December 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: December 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Growing a Pear » Sat Dec 12, 2020 10:49 am

Weight change +/- in lbs: -0.4# (Fist pump)

1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit. :D
2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals. Choose fruit for dessert. :D
3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them. :D
4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). :D
5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). :D
6. Eliminate any added oil. :D
7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products. :cry:
8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). :D
9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. :D
10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking). :!:

Echoing Zoey, thank you again for covering the boards, wildgoose! I hope Mark is doing something fun and relaxing.

This is the season I typically gain a few pounds. Without this resource--the gentle accountability, the pragmatic encouragement, the objectivity of the checklist--I have no doubt I'd be continuing that pattern.

In terms of my behaviors, this week is virtually identical to last. I exercised only 5/7 days. I have 1 troublesome off-program food I am still aiming to ditch. But if I focus on keeping my foods "wet" and eat plenty of vegetables, I feel better, the weight inches down, and I feel like I'm gaining the headspace to fight this one battle. (It's been important for me to have a savory breakfast.)

See you next week!
I just want to emphasize: It is the QUALITY of the food, not the QUANTITY. You are guaranteed success when following a starch-based and a simple diet. Monotony can be a key helper. ~Dr. John McDougall
Growing a Pear
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Re: December 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Gimmelean » Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:04 am

Hello Everyone-
I hope you are doing well. This is really a tough time of year to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Wildgoose commented that our numbers are considerably fewer on this months MWL board. Hurray for all of us! All the more reason to embrace the guidance and support provided here.

Weight change +/- in lbs: 0

12/4/20. 127
12/12/20 126
Weight change -1.0

1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit. Yes
2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert. Yes
3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them.yes.
4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood).yes
5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy).yes
6. Eliminate any added oil.yes
7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit.Yes
8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages).yes
9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself.yes
10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking).yes

Victories, comments, concerns, questions:Wildgoose, your comments about feeling bad emotionally and physically after eating foods not on MWL especially during this time of year which has always been challenging,really stuck with me this week and helped me to build my resolve to stick with it. What really made me feel good was saying no quite a bit this week to those foods and the result was a pound down. I’ve come to grips with the fact that I will always have lapses but it’s much easier to get back on track when a short lapse is over and done with quickly. As you mentioned, 5 days can be typical. This lapse took two weeks for me to unravel. Thanks to everyone for sharing what’s worked for you and for satisfying quick prep meal ideas another key to success. Stay safe and well.

Best wishes to Mark.

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Last edited by Gimmelean on Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: December 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby JeffN » Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:10 am

Gimmelean wrote:Hello Everyone-
I hope you are doing well. This is really a tough time of year to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Wildgoose commented that our numbers are considerably fewer on this months MWL board. Hurray for all of us! All the more reason to embrace the guidance and support provided here.

We actually had quite a few drop off because they didn’t want to follow the new format and template for posting which went fully into effect this month.

Congratulations to all of you and your successes this month and this year and most of all, thanks for following the MWL Guidelines, the 10-Points, and the new format and template for posting.

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Re: December 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby wildgoose » Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:59 am

Tian-De wrote:It's been a wild ride, but I'm back again....

@Tian-De Welcome back! It’s a good time to settle back in from your wild ride and get to work. To that end, please review the Orientation Information, and post back indicating that you have done so and will follow the required format for posting on each weekly weigh-in. At that point, we'll add you to the list and look forward to your report next Friday!

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Re: December 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby lmggallagher » Sat Dec 12, 2020 12:35 pm

W: 241.9
GW: 150.0

Last Weigh in: 212.8

This Week: 215..4

Gained : 2.6 YIKES!

1) Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit.

2) Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals.

2) Choose fruit for dessert.
I guess cookies that are fruit filled don't fit this category as intended.

3) Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts.
Ah, those cookies again.

4) Eliminate all animal foods.

5) Eliminate all higher fat plant foods.

6) Eliminate any added oil.

7) Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products.

8 ) Don’t drink your calories.

9) Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full.

10) Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking).
:) and :(
I got out for a walk this week because it was a gorgeous day and the result was I was thrilled to be out but my knee is still very unhappy - absolutely proved Egoscue routines until I'm realigned!

Just last week I'd included a statement that I have to ease into exercise by starting with the Egoscue regimen - and I immediately break my own rule - not to mention the Christmas cookies lapse. I know better of course but I have absolutely no will power when a perfect day for being outside presented itself and on my return I find my neighbor left a box of "completely vegan" Christmas cookies on my doorstep. I ate every crumb in two days - at least I have avoided eating any of the two homemade jams also included therein.

Aside: I have no idea how people who live in households of SAD eaters, with fridges and cupboards full of animal derivatives - along with sugar, oil and salt - have to will power to avoid those temptations . I am in awe of these dedicated people - I bow down to those who continue to be compliant during the Holidays!!!!

Meanwhile, both incidents provided very clear data for my new daily health scan planner. Sugar appears to be a definite deep sleep killer, which is absolutely key to keeping the fibro at bay. I have guessed sugar might be a problem after weeks of logging ample deep sleep following days of compliant eating. However, immediately after the cookie binges of Sunday and Monday - I had two nights of no deep sleep at all. However, once back wholly on MWL foods again I have great deep sleep and the fibro symptoms are back down. Also, the knee pain clearly let me know that this weekend I will be purging my office to gain sufficient space move the Egoscue area in from the deck (where it is now to cold to use) and into a warm and inviting space!

Note to Goose - thanks for last week's comments - always greatly appreciate how dedicated you folks are to providing words of wisdom and experientially-based guidance. I do hope you will try out Egoscue as you have the book. I am lucky that I live near an Egoscue center and actually have gone in for treatment sessions - after which I get a new tailored program of exercises. Cost is an arm and a leg, but ones with out pain are worth it :lol: From the very first session I had improvement - so I am hoping if you have any pains that you'd like to eliminate you'll seriously consider Egoscue. They also do remote sessions - which I haven't done, but am considering during Covid.. McDougall eating has helped me with my pain greatly, but Egoscue is the icing on the cake. Some how it realigns your body so areas of wear and tear are eliminated.

Stay well all and good luck with Holiday temptations - Michelle
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Re: December 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Hope410 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 1:13 pm

Hello All,

Weight change: -0.4

1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit. 100%
2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert. 100%
3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them. 100%
4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). 100%
5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). 100%
6. Eliminate any added oil. 100%
7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit. 95%
8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). 100%
9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself. 100%
10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking). 50%

Victories, comments, concerns, questions: I'm surprised my loss was not bigger, but a small loss is much better than a gain any day. So it may be due to the popcorn and 2 pieces of toast on Wednesday for dinner plus not getting my exercise everyday. But no junk snack food even though I had to venture the cracker/chip aisle for mom's crackers.

Have a great week everyone!
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Reporting for December 11 Weigh-In is now CLOSED

Postby wildgoose » Sat Dec 12, 2020 2:08 pm

The window for reporting this week's weigh-in and behavioral results has officially closed.

The remainder of my replies and the weekly summary will follow.

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Re: December 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby wildgoose » Sat Dec 12, 2020 2:42 pm

Tian-De wrote:
wildgoose wrote: To that end, please review the Orientation Information, and post back indicating that you have done so and will follow the required format for posting on each weekly weigh-in. At that point, we'll add you to the list and look forward to your report next Friday!

Ah! Thanks for that! You mean the copy/paste template, right? Makes sense to keep things from getting too chaotic.

Yes, that's right. Plus the requirement to post within the stated time window. Report your weight change in pounds, annotate the checklist with your behaviors regarding each point, and finish with any comments, questions, victories, concerns. The template makes it easier.

Not only does it keep things from getting chaotic, we've found that structuring a reporting format around the 10-Point Checklist actually enhances people's chances for success. Focusing on behavior means that you're concentrating on the process in a more granular way. It also makes it easier to identify areas where you're doing well and other areas that might need improvement. Plus it helps you to see whether little ventures off-plan that you think might not matter by themselves are adding up to something significant.

Are you in agreement, and would you like to be included for next Friday's weigh-in?

