For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Postby wendysmiling » Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:15 pm

I made fat free potato salad today for breakfast. A friend took me to lunch. I had a mini pizza w/ just sauce mushrooms & peppers. I ate a salad with it. Fat free dressing... just a couple teaspoons of it. I think I made the best choice I could. I rarely go out. This week I'm going to try to eat my veggies first to make sure I get to them.

I lived in Santa Rosa most of my life and wished I was still there to go to the 10 day program. Maybe in 5 years I could go. It's about a $4000 I think for airfare and the program.
WendySmiling :-)
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McDougall in-house program

Postby Babstitches » Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:19 pm

I check about the 10-day program it is about $4,500 for just the program but that includes all the labs. I was told to check with my insurance company that they might cover a good portion of the labs and consultations with Dr. McDougall. It might be work checking out with your insurance companies to see if they would cover. It would be much cheaper than weight loss surgery.
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Postby mairead11 » Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:24 pm

Babstitches, that's incredible! If the insurance company pays for a lot of it, I'm sure DrM would find a way to make it happen too.
I have a high-deductible insurance, so I don't think they'd be open to the idea for me. Also, for the 5-day program, there's only April dates posted thus far, and I probably won't be able to make that one, I'll have to wait for the second one later in the year, if I have any real chance of making it at all—which doesn't help with getting motivated right now!!

I'm game to buddy up too—great idea, for that extra push. =)
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Postby Terry in FL » Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:36 pm

Down 4.4 this week. Just think if I was exercising.....

I guess my weekly "chart "is over on the journal. I'll have to dig it up. I like to keep track of my weekly losses. A loss of 16.6 for the month of January is pretty encouraging.

Just have to make sure I'm fully entrenched in McD's way of life before hubby and I fly to Minnesota on Feb 14. Our son is getting married on Feb 21 but there are several "eating" events happening during the 9 days between our arrival and departure.

My temptations will be:

Feb 14 hubby's siblings and in-laws are having a shower/reunion
Feb 16 meeting some friends for lunch in Hudson WI.
Feb 19 Groom's dinner
Feb 21 Wedding buffet
Feb 22 Son's BD party and gift opening at his new mother-in-law's.

Keep in mind, this is the state where they think that FRIED CHEESE is a delicacy. The food will be swimming in butter I'm sure. I'll make the best choices that I can and will be cooking all of the other meals for hubby and I at his sister's condo. She is loaning us her condo and her car. She will be in Mexico so at least I will have some control over what goes on the table for the majority of the meals.
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Postby Lily » Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:26 pm

A little late but here it is: down 1 pound this week!! I'm so happy to have lost and not gained like last week.

Eating has been going very well. I have gravitated to eating more raw and not following the mwl, I hope it's okay to stay on this thread!! :-)

I'll try to post more often, this weeks gotten away from me.

I'm also finally motivated to give up caffeine. Yay! But experiencing the withdrawal headaches. Hopefully not for long!

Good job everyone on the great weight loss!

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10-day program

Postby Babstitches » Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:30 am

Mairead, I checked with Carole, who is the information guru, they won't fill out the insurance papers for you but they will give you all the information you need to file the papers upon your return. You just need to okay with your insurance company before you do. I want to do the 5-day program but like you I can't do April, something later in the year would be better for me. It also looks like there are some labs with the 5-day but they are optional.
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Postby Letha » Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:33 am

January 09 MWL Group
Weekly Weigh-In Results

Total group loss reported in January is 239.8

Week ending 01/30/09: 26 participants reported a total loss of 36.0 pounds
Week ending 01/22/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 44.9 pounds
Week ending 01/15/09: 28 participants reported a total loss of 54.6 pounds
Week ending 01/08/09: 31 participants reported a total loss of 104.3 pounds

Please post any additions or corrections here today and I’ll update the results this evening.

Participants reporting for week ending 01/30/09.
If you reported a gain I listed you as zero lost.

Anndreak: 0
Bambie113: 0
HealthE1: 0
Joe927: 0
Luvdachiess: 0
Mairead11: 0
Mild Oats: 0
Mrs. Doodlepunk: 0
MrsIrishOD: 0
Wendysmiling: 0
Babstitches: 1
Karen in FL: 1
LeeArm1: 1
Lily: 1
Toadfood: 1.4
Cynthiak: 1.5
Topview1: 1.5
Felini: 1.8
Cowgirrlup: 2
Spud: 2
AffectedMangoO: 2.2
141 by 41: 3.2
Letha: 3.4
Twinkle: 4
Terry in FL:4.4
MTeehan: 4.6
Total: 36

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Postby Letha » Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:53 am

Good morning all. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. Let me respond to a couple of questions posed to the group yesterday. What tips would I give for success? I’d say to get all of the non-McDougall food out of your house & to make a menu every week and stick to it as closely as possible.

