February Mary's Mini Challenge

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February Mary's Mini Challenge

Postby potatoes4ever » Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:47 am

Hello and Welcome everyone,
I have been reading and now will start posting. I want to start a Feb MM starting today. Please join in and lets support eachother in losing some weight and staying with the simple plan this month. For me, I will say for this week it will be just potatoes and veggies and two fruits a day, maybe sometimes three, its hard for me to control. I look for forward to hearing from you all and having us post weight losses lets say every Tuesday since we are starting today or yesterday maybe for some.
potatoe girl he he :-D
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Postby nomikins » Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:54 am

Welcome! Count me in. I will do the MM on the weekdays and regular McD on the weekends. Just enjoyed "steak" fries for breakfast - they browned up nicely in my convection toaster oven. Over the weekend, I baked up about five pounds of taters, so I'm ready to go till they run out, then I'll bake up some more. Spuds seem to be on sale at many of the stores, so I'll be eating well on the cheap.

I weighed this morning at 193. Just as FYI - my highest weight was 230. My weight loss is thanks to following Dr. McDougall's guidelines. I stop losing or gain when I fail to comply with the program.
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glad to have you

Postby potatoes4ever » Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:44 am

Hi Nomikins,
My highest weight back in June was 225 and now as of today I weigh 184, I gained two pounds since last week when i messed up with SAD eating again, i been doing that alot since the beg of december. The rain was really hard today so I couldnt go out to buy potatoes for the week so I made a big batch of rice and the 4 potatoes I had, so my mini till saturday will be modified to rice with the mix but strictly potatoes after that, it was such a bummer but I dont know when i go buy again, so i had to improvise. It is not always easy here to get out and get what you need, also, i have to plan weekly since i can usually only shop once, twice max.
Sounds like you are doing good with getting the potatoes, me too i gain as soon as i stop the guidelines, thats my problem, giving in to mostly bread cravings with oil in it, thats how they make it here and it is so good, i must resist, i must ;)
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Postby hellostephanie » Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:33 pm

I'm in! We're doing a Biggest Loser contest at work, and I want to win this time, lol! Guess I better head to the grocery store after work and stock up on potatoes.
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Postby CraftyeLadye » Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:53 pm

I am in. I need to be more accountable for what I put into my mouth. I do potatoes for breakfast and rice the rest of the day. I have been doing MM since May 2008 and seem to do best on the limited choices. I have not been 100% since December. I am trying to get pregnant and am turning 40 next month and have PCOS. I am convinced if I lose more weight, and get healthier that I will be able to get pregnant without fertility drugs. I actually recommitted yesterday.
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Postby sulross » Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:40 pm

Count me in. I have never done a Mary's Mini before but it sounds like it can help me get recommitted. I feel so much better when I eat properly and exercise. My weight this morning was 235. I am on a potato kick right now so that will be my starch.
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Postby cowgirrlup » Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:04 pm

nomikins wrote:Welcome! Count me in. I will do the MM on the weekdays and regular McD on the weekends. Just enjoyed "steak" fries for breakfast - they browned up nicely in my convection toaster oven. Over the weekend, I baked up about five pounds of taters, so I'm ready to go till they run out, then I'll bake up some more. Spuds seem to be on sale at many of the stores, so I'll be eating well on the cheap.

I weighed this morning at 193. Just as FYI - my highest weight was 230. My weight loss is thanks to following Dr. McDougall's guidelines. I stop losing or gain when I fail to comply with the program.

That sounds like a good plan! I might try doing the MM on weekdays and the MWL on weekends...just a bit of a variety for me...