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Replies for December 11 -- Part 2

Postby wildgoose » Sat Dec 12, 2020 3:36 pm

AnneG — Fabulous first week! Great adherence to the 10 points, and you have the results to show for it. Seeing the non-scale victories in reduction of joint pain and better-fitting clothes is just as important. I agree, batch cooking is a great way to go. I love having compliant food always at the ready when I’ve had “one of those days” and don’t feel like cooking.

Rita<3 — I recorded you as a 1.5 pound loss. In future posts, could you please record your weight change, in pounds gained or lost, instead of (or in addition to, if you prefer) your beginning and ending weight for the week? We appreciate it.
Nice detective work in tracking down that fruit puree in your salad dressing. Concentrated fruit like that acts just like sugar, and it can definitely cause trouble. On your popcorn question, no, popcorn is not approved for MWL. It’s dry, full of air, and higher in calorie density at 1800 calories per pound! See Jeff’s excellent explanation here.

Lachoffman — I am very sorry to hear about the death of your father. I lost my father this year too, and I know it takes an emotional toll. Stay as steady as you can. Your commitment is admirable, and I hope you can finish the year strong.

chef16 — It’s easier said than done, but try not to dwell on a less-than-successful week. You know what to do, and I’m sure you have a good plan for doing it. Take it slow, and concentrate on one meal at a time, one choice at a time. If you eat something off-plan, make the very next thing you put into your mouth something compliant and health-promoting. Clean up your environment as much as you can, and always have healthy alternatives easily available for when tempting food is around. You can do this, Doreen!

Zoey — Congrats on taking off one of your Thanksgiving pounds! I’m like you — easy to gain, hard to lose — and I know that slow and steady always wins. Happily plugging along is a great way to go. You figured out one of the reasons that flour products are included in point #7. Not only are they calorie dense, but they’re hard to stop eating once you start. And the smell of freshly baked bread would be hard to resist.

CUgorji — Happy Birthday in advance, Chesca! I’m glad you’re planning now for what you’ll have to eat for your celebration. Each of us is different, but if it were me, I think I’d stay away from all the usual vegan treats. If you eat what you have had in the past, you’ll undoubtedly overdo and feel miserable, in addition to gaining weight and struggling with the Pleasure Trap for a week or more. If you restrict yourself to only one or two items, you may feel sad and deprived, and those treats may not taste as good as what you remember. Instead, I’d probably try something totally new (knowing that taking a chance on a new recipe for a big occasion is something of a risk — you need to be prepared to laugh rather than cry if it doesn’t turn out as expected). Consider your experience with the kettle corn, though, as you evaluate any potential recipe. Your taste buds have indeed changed, and you might like something far less sweet now than you ordinarily would have wanted.

Growing a Pear — Yay for another steady loss! Keeping your behavior the same week to week (and the checklist doesn’t lie :)) means that you’ll most likely get the same results. You’ve proven it’s true for positive behavior too. Keeping foods “wet” is a good plan. Dry foods (and that includes air-fried food as well as processed foods that are dry, like cereal) are always higher in calorie density than “wet” foods like potatoes, rice, and even whole-grain pasta. Maintaining that 50/50 ratio with lots of vegetables is also important. Interesting that a savory breakfast works better for you. I often eat dinner for breakfast (which is always savory) and have my oatmeal and fruit for dinner.

Gimmelean — Getting back into a deep groove after you’ve gone off track a bit is always a great feeling. It’s not out of the ordinary that you needed 2 weeks to get back. The good news is that the process is progressive — you gradually start to feel better the longer you’re back on-plan, until one day you realize that you’re fully back and stable. But the memories of how you felt when you weren’t following the checklist can be a powerful motivator to keep you on track in the future! Saying no to temptation and seeing the results of that is also a confidence booster.

lmggallagher — That’s a tough week, Michelle, but always a learning experience. Those fruit-filled cookies are a big gateway to the Pleasure Trap all right (the same way rice cakes and fruit spread were for me! :eek:). What is your strategy for the next time something like that lands on your doorstep? (I’ve been known to immediately feed such things to the garbage disposal, after profusely thanking the giver. If you can’t be so drastic, how about passing them along to a hungry family member who will make short work of them, out of your sight?).
Thank you for the details on Egoscue. I’m definitely investigating that further.

