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Postby luvdachiess » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:34 am

Ok, so I have gained 1.2 pounds this week. For the whole month I am down.1.6. Life is not fair and I really don't know what I am doing wrong. I will think about it and write in my journal. Those that are doing well, let us know what makes you successful.
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Re: since I'm so curious

Postby toadfood » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:38 am

LauraA wrote:mairead11 and toadfood Can you tell about your avatar pictures? I can't see exactly what they are, and I'm (of course) curious. Maybe it is my small computer screen. Thanks, LauraA
PS If I had a picture, then it would be a heart, but I'm not sure exactly how to do them.

LauraA, my picture is of me holding Simon the friendly rooster, who lives at a farm sanctuary in my area. I got to hang out with him when I was there for their gigantic vegan Thanksgiving potluck extravaganza (NOT McDougall, but I love it!). He likes to be held and petted, and he fell asleep in my arms.

Someone asked the losers to talk about what works. I do a lot of food preparation on the weekends, and that really helps me stick with the plan. I'm tall and I have a big appetite, so I eat a lot. Starting the meal with salad helps me eat less starch. I haven't done that this week, which may be why I have a smaller loss to report.


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Not so bad after all!

Postby MTeehan » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:45 am

3 bad days plus 4 days on Mary's mini - down 4.6 for the week.
Thanks to McD and the awesome, encouraging people here that's 15 pounds and 5.9% of my bodyweight in just 4 weeks. I always try to tell my Mom NOT to be discouraged when she loses less than me since she is so much shorter that her numbers are actually better than mine on a percentage basis. Example: a 130 pound woman who loses 8 pounds (Mom) has actually lost MORE % than a man weighing 255.6 who loses 15 (me)

01/01/2009 255.6 total loss
01/08/2009 252.4 -3.2 -3.2
01/15/2009 247.6 -4.8 -8.0
01/22/2009 244.6 -3.0 -11.0
01/28/2009 240.0 -4.0 -15
See how Dr. McDougall's Plan saved my life and gave me an optimistic outlook on my future here:

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Postby LeeArm1 » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:49 am

Hi all! Sorry its been so long! Im not really sure how much I have lost this week-- but Im going to go with down one pound.
I am back in NY and the scale is completely different here. At least this will give me some idea for next week!
Its great being back-- im walking lots and getting to see a lot of Mom (LauraA) -- Im eating well-- about the only thing I dont seem to have time for is signing on here-- but I will try to improve at that too!

Breastfeeding while on this program continues to be a little challenging. I have decided to add a tiny amount of fat in the form of almonds or sometimes salad dressing. The amount it very very small-- but I think it helps with the milk supply. Ive also started having chia seeds in my oatmeal-- so maybe that will do it!!
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Postby mairead11 » Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:03 pm

Congrats to all the losers and stickers. I've had a good week, but bad weekend—and I have no idea how it's affected me. I can't get to my scales today...hoping tomorrow, but if I miss your tally Letha, please count me as a zero.

I have just created a small collection of recipes that will be my staples for the next few weeks, and see how this works for me. I've planned my meals, but not focused on fitting in enough greens—hopefully this change will make the difference. Work should be light over February, so I'm hoping I'll be able to stay on top of the prep and have all of the meals on hand and ready to go.

LauraA my avatar is of me in a stairwell of a castle in Ireland. They're tight, and steep! If you [or anyone] wants help with getting an avatar you like, pm me, I can help you with that [I have the software to resize the image to the acceptable dimensions].

Anndreak I second that notion of having the $$$ to go to Santa Rosa—though I was thinking the 5-day program would be more cost-effective [without the medicals], if I go on a vacation this year, this is where I'd like to go! I would love if the Wellness Forum would have Dr McD in sometime. Dr. Pam Popper of the Wellness Forum will be speaking in Santa Rosa at the next Advanced Study weekend. For the WF spring conference, they have Dr. Esselstyn + his son coming, I'm excited about that. I live in Columbus so it's easier to attend their conferences than flight+hotel in CA [which, of course, I'd much prefer!]. :-D
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Thank you and Santa Rosa

Postby Babstitches » Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:38 pm

Thank Felini for the well wishes, I am feeling better today.

Anndreak and Mairead, I have checked into the 5-day program I would love to go. Is anyone else considering going?
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Postby Faith in DC » Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:41 pm

Karen in FL wrote:I am down 1 pound for the week. Given the craziness of my week and lack of time on the treadmill, I'll gladly take it! I have a difficult weekend ahead - baby shower, child's birthday party and a Super Bowl Party. I am so tired of celebrations centered around food! :shock:

Congratulations to all - both for losses and for staying here and sticking out the disappointing weeks. The individual weeks are not as important as effort sustained over time. (right Faith?) We can do this!


Yikes that is a difficult week. I hate weeks like that.

Folks, Karen is right. Do not stress, find a unstressful way to eat healthy and enjoy your favorites. You have to live the plan. That is why I refuse to do challenges, or MWL, and especially mary's Mini. Boy tried MM once and binged for a week.

The more greens is an excellent idea. I know McD teaches it in MWL but it didn't sink into my head. When I read Eat to Live I realized ya know, I need to get those vitamins and minerals in me.

