January Mary's Mini Challenge: SIMPLY Losing Weight

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

THanks for the welcome

Postby safords » Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:00 am

Yes, my mom has a project for aids orphans in Tanzania and we went to help build some of the needed buildings. There are so many kids !!!

Today is my official start date. I actually at really well yesterday and drank a lot of water and exercised for an hour and I lost over a pound. Water weight, I am sure, but a nice way to start off the program!
Angela - starting date Jan. 19/09 at 142 pounds
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Re: THanks for the welcome

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:31 am

safords wrote:Today is my official start date. I actually at really well yesterday and drank a lot of water and exercised for an hour and I lost over a pound. Water weight, I am sure, but a nice way to start off the program!

Water weight is still weight. It counts. Enjoy watching that scale go down!
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Postby stormie » Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:09 pm

Monday is my weigh in day and today I'm up 1.5lbs from last week :(

I know I told myself last week, with my 6 lbs loss, that I wouldn't be disappointed if it was a smaller amount this week, but I wasn't mentally prepared for a gain! But I have to be accountable and I really wasn't 100% on the program like the first week. I ate too many off program foods and excersized less.

This is kind of weird tho..... I had a fortune cookie and the fortune read "STICK TO THE BASICS. BE WEARY OF NOVELTIES". Wow! So I pinned that up on my office wall and am going to take that to heart as I start another week of MM!
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Postby spud » Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:31 pm

hope101 wrote:Hi, Angela, and glad you could join the forum. If you haven't found them already, I'd suggest you go to the sticky of hot topics on Jeff's forum. Scroll down near the bottom and be sure to read the threads on caloric density and weight loss.

Until I'd understood the caloric density principle, I was a frustrated person too.

Thanks Hope101! I am hanging this on my Refrigerator today!

Caloric Density Principle
* Fresh Veggies - 100 calories per pound
* Fresh Fruits - 250-300 calories per pound
* Starchy Veggies/ Intact Whole Grains - 450-500 calories per pound
* Legumes - 550-600 calories per pound
* Processed Whole Grains - 1200-1500 calories per pound
* Nuts/Seeds - 2800 calories per pound
* Oils - 4000 calories per pound

If the calorie density of the food you eat is below 400 calories per pound, no matter how much is eaten, you will lose weight.

If the calorie density of the food you eat is between 600-800 calories per pound, with some moderate exercise, you will lose weight.

If the calorie density of the food you eat is between 800-1200 calories per pound, you will gain weight; except for those with very high activity levels.

If the calorie density of the food you eat is over 1200 calories per pound, even those with very high activity levels, will gain weight.

A diet, made up of starchy vegetables and intact whole grains along with some fruit and vegetables, will have a calorie density under 500 calories per pound and maybe even 400 calories per pound. It would be nearly impossible to overeat.

A diet high in processed grains, like bread, crackers, dry cereals and pasta, at 1200-1500 calories per pound, will raise the overall calorie density and make it much easier to gain weight.
Meltin my behind in 2009!
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Postby proverbs31woman » Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:37 pm

stormie wrote:Monday is my weigh in day and today I'm up 1.5lbs from last week :(

I know I told myself last week, with my 6 lbs loss, that I wouldn't be disappointed if it was a smaller amount this week, but I wasn't mentally prepared for a gain! But I have to be accountable and I really wasn't 100% on the program like the first week. I ate too many off program foods and excersized less.

This is kind of weird tho..... I had a fortune cookie and the fortune read "STICK TO THE BASICS. BE WEARY OF NOVELTIES". Wow! So I pinned that up on my office wall and am going to take that to heart as I start another week of MM!

Thanks for letting us know how you are doing, Stormie. I understand your disappointment over the 1.5 lb. weight gain, but it seems like you've learned your lesson about fooling around with foods outside of the plan. I've learned that the plan works as long as I follow it.