Hope410 — Any loss is a good thing, especially this time of year. The popcorn and toast might have had more sodium than you were used to, which could have contributed to a smaller-than-expected loss. Excellent report of “no junk snack food”! That cracker/chip aisle is a minefield, which you did well to navigate unscathed.

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Weigh-In Report Compilation - December 11, 2020

Postby wildgoose » Sat Dec 12, 2020 5:04 pm

Please note - I replied to each participant individually in the two lengthy posts linked below, provided that their reports followed the guidelines for weigh-ins.

Replies for December 11 - Part 1
Replies for December 11 - Part 2

By my count, 25 participants reported for our second December 2020 MWL weigh-in! If I neglected to include anyone, or you notice an error in the tally, please let me know (via PM so we can keep the thread as tidy as possible, or in a post here if you cannot PM).

Thank you again for your patience and cooperation in working with me in Mark’s absence. He will be back next week, and I’m sure he’s as happy to be coming back as you will be to see him. I appreciate all your kind words as I have been filling in these past two weeks.

I’d like to support Jeff’s post…
JeffN wrote:Congratulations to all of you and your successes this month and this year and most of all, thanks for following the MWL Guidelines, the 10-Points, and the new format and template for posting.

…and to express my appreciation to all of you as well, for faithfully following the guidelines and reporting parameters for this group. It works for all of us, in many ways.

Here are the results for the second Friday in December:

Week ending 12/11/2020: 25 participants reported a total loss of -19.30 pounds
lmggallagher +2.60
wstokes +2.20
chef16 +2.00
squealcat +1.00
Lachoffman +0.50
Total gains: +8.30
Noella 0.0
Expat in NZ -0.20
josietheschnauzer -0.20
Growing a Pear -0.40
Hope410 -0.40
Wfpb2020 -0.80
Rebecka22 -0.80
GreenFroG -0.80
cmcavazos -1.00
Zoey -1.00
Gimmelean -1.00
PonysPlants -1.20
louie3084 -1.30
Marla -1.40
VivianS -1.40
Rita<3 -1.50
CUgorji22 -2.00
CindyD -2.50
NancyNancyR -2.60
AnneG -7.10
Total losses: -27.60
Cumulative group loss for December 2020 to date: 35.30 pounds
Average loss for week ending December 4: 0.77 pounds
Cumulative group loss for January 2020: 384.15 pounds
Cumulative group loss for February 2020: 96.60 pounds
Cumulative group loss for March 2020: 60.10 pounds
Cumulative group loss for April 2020: 218.00 pounds
Cumulative group loss for May 2020: 191.50 pounds
Cumulative group loss for June 2020: 120.63 pounds
Cumulative group loss for July 2020: 524.80 pounds
Cumulative group loss for August 2020: 240.30 pounds
Cumulative group loss for September 2020: 172.61 pounds
Cumulative group loss for October 2020: 216.25 pounds
Cumulative group loss for November 2020: 59.90 pounds

Next Weigh-In is on Friday, December 18, 2020.

In closing, I’ll tell you all one of my “Goose Stories” (never can resist :lol:).

My father was a gourmet cook and a connoisseur of fine wine. My mother was a home economics major whose ambition was to be a 1950s housewife with 12 kids (which she didn’t do) and a recipe file the size of the New York Public Library (which I think she got close to!). This unlikely couple hatched me. For much of my life, I was a junk-food junkie who guzzled Diet Coke, inhaled take-out pizza, and cooked boiled hot dogs and boxed macaroni and cheese for dinner twice a week. Until I finally succeeded in changing my life with the Starch Solution and MWL.

I tell this story because it illustrates the various types of mindsets with which we approach McDougall-style eating and MWL in particular.