I am going to buy a HUGE bag of potatoes today....besides being on sale right now, I do love them...and I my checkbook is very sad this month, so its a good purchase for me.
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so happy to have you

Postby potatoes4ever » Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:21 am

Welcome to Cowgirlup, Sulross, CraftyeLadye and helloStephanie
Its great to have more join us. I am very happy to say i was down a pound today after a day of my good eating, maybe part of my gain was excess bloat, i can hope anyway :)
I wanted to say to Craftyeladye, i think we are in similar situation, i just found out I have PCOS and am hope to lose weight to have a baby, its good to know i have someone else in this struggle, i hope this diet will take away my ovarian cysts and reduce my hormone levels so i dont need fertitility drugs or IVF.
I am doing rice till saturday because of cirumstance and then hope to do potatoes since i lose faster with them
Stephanie i hope u win the biggest loser and with the mini, you may just do that, good luck
Sulross and Cowgirlup, getting the potatoes is the first step, me too I feel better when I eat this way and exercise, i need you all to push me too, I have been slipping so much lately, i know this works when i do it
I am just suffering from sweet cravings and sweet potatoes arent available now, so its harder, sob sob and yes i am a sweet potatoe freak, so its hard to make reg potatoes sweet enough at breakfast time lol
Breakfast time is the hardest for me, i seem to have endless hunger in the mornings thats when i eat too much, i am trying to portion myself hoping my appetite will be less with time because i can really eat in the mornings lol, how about you all?
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Postby hellostephanie » Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:09 am

Ok, got my groceries yesterday. I'm doing oatmeal for breakfast, potatoes for the rest of the day. I mostly doing the chopped frozen hash brown potatoes because they're easy, but I also got a few fresh ones and a sweet potato. I also got steamable veggies and a bag of apples.

Potatoes4ever, I'm always really hungry in the morning, too. I usually have two servings of oatmeal, and I've found that if I space them out (wait maybe 15 - 20 minutes between bowls) that helps a little. Other than that, I just try to drink water or maybe have an apple if I'm really hungry.

I did Mary's Mini for a week back in September with brown rice and lost a little over three pounds. I'm just now getting motivated to get serious about McD-ing again since Christmas. I managed to not gain at Christmas, mostly thanks to lots of bicycling, but I've only lost about 3 pounds since December (which makes 22 pounds since August). I'm excited about finally doing MM again! Good luck to everyone this month!
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Postby nomikins » Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:31 am

I had a good day yesterday (I ate potatoes for all three meals), and so far, so good for today. After I got home from working out this morning, I cut up a pre-baked potato into thick wedges, and re-cooked in the toaster oven until the wedges were brown and crispy. Enjoyed with some ketchup.

Had a cup of lentil soup and some broccoli along with my lunch spud.

Dinner will be some other spud, lol.

I'll be needing to cook up some more taters by tomorrow. DH is also having MM for dinner, but he doesn't know it. :D
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Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:59 pm

I got some of my groceries yesterday and the rest this morning (the first wednesday of the month is 10% off if you are 50 or over at my grocery store)

I need to reread MMC as I got up this morning and without thinking I ate a banana...I dont remember if thats ok or not..it is on MWL so I am telling myself its ok,,and at least its just a piece of fruit..it coulda been much worse!

No time to go to the gym today and I am having car problems so I am upset..ugh..

but I will stay on plan.
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Postby CraftyeLadye » Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:12 pm

I eat 2 or 3 pieces of fruit on MM.
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Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:58 pm

CraftyeLadye wrote:I eat 2 or 3 pieces of fruit on MM.

Ok, now I don't feel so guilty...

This month is my "oh my gosh I am so broke month" so there will be some meals that are probably not MMC or MWL at all, but will be vegan...I just need to use up some of the stuff in my freezer to make some space and to save some money...
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Postby storm20 » Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:47 pm

I will be in, I have been so unlucky trying to lose weight, yet just been eating all plant foods, from the garden,
are potatoes the best thing to eat ???
I hardly even look at bread, wholemeal, what should I eat more of, I never get hungry,

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Postby Jackie J » Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:36 am

I had a house guest this week and let mcdougalling let alone MM go by the wayside but i was back on track as of friday and am now at 157 -- 1 pound more than i was last sunday. i will not let my social activities get in the way of mcdougalling this week and will do a modified MM every day -except for tonight and wed nite when i go out to eat. i will do regular mcdougall at those meals.
i've done this before and am confident that i can get down to 155 by next sunday at least :)
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