re: hard to start again

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re: hard to start again

Postby library momma » Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:59 pm

After almost reaching my goal weight just after the holidays (only three and a half pounds away), I went on a post-holiday eating frenzy, gobbling up every vegan dessert I could and feeling more and more miserable and gaining six pounds. I decided to start the MWL program again, and yesterday was my first day. I almost gave in today after getting stuck in traffic on my way to work. All I could think of was how good a cookie would taste. Luckily, the bookstore at the college I work at was out of vegan cookies.

It helps me to connect online to others trying to eat healthier. After reading several posts on this forum, I already feel better.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:03 pm

Thank God that the bookstore was out of cookies. He's definitely helping you along the way. I'm here to support you. You can do it!
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Postby toadfood » Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:13 am

Just wanted to give you some encouragement. I ate too many sweets over the holidays too and regained about 5 lbs. I started MWL and have lost the holiday weight plus another 10 lbs. This program works! You can do it!

Do you carry snacks with you? Having something in the car for when those cookie cravings hit might help.


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Postby Faith in DC » Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:04 pm

Sometimes not allowing the treats at the holidays does back fire. I know I get feeling deprived when I cut out everything.

Anyway, trying to break the junk food habit isn't easy. You can do it again. You will feel better too. I know I find things like cookies too sweet. Does that mean I never eat them, no, but it sure cut me way back. I also don't eat as much of them as I once did. So just stop cold turkey, enjoy your fruit instead.
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:38 pm

I hear you loud and clear. I, too am having trouble. I'm eating when I'm not hungry. Good stuff. McDougall stuff. I go up a pound and down a pound, and I'm not losing. I did really well before the holidays, and now, I'm just stuck. Intellectually, I know just exactly what to do, and I keep starting, but I sure don't get very far.
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Hard to start again

Postby library momma » Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:19 pm

Thanks for all the encouragement. I lost two pounds, gained them back, then lost a half a pound, so I'm down a half pound for the week.

The other night, I made coleslaw, with shredded green and red cabbage, carrots, sliced red bell pepper and onion, and garbanzo beans and tomatoes. My husband and I had it and some baked potatoes. When I eat like that, I lose weight. If only it were so easy all of the time.
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