! I was so dissappointed - he was my fave. I thot Brandon did really good this week, improved lots.
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