The November MMC is here!

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Good morning everyone...

Postby walker1 » Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:22 am

How were your weekends?

I am doing well with my choice of rice. My husband cooked a huge batch of brown basmati rice for me to eat throughout the week. I bought a selection of sauces to add to my rotation: duck sauce, hoisin sauce, chili and garlic sauce, teriyaki sauce, and chinese mustard. I had a little bit of sauce--tried to use a minimal amount because they are all quite high in sodium--on my rice along with microwaved, frozen vegetables yesterday for lunch. It was good and easy. For dinner, I had a McDougall cup of curry pilaf rice and some roasted brussels sprouts (hubby cooked again). As you can tell, I am not a cook!

I also got some sticky rice and other supplies to attempt to make sushi. I bought the kit that someone mentioned on another board here. I've tried the bamboo roller in the past but never could get it right.

Thanks everyone for the support and enthusiasm here. It's really helped me get through the weekend--they always tend to be harder for me than weekdays.

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Postby Goosetracks » Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:46 am

I'm still fighting valiently to keep this bug at bay. So far so good. :)

Yesterday I did 5 of my 6 goals. The walking still didn't happen. That's okay. I'm not sure my bod is ready for 30 min. of walking. But each day I plan to do it and it IS on my goals for this 10 day MMC... let's see... I have This is the beginning of my 5th day? Okay, maybe it's time to MOVE IT!? LOL!

This week I start a job. I'm not saying "new" job because I've not had a "job" for most of my adult life. I've been a stay-at-home mom. But, it's time. My "babies" are 12 and 15, my developmentally challenged adult/child (who is 23 by age and about 8 by development) has a job and it's time for me to venture out of the house and get employment. :) So, this week I begin being a care provider of OTHER developmentally challenged adults. And I'll get paid for it. How cool is that?

So, today it's ONWARD with the MMC and ONWARD with life. :-D

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Postby kpolninja » Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:06 pm

Arrg! My husband has lost 5 pounds in 5 days....I've lost 1....grrr.

I'm actually very happy for both of us (but still jelouse). We are going strong until the 8th (we are going to a wedding).

I've been following the potato MM, but I will be honest we've both had come ff hard candy here and there and I've also had a couple of soy lattes. I'm sure the extra sugar is slowing me down a little bit, but it makes it so much easier!
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Postby busymomof4 » Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:20 pm

How's everyone doing?? I am doing well with most of my goals. My exercising has been pretty weak, though. I need to get my rear back in the gym. Dh is off work this week so I'm hoping he can watch the kids a few nights so I can go workout. Overall, my eating has been good. I have dipped into the kids' Halloween candy a little. But not enough to hurt me because I've lost a couple of pounds since Thursday. Yeah! I'm continuing to eat potatoes as my starch (I don't think I could ever get tired of potatoes!) & adding my fruit & veggies. So far, so good.

Hope you all are doing well!
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Postby healthyrn » Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:44 pm

Sounds like everyone is doing well. I'm continuing with my oatmeal and potatoes. I can't get enough of those potatoes. I had hashbrowns yesterday and baked also and lots of veggies. I also loved mashed potatoes and mix in a little (or a lot) of salsa. It's almost a treat!!!
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Postby cowgirrlup » Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:53 pm

Goosetracks wrote:I'm still fighting valiently to keep this bug at bay. So far so good. :)

Yesterday I did 5 of my 6 goals. The walking still didn't happen. That's okay. I'm not sure my bod is ready for 30 min. of walking. But each day I plan to do it and it IS on my goals for this 10 day MMC... let's see... I have This is the beginning of my 5th day? Okay, maybe it's time to MOVE IT!? LOL!

This week I start a job. I'm not saying "new" job because I've not had a "job" for most of my adult life. I've been a stay-at-home mom. But, it's time. My "babies" are 12 and 15, my developmentally challenged adult/child (who is 23 by age and about 8 by development) has a job and it's time for me to venture out of the house and get employment. :) So, this week I begin being a care provider of OTHER developmentally challenged adults. And I'll get paid for it. How cool is that?

So, today it's ONWARD with the MMC and ONWARD with life. :-D


Congratulations on your new job! My daughter is a care provider for developmentally challenged adults. What a rewarding career. I am very happy for you.

Now don't let that bug get you! Stay safe!

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Re: Good morning everyone...

Postby cowgirrlup » Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:54 pm

walker1 wrote:How were your weekends?

I am doing well with my choice of rice. My husband cooked a huge batch of brown basmati rice for me to eat throughout the week. I bought a selection of sauces to add to my rotation: duck sauce, hoisin sauce, chili and garlic sauce, teriyaki sauce, and chinese mustard. I had a little bit of sauce--tried to use a minimal amount because they are all quite high in sodium--on my rice along with microwaved, frozen vegetables yesterday for lunch. It was good and easy. For dinner, I had a McDougall cup of curry pilaf rice and some roasted brussels sprouts (hubby cooked again). As you can tell, I am not a cook!

I also got some sticky rice and other supplies to attempt to make sushi. I bought the kit that someone mentioned on another board here. I've tried the bamboo roller in the past but never could get it right.

Thanks everyone for the support and enthusiasm here. It's really helped me get through the weekend--they always tend to be harder for me than weekdays.