I haven't had the best week either. I've been cheating here and there, so I know that I've gained a pound or two. I reviewed the MWL and decided to get back on the wagon again today.
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1st Post on this Forum

Postby Bambie113 » Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:11 pm

Hi everyone, I didn't start the MWL program at the same time as you but I'm super pumped to be in the group! Ive been an onlooker for about 2 years and can't wait for.. Well I don't really know I guess I can't wait to make it a lifestyle. I just feel good, this is my 7th day on it and I feel great! Lots of energy (almost hyper)!!! I've been feeling very lonely on the plan since everyone else at my work literally laughs in my face when I tell them what I'm eating for lunch.. :cry: But secretly I am really looking forward to loosing the fat and having them all be jealous!! And then I'll be the one laughing.. Kind of evil I know. But they shouldn't be so quick to judge. Have a great Monday, Thanks for letting me vent!
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Re: 1st Post on this Forum

Postby stormie » Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:20 pm

Bambie113 wrote: I've been feeling very lonely on the plan since everyone else at my work literally laughs in my face when I tell them what I'm eating for lunch.. :cry: But secretly I am really looking forward to loosing the fat and having them all be jealous!! And then I'll be the one laughing.. Kind of evil I know. But they shouldn't be so quick to judge. Have a great Monday, Thanks for letting me vent!

Hi Bambie113 - I totally get where you're coming from! My good friend lost 50lbs doing low carb. When I told him what I was doing to lose weight he went off and gave me a huge lecture how I'm going to get super fat from eating potatoes, and I should stay away from any startchy veggies. Then my boyfriend jumped on the band wagon and said that people who don't eat meat are all sickly and digging an early grave. WHATEVER. I pulled out one of my McDougall books and tried to defend myself quoting sections of it, but to no avail. So now my only hope of proving them wrong is losing the weight!! Ha! We will have the last laugh!!! :lol:
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Postby hope101 » Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:39 pm

You're welcome, spud! I learned about it at the 10-day program and have told everyone I know. (That alone was worth the cost of the trip, btw.) My husband--who's an engineer, and therefore loves numbers and logic--explains this routinely at work as well and many people we know are in the midst of shrinking.
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how it went

Postby safords » Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:48 am

so my first day went okay. I felt really full after breakfast and went to work painting a room - ceiling and all, by 11:30 I was starved! I don't usually eat lunch until 1. But I called up my daughter and had her bake some potatoes for me...and I ate two and vegetables and salad and couldn't get full. I also ate an large orange. I went back to work painting and had a really bad low blood sugar episode by 5 pm. But there isn't anything to eat where I am painting ... except I found a white bun and some peanut butter. And the peanut butter gave me bad heartburn. The kids had a potato salad ready when I got home. It was very good. They made the dressing, too. NOt bad for 15 and 13 yrs. old. I was in a big hurry to eat because I was late for the Health and Depression Seminar I attend.

I couldn't help it. I weighed myself and lost another .8.
Angela - starting date Jan. 19/09 at 142 pounds
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Postby hope101 » Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:28 am

Angela, I've personally found that the sensations both of being hungry or full are different on this eating plan than when I was SADing. It'll take you a few days to learn the signals.

You're off to a good beginning, anyway. :)
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Postby rebecca » Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:29 pm

I'm back! Fell off MM wagon. Dusting myself off and committed to doing MM for 14 days! :-D I have my frig loaded with veggies and fruits and the brown rice is steaming away.
Because of everyone's success on MM,I feel that I can achieve my weight loss goals. Thank you all for being here. :wink:
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:35 pm

Angela, you're doint GREAT!!! Something that helps me is to be sure to bring food with me so I don't find myself starving and going for something I shouldn't eat. Bake a bunch of potatoes at a time--more than you think you will want, and take them with you in a zip-loc bag. They'll keep while you paint, and you'll have your emergency stash.
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Postby safords » Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:36 pm

Today was way better!! I had hot cereal for breakfast and it carried me to lunch a lot better than potatoes do. I had potatoes for lunch and veggies and did fine in the afternoon. Teaching music and directing is not really active, though, so it might be because I didn't work as hard physically. I ate veggies without the potatoes for supper since dd (11) made supper and she didn't think of them. I replaced them with a banana for dessert.
Angela - starting date Jan. 19/09 at 142 pounds
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Postby rebecca » Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:56 am

Today is day 2 for me. Yesterday was spot on! :-D It feels good to have one day under my belt. Hope everyone has a great Friday! :D
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Postby proverbs31woman » Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:16 pm

It seems like everyone has been doing well. I've been sticking to the program, but it hasn't been MM. I've modified the MM so much that I cannot say that I'm following it. I moreso on the MWL most of the time, but I usually eat the same thing over and over again. The last few days have been going well. I did my three days of working out this week, and I weighed myself this morning, and although I'm down only by .25 of a pound since the last time I weighed myself (which was about to days ago), I feel good about this plan.
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