In real life, my father ranted at great length (and with words not printable on a family-oriented discussion board) about the insanity of my food choices. He was so over-the-top that it was easy for me to smile, shrug, and eat my broccoli and brown rice. But if he were to have become a McDougaller, he would have spent months perfecting a single recipe. He would have taken Mary’s version of a classic dish and elaborated on it, tweaking each ingredient and adjusting every herb and spice until it was a gourmet masterpiece worthy of his table. He would have loved every minute of the process.

In real life, my mother taught me how to mince garlic and chop onions by hand, and other useful skills. She shook her head at the thought of cooking without copious quantities of butter and oil, but she smiled benignly at my dietary “oddities.” If she were to have become a McDougaller, she would have jumped at Heather’s kid-tested recipes and eagerly anticipated each new newsletter and cookbook. YouTube cooking demonstrations would have fascinated her, and she would have worked hard developing the perfect plant-based shepherd’s pie or sweet potato “lasagne” to serve to her family. She would have kept at it until everyone cleaned their plates and asked for seconds — the highest praise in the world to her.

As for me, I still hated to cook and would look for any shortcut I possibly could find to feed myself. The thought of giving up fast food and easy, processed food horrified me. I knew what to do — I thoroughly believed that Dr. McDougall had it right — but I was overwhelmed at the idea of doing all my own cooking (plus cooking for the Gander, who, bless him, has quite simple food tastes). Forget recipes. Too fancy and too complicated — even the “easy” ones. I learned techniques and templates. Simple ways to fix food, like Jeff’s burgers and SNAP meals. I started from Dr. Doug Lisle’s advice to find a few meals I liked and get really good at them. I learned how to prep batch meals in advance and stock the fridge and freezer with leftovers. And it was good.

So whether you love to be creative in the kitchen, have a deep connection to nurturing your loved ones with food, or hate to cook and want the simplest way to have decent-tasting food that works for health and weight loss, there is a way to do this program in a way that resonates with your personality. Of course, lazy bird that I am, I’m always going to opt for the simple, straightforward way, but there’s room for everyone in the McDougall/MWL world.

Hope you all have a good week!

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Re: December 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Noella » Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:30 pm

Dear Wildgoose,
Thank you so much for sharing about the diverse number of ways to prepare delicious healthy meals from your own family. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your loving and heartfelt account.
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Re: Replies for December 11 -- Part 2

Postby Rita<3 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:23 pm

Thank you so very much for your wisdom Wildgoose!!
I appreciate it greatly. & I’ll do my best to remember to enter the lbs lost next time. Seemingly, I get super excited about weighing in & lose all my cool before I get clarity about exactly what needs posting. I’m still learning; so thanks for being patient with me :)
I thank you!!

Rita<3 — I recorded you as a 1.5 pound loss. In future posts, could you please record your weight change, in pounds gained or lost, instead of (or in addition to, if you prefer) your beginning and ending weight for the week? We appreciate it.
Nice detective work in tracking down that fruit puree in your salad dressing. Concentrated fruit like that acts just like sugar, and it can definitely cause trouble. On your popcorn question, no, popcorn is not approved for MWL. It’s dry, full of air, and higher in calorie density at 1800 calories per pound! See Jeff’s excellent explanation here.

Lachoffman — I am very sorry to hear about the death of your father. I lost my father this year too, and I know it takes an emotional toll. Stay as steady as you can. Your commitment is admirable, and I hope you can finish the year strong.

chef16 — It’s easier said than done, but try not to dwell on a less-than-successful week. You know what to do, and I’m sure you have a good plan for doing it. Take it slow, and concentrate on one meal at a time, one choice at a time. If you eat something off-plan, make the very next thing you put into your mouth something compliant and health-promoting. Clean up your environment as much as you can, and always have healthy alternatives easily available for when tempting food is around. You can do this, Doreen!

Zoey — Congrats on taking off one of your Thanksgiving pounds! I’m like you — easy to gain, hard to lose — and I know that slow and steady always wins. Happily plugging along is a great way to go. You figured out one of the reasons that flour products are included in point #7. Not only are they calorie dense, but they’re hard to stop eating once you start. And the smell of freshly baked bread would be hard to resist.