Yeah! You had a great weekend! OMG! Hubby cooks? Ok, I am totally jealous! :-D

Weekends can be a great challenge to us. We can do this though!

stay safe,
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Postby cowgirrlup » Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:57 pm

Love the Lorax wrote:Way to go cowgirrlup!!!! In a heart beat I'd agree you did the right thing by eating that little patty.

I will join in the MMC for this week at least, maybe the week after.... I already know I won't be able to stay with it next Saturday, so why even pretend. Hubby wants us to go out to eat, and I'll be doing well to try to stay McDougall legal. Any how, I figure sticking with it for 5 days will be doable, and a way to try it without committing to a large time frame and then failing.

I will have potato as my starch. I'd love to knock off a couple of pounds doing this! Does this sound strange... I've lost 15 pounds, so far so good, and yet I swear I notice the remaining fat roll more NOW than I did when it was larger! I guess now I'm just focused on that fat roll and getting it smaller.....

Welcome! 15 pounds! WOW! I am thrilled for you! Hopefully this challenge will shrink that lil fat roll... :D (I hate mine, too)

WE can do this!

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Postby cowgirrlup » Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:59 pm

dagiosgirl wrote:Today was day 1 for me. I didn't get on the Wii like I'd planned, but I ate right. Lots and lots of brown rice and two salads.

I originally thought that I'd combine MMC with the elimination diet, but with our big move coming up soon, I don't think this is the right time to do the elimination diet. Plus, I found the last of the summer tomatoes at a local farm, and I just couldn't pass them up -- even if I might have a reaction to them!

I just picked what I think will be the last of my tomatoes....its supposed to freeze at night this week..

I think you are doing the right thing by not trying to pile too much on yourself at one time.

We can do this!

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Postby cowgirrlup » Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:03 pm

kpolninja wrote:Arrg! My husband has lost 5 pounds in 5 days....I've lost 1....grrr.

I'm actually very happy for both of us (but still jelouse). We are going strong until the 8th (we are going to a wedding).

I've been following the potato MM, but I will be honest we've both had come ff hard candy here and there and I've also had a couple of soy lattes. I'm sure the extra sugar is slowing me down a little bit, but it makes it so much easier!

Blasted husbands! :D

Just kidding....I am happy for both of you.

I am a firm believer that if the diet is becoming unbearable and a small treat will make it easier to follow, then by all means treat yourself! There is no reason for any of us to feel deprived when a little thing like a soy latte can boost our mood and our determination! You go girl!

ok, now I want a soy pumpkin latte...

we can do this!

stay safe,
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Postby cowgirrlup » Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:06 pm

busymomof4 wrote:How's everyone doing?? I am doing well with most of my goals. My exercising has been pretty weak, though. I need to get my rear back in the gym. Dh is off work this week so I'm hoping he can watch the kids a few nights so I can go workout. Overall, my eating has been good. I have dipped into the kids' Halloween candy a little. But not enough to hurt me because I've lost a couple of pounds since Thursday. Yeah! I'm continuing to eat potatoes as my starch (I don't think I could ever get tired of potatoes!) & adding my fruit & veggies. So far, so good.

Hope you all are doing well!

You are doing well! Way to go! I have to say I am so glad I have no little kids here or that halloween trick or treat bag would be hanging around my neck like a horse's feed bag.. :D

I need to get to the gym, too. I had Vet appts this morning for 2 of my Doxies and one is having surgery I probably won't work out til Wednesday...

we can do this!

stay safe,
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Postby dagiosgirl » Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:25 pm

Dipped into the Halloween candy myself. Gotta get that stuff out of the house. Had steamed potatoes for dinner instead of brown rice because I just had to have some variety! Still need to exercise.

On the up side, saw my dr. today. He's very supportive of my McDougalling. Says to come back in 30 days for a new baseline on my HDL/LDL. So, I've got more incentive to eat right and exercise.

And we closed on our house today! Hooray!
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Postby busymomof4 » Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:37 pm

Okay, so I finally made it to the gym. Yeah for me! I did 30 minutes on the elliptical. That makes me feel a little better. :) I just hope I'll keep it up.
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Happy Tuesday

Postby walker1 » Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:23 am

Good morning everyone, It's so great to read your posts and see how well you are doing. It really does inspire and motivate me to do this.

I did just okay yesterday--I had some bread. I will not beat myself up over it though because it is McDougall-legal--and I didn't put any Earth Balance on it. (I wish I could get that darned stuff out of my house but my SAD-eating husband loves it.) I counted it as a small victory.

For those who are using rice as your starch, what are you putting on it? I am using Asian-style sauces or eating it plain. I'd love to hear any ideas you have.

I don't have exercise as a goal for this challenge, but I do walk my two little dogs two miles everyday. Also, I work from home and every so often I take a break from the computer and do some stretching or pushups. Once I get into more of a routine with the Mini, I'm going to add in more intense exercise.

Have a nice day!
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Postby Goosetracks » Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:36 am

Election day, the day we've all been looking forward to/dreading. :(

Yesterday I did 5 of my 6 goals but this time I switched out one of them for another. LOL! I walked, but didn't have a quiet time. I'm SO excited about walking again. It's hard but not nearly as bad as I had anticipated. WAHOOO!!!!

So, here's to a new day! (my 6th of my 10 day MMC)

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