My breakfast is oatmeal, w/ 1/4 cup of blueberries, a high C fruit, and grapes or cherries (my nibble)

Lunch is a huge, and I mean huge salad, a vegetable soup and one high fiber cracker.

Dinner is a starch, usually a tomato sauce, and lots of veggies, normally a mix and a green like my Popeye spinach. But it's half veggies at least if not more. Now this week, I decided to splurge and get a Seitan Asian dish from my local veggie restaurant. Love their sauce. I make four meals of that dish. No it's not that big, probably normal chinese restaurant size. I do make more rice, and have a cup of rice, but I put on it all these veggies and a quarter of the dish.

Those veggies is what keeps me full, the starches keep me happy and they work hand in hand very well.

So sneak in those veggies and I bet you see a difference. Just don't eat around them :P Ya gotta eat them.

Folks good for everyone on losing. Anybody who's into football this is a big eating day. I'm having my popcorn ready. Well, I'm also splurging on some vegan buffalo wings (not mcd). They are my weakness, but I've lost my 66 lbs with them being in my life.

Glad to hear some of the stubborns losers (141) finally got moving and darn Wendy I'm sorry you are still stuck. Try the veggies. don't worry if you gain a little, refocus, observe and think what you've been doing. A Scale is a tool, just one of them, that gives feedback on how you are doing. It's not always right either. Our bodies do play tricks. But most of all have patience, as it's not instant.
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Postby Mommylut » Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:41 pm

Hello, all.

I am sorry to say that I am not feeling so well this week. My food hasn't been the best, but that is not the reason. I was prescribed Zoloft about 15 years ago for my fibromyalgia. A few months ago, I weaned myself off but found that all the pain came back (it raises the Seratonin level and that helps the fibro). I went back on and then, like a fool, ran out. I haven't had any since the weekend. I am feeling awful. Finally phoned in a prescription and am picking it up tonight. I would have done this sooner, but we had a bad ice storm here and I couldn't get to the drugstore. I am at work but the pain is awful and I am in a brain fog which is part fibromyalgia and part drug withdrawal. Turns out you can't just stop taking this medicine cold turkey which is what I did.

Of course, my husband immediately blamed the diet for the way I am feeling - too much carbs, blah, blah, blah. I am going to a superbowl party (we watch the commercials and not the game) on Sunday and want to feel up to it and know I can follow my program when I am feeling better.

Wish me luck.
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Postby topview1 » Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:57 pm

Checking in late today because it has been crazy :)

I'm down 1.5lbs for the week, and I have no idea how many inches, but my clothes sure feel different :cool:. The weekend was regular McDougall, pretty good considering that everything around me was SAD. I also starting doing the FIT10, which is a pretty good workout, so I would imagine that I am making some muscle.

Goals for Feb.
On plan and planning to stay that way
FIT10 6 days each week
McDougalling with 5 special somebodies
4 boys - 9,7,5,3

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Re: Thank you and Santa Rosa

Postby Anndreak » Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:57 pm

Babstitches and Mairead - Yes I'd love to go. I have to see how I can get the money to go. I think that is what I really need, just a jump start motivational week or weekend.

To everyone - so I was thinking of maybe doing a buddy system within this group. Everyone could have on person they message back and forth with as extra support. Is anyone interested in doing this?

Babstitches wrote:Thank Felini for the well wishes, I am feeling better today.

Anndreak and Mairead, I have checked into the 5-day program I would love to go. Is anyone else considering going?
~ Anndrea
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Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:00 pm

Well. I'm having a rough time resisting the call of the peanut butter jar.

So here is what I did. I put the jar down and put the lid on, and put it away. THEN I got out three bowls and declared it snack time, called the boys in for a dish of warm peach cobbler from Mary's recipe on the Made Easy DVD. And, I ate some!

It is so good, and now I feel like I had a treat - because I DID have a treat! - and I don't want no stinkin' peanut butter! Woo hoo!
It IS the food! :unibrow:
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Re: since I'm so curious

Postby LauraA » Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:16 pm

LauraA wrote:mairead11 and toadfood Can you tell about your avatar pictures? I can't see exactly what they are, and I'm (of course) curious. Maybe it is my small computer screen. Thanks, LauraA
PS If I had a picture, then it would be a heart, but I'm not sure exactly how to do them.

Thank you both for letting me know about your avatars. I always love to know what is going on in pictures. Also, thanks, Mairead11, for your offer of help with an avatar. I found a free one on line, and figured out how to display it. I do appreciate your offer, though. Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Buddy System

Postby Babstitches » Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:18 pm

I am up for a buddy, I believe that would help so count me in.
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Postby Felini » Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:29 pm

Mrs. Doodlepunk wrote:Well. I'm having a rough time resisting the call of the peanut butter jar.

Me too. Every since all the recall info came out and all this talk of peanut butter is making me crazy. I love PBJs.

I will now go eat an apple and imagine it gobbed up with creamy PB. Sigh

Felini :drool:

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Postby Twinkle » Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:30 pm

I have 2.5 to report I am down to 145 yipee..Congatulation to all loosers everyone else hang in there..It is bound to happen
My goals for feb-loose atleat 4 pounds.Eat more greens!
All the best everyone


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