Regarding a diet support buddy, I would encourage anyone who wants to do that to go ahead. I think a lot of people are more comfortable discussing their progress privately. I really like the synergy created by the discussion and support provided on the public board. Reading through everyone’s experiences, tips, challenges and successes helps to keep me on track even if I don’t respond to everything that is written. I must be a bit of a voyeur. :paranoid:

Anyway, we’re getting ready to wrap up this month.
Hey LauraA, are you gonna start up the thread for February? I’ll be back tomorrow for my last post in this thread. Can you believe this thread is 58 pages long? Just amazing. Take care everyone.
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Doing better

Postby Mommylut » Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:26 am

I am doing much better today. Not as miserable or achy. I know I am back on track because I just passed a "test". I had brought some oatmeal but had to go run an errand just now. I work in Rockefeller Center and there is an underground "city" below me with all sorts of restaurants, stores, etc. I had to go to the postoffice and passed this great breakfast spot. The bagels called to me. I went in. I then ordered steel cut oats without the sugar.

When I got back upstairs, I found out there was nuts and dried fruit in it. Luckily they added it on the top so I was able to remove all of it. I am eating at a mediterranean restaurant tonight, so I should be OK.

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Postby kpolninja » Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:52 pm

Sorry I'm late...I lost .6 since last time I weighed in.

The scale is being a little strange way up and way down then up a little then down a little. It really doesn't matter to me though because my pants are super loose and I feel good.
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Postby Faith in DC » Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:39 pm

Dang Terry in FL that is huge. What a january. Yeah, one basket of fried cheese and there would be all the weight back, and you'd still be hungry!

I had to laugh on the peanut butter Mrs. D. the power of suggestion. I know I've been fighting it too. My son's been gobbling PB lately thank fully I had some. Each Saturday I have to fight the urge for a PBJ.
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Postby Bambie113 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:44 pm

I ate terrible last night, no meat or dairy but lots of oil.. (I feel bad that my boyfriend doesn't get to go out because of my diet so we went.. And I ate.. ) Anyways I felt terrible almost immediatly after. My stomach felt terrible, my whole body just felt gross. We then went back and I went straight to sleep. I woke up this morning late for work, still felt groggy and very heavy.
But I did really good this morning, eating all MWL and its so amazing how fast my body reacts to the great food. I've eaten Breakfast, Snack and lunch and I feel so good already. No more of that, he will have to go out alone if he wants to feel horrible because I certainly am learning how I like to feel and its not tired and heavy!!
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Postby LauraA » Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:33 pm

Letha and all, I'm just about to start the new Feb '09 thread. I'll start it today so that new people who want to join us will have a day or two warning to get ready for MWL (shopping, meal planning, and mind set). I'll also post an announcement on the lounge board. I hope that everyone joins us again for Feb. We've all done a great job of sticking with this in January. Thanks for all of the support! Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby Twinkle » Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:07 pm

Letha wrote:January 09 MWL Group
Weekly Weigh-In Results

Total group loss reported in January is 239.8

Week ending 01/30/09: 26 participants reported a total loss of 36.0 pounds
Week ending 01/22/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 44.9 pounds
Week ending 01/15/09: 28 participants reported a total loss of 54.6 pounds
Week ending 01/08/09: 31 participants reported a total loss of 104.3 pounds

Please post any additions or corrections here today and I’ll update the results this evening.

Participants reporting for week ending 01/30/09.
If you reported a gain I listed you as zero lost.

Anndreak: 0
Bambie113: 0
HealthE1: 0
Joe927: 0
Luvdachiess: 0
Mairead11: 0
Mild Oats: 0
Mrs. Doodlepunk: 0
MrsIrishOD: 0
Wendysmiling: 0
Babstitches: 1
Karen in FL: 1
LeeArm1: 1
Lily: 1
Toadfood: 1.4
Cynthiak: 1.5
Topview1: 1.5
Felini: 1.8
Cowgirrlup: 2
Spud: 2
AffectedMangoO: 2.2
141 by 41: 3.2
Letha: 3.4
Twinkle: 4
Terry in FL:4.4
MTeehan: 4.6
Total: 36


Sorry Letha for the confusion..my wt loss was 2 pounds..4 is my goal for feb.I wish I had lost 4 this week :cool: ..one day
Thank you
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Postby Letha » Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:38 pm

January 09 MWL Group
Updated Weekly Weigh-In Results

Total group loss reported in January is 238.8

Week ending 01/30/09: 26 participants reported a total loss of 35.0 pounds
Week ending 01/22/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 44.9 pounds
Week ending 01/15/09: 28 participants reported a total loss of 54.6 pounds
Week ending 01/08/09: 31 participants reported a total loss of 104.3 pounds

This update includes changes for Kathryn, Twinkle, & Luvdachiess. :)

Participants reporting for week ending 01/30/09.
If you reported a gain I listed you as zero lost.

Anndreak: 0
Bambie113: 0
HealthE1: 0
Joe927: 0
Mairead11: 0
Mild Oats: 0
Mrs. Doodlepunk: 0
MrsIrishOD: 0
Wendysmiling: 0
Luvdachiess: .4
Kathryn: .6
Babstitches: 1
Karen in FL: 1
LeeArm1: 1
Lily: 1
Toadfood: 1.4
Cynthiak: 1.5
Topview1: 1.5
Felini: 1.8
Cowgirrlup: 2
Spud: 2
Twinkle: 2
AffectedMangoO: 2.2
141 by 41: 3.2
Letha: 3.4
Terry in FL:4.4
MTeehan: 4.6
Total: 35

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