CUgorji — Happy Birthday in advance, Chesca! I’m glad you’re planning now for what you’ll have to eat for your celebration. Each of us is different, but if it were me, I think I’d stay away from all the usual vegan treats. If you eat what you have had in the past, you’ll undoubtedly overdo and feel miserable, in addition to gaining weight and struggling with the Pleasure Trap for a week or more. If you restrict yourself to only one or two items, you may feel sad and deprived, and those treats may not taste as good as what you remember. Instead, I’d probably try something totally new (knowing that taking a chance on a new recipe for a big occasion is something of a risk — you need to be prepared to laugh rather than cry if it doesn’t turn out as expected). Consider your experience with the kettle corn, though, as you evaluate any potential recipe. Your taste buds have indeed changed, and you might like something far less sweet now than you ordinarily would have wanted.

Growing a Pear — Yay for another steady loss! Keeping your behavior the same week to week (and the checklist doesn’t lie :)) means that you’ll most likely get the same results. You’ve proven it’s true for positive behavior too. Keeping foods “wet” is a good plan. Dry foods (and that includes air-fried food as well as processed foods that are dry, like cereal) are always higher in calorie density than “wet” foods like potatoes, rice, and even whole-grain pasta. Maintaining that 50/50 ratio with lots of vegetables is also important. Interesting that a savory breakfast works better for you. I often eat dinner for breakfast (which is always savory) and have my oatmeal and fruit for dinner.

Gimmelean — Getting back into a deep groove after you’ve gone off track a bit is always a great feeling. It’s not out of the ordinary that you needed 2 weeks to get back. The good news is that the process is progressive — you gradually start to feel better the longer you’re back on-plan, until one day you realize that you’re fully back and stable. But the memories of how you felt when you weren’t following the checklist can be a powerful motivator to keep you on track in the future! Saying no to temptation and seeing the results of that is also a confidence booster.

lmggallagher — That’s a tough week, Michelle, but always a learning experience. Those fruit-filled cookies are a big gateway to the Pleasure Trap all right (the same way rice cakes and fruit spread were for me! :eek:). What is your strategy for the next time something like that lands on your doorstep? (I’ve been known to immediately feed such things to the garbage disposal, after profusely thanking the giver. If you can’t be so drastic, how about passing them along to a hungry family member who will make short work of them, out of your sight?).
Thank you for the details on Egoscue. I’m definitely investigating that further.

Hope410 — Any loss is a good thing, especially this time of year. The popcorn and toast might have had more sodium than you were used to, which could have contributed to a smaller-than-expected loss. Excellent report of “no junk snack food”! That cracker/chip aisle is a minefield, which you did well to navigate unscathed.

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Re: December 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby lmggallagher » Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:58 am

Goose loved your story about your parents - they sound so passionate about what they loved to do! Thanks for telling us.

Yes - indeed I have conjured a plan now - mine's the compost bin - "completely vegan cookies" should compost beautifully :lol: My first plan was a miserable fail - I keep telling her how well my diet is going and how continuous weight loss is so motivating - she claims she is my accountability partner - go figure that one :lol:
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Re: December 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Zoey » Sun Dec 13, 2020 7:31 am

Oh dear Wildgoose, I'm' laughing at your comment to Michelle that rice cakes and fruit spread could totally derail you. Rice cakes have been such a joke of the diet world, always being compared to tasteless cardboard. I used to wonder what was wrong with me, because I absolutely love them! The flavors... even the plain ones... and the texture and the crunch...just yum. Glad I'm not the only one who must put them on my 'no way' list.

And thank you for sharing your parents with us in such a descriptive and loving way. You were blessed to grow up in that home. :)
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Re: December 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Tian-De » Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:48 pm

wildgoose wrote:
Tian-De wrote:
wildgoose wrote: To that end, please review the Orientation Information, and post back indicating that you have done so and will follow the required format for posting on each weekly weigh-in. At that point, we'll add you to the list and look forward to your report next Friday!

Are you in agreement, and would you like to be included for next Friday's weigh-in?

Read it this morning. Sounds great! Count me in.
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