Back with Husband's Support

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Back with Husband's Support

Postby mistie » Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:28 pm

I joined during the summer and had high hopes, but I never had my husband's full support. He was convinced that the plan was nutritionally incomplete and my health would suffer. I have high cholesterol, and need to lose about 20 lbs. Well, after he gained a few pounds over the holidays, he has realized that being a carnivore might not be so healthy after all. He has high blood pressure and when he gains, he doesn't feel well. So when I brought up McDougall once again, he admitted that it might be good for me to try. Of course, if I cook meals he likes, it's a step in the right direction for him, too.
I've been depressed because it's been hard to find support for this way of eating. No one I know is vegan, or even vegetarian, so I may have questions as time goes by. I'm very happy that my husband is finally behind me, as it makes all the difference. He did ask that I finish my cottage cheese and yogurt that's in the fridge, but after that I can start! I'd like to begin this weekend, when all my formerly tempting foods will be gone.
Thanks to the folks here that answered my posts last summer and gave me encouragement. It has paid off. I always had McDougall in the back of my mind, and it feels like the right thing to do.

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Postby Letha » Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:43 pm

Super Good News! I’m happy for you Mistie. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures in McDougalling. Best wishes.
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