making up lost ground

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making up lost ground

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:50 am

I'm still trying to make up lost ground from my over-the-holidays treats that quickly turned into hard to resist habits.

I started this program in August 2007, and my lowest weight since then was 132.2. That was December 17, 2008. Then, I went to a whole bunch of parties and baked my friend her favorite cake for her Christmas birthday (princess cake--it's a sponge cake infused with a sugary syrup filled with a custard cream filling and covered with marzipan). It's mostly butter, eggs, cream sugar and almonds. Of course, it needed to be perfect so I had to do "quality control" at each step. Then, of course I "needed" to bake cookies to bring into the office. I won't bother to list those ingredients, but you get the idea. And the parties--lots of great cheeses. I only had a taste of each, but there were lots of them.

So, who did I cheat? Only me. :cry:
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Postby Faith in DC » Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:00 pm

hey it doesn't look like you did too bad if your tracker is correct.

Also give yourself a hand, it sounds like you did it during the holidays but aren't STILL doing it. Majority of us, had our time with all the goodies. Thanksgiving is one day. Christmas is 31 of them. It's hard, very hard.

Get making some yummy soups, get moving, and you'll be cleared out and back in no time.

btw that cake sounds so sinful. I never heard of it before.
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:59 pm

Faith in DC wrote:hey it doesn't look like you did too bad if your tracker is correct.

Also give yourself a hand, it sounds like you did it during the holidays but aren't STILL doing it. Majority of us, had our time with all the goodies. Thanksgiving is one day. Christmas is 31 of them. It's hard, very hard.

Get making some yummy soups, get moving, and you'll be cleared out and back in no time.

btw that cake sounds so sinful. I never heard of it before.

Yes, the cake is sinful. It's a traditional Swedish cake. I'd only do it for a very good friend who turned 50 that day. (And has NEVER had a weight problem.)
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Postby LJ » Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:19 am

Hey Vanilla, don't feel bad and don't beat yourself up. I'm working off a back-slide that lasted over 3 years and resulted in a gain of 30 lbs. YIKES!! I'm back on track now and the weight is headed in the right direction. You'll be fine. The biggest thing that I have to learn is to not let one bad meal or a bad day turn into a bad week, bad month, bad year. I have to remember to just keep moving forward and remember that every day is a brand new day to eat a clean diet. We ALL can do this, even in our SAD society!!! :)
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Postby Love the Lorax » Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:06 am

Yep, that is what I fight - letting a bad day become a week, and so on. I've done it too many times to count. Last week wasn't horrid, but also not great, and I determined to get 100% back on track and regroup. I know me, and the slippery slope is all too slippery, I need to have those spiked shoes on and not let myself slide into the pit of the SAD diet!

LJ wrote:Hey Vanilla, don't feel bad and don't beat yourself up. I'm working off a back-slide that lasted over 3 years and resulted in a gain of 30 lbs. YIKES!! I'm back on track now and the weight is headed in the right direction. You'll be fine. The biggest thing that I have to learn is to not let one bad meal or a bad day turn into a bad week, bad month, bad year. I have to remember to just keep moving forward and remember that every day is a brand new day to eat a clean diet. We ALL can do this, even in our SAD society!!! :)
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Postby proverbs31woman » Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:28 pm


I went through the same thing during the holidays, but I'm proud of myself for returning to this way of eating only after cheating a couple of weeks. In the past, I would've stretched it out to a few months by telling myself, "Well, I've already done damage, so I might as well eat that too." Or, "I can start next week."

Celebrate what you are doing right, and continue along the journey. I know it's hard to recover after such a hard hit, but I'm sure both of us will think twice before participating in those holiday activities again next go round. It's just not worth it. There are so many other things to do during the holidays than eat.
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Postby marlie » Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:42 am

I'm with you on the cheats..
When we moved from Hawaii, it was really hard sticking with MM. We were in a hotel for some time with no kitchen.
So, that began my downfall and then when the Holidays came around, it just made things worse. I caved big time!

I guess in my mind, if I was already "off," so then why not just keep going and enjoy all the goodies that were coming our way with the Holidays.

I'm trying to get back on track and my sugar habit is becoming the hardest to overcome so far.
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Sugar Habit

Postby luvdachiess » Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:15 pm

That is a hard one to over come. I am working on that one too. I have a small headache today and I am sure it is because I have had no sugar. I know McD allows for sugar in small amounts. But I am better to get off it completely then to allow small amounts for awhile. Next after the sugar is getting off coffee again. That will not be that hard, but I feel I need to do one at a time. And I don't have coffee every day, just a few days a week. So I am there with you. =)
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