For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Postby LauraA » Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:00 pm

Hi Everyone, and welcome to our new March MWL group. We are not a challenge, really, just a group of people wanting to give and receive support. Most of us are following MWL or mostly MWL McDougall Program. We welcome everyone! Many of us weigh in on Thursdays, and then Letha posts results of how we have done as a group. Our group started in November of 2008, so we are just completing our fourth month. Our group is really helping many of us stick to our program. I'd like to suggest that for March some of us may want to post a comment about our exercise each week as we post our weights. We could say the number of days that we exercised, or note any improvements etc. WELCOME EVERYONE!! Take care, LauraA
PS - IF I could lose 6 pounds in March, then I'l be half way to my goal!! That would be so cool!
Last edited by LauraA on Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
Take care, LauraA

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Postby Letha. » Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:13 pm

I’m in for another month!

Thank you LauraA for getting us started on a new thread for March. Participating over the past few months has been enormously helpful to me.

Last Sunday I started a new 12 week exercise plan designed to improve my strength and balance, particularly in my left knee. I think I’ll post a weekly wrap up of my exercise efforts at the end of each week so that would be on Sundays for me.

Best wishes everyone. :-D
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Postby Karen in FL » Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:10 pm

I'm back in. I started out OK last month and then loosened my eating plan more and more and petered out. But I am back.. I walked 3 miles today with DH and picked up a new food and exercise journal this week - in which I plan on using stickers like Melanie! You, too, Letha?

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Postby cowgirrlup » Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:01 pm

I'm in! I think March is going to be a specatular month for us! :D
I have bursts of being a lady, but it doesn't last long.

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March MWL

Postby luvdachiess » Sat Feb 28, 2009 8:15 pm

Hi all~

I am in. I did ok in Feb. But the nicer weather helps me stay on track and exercising more.
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Postby Starchyme » Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:17 pm

I'm in!

I've done fairly well McDougalling this past month and now want to devote more time to the physical fitness aspect.

So this week's goal is to walk 3 days and go to the gym 3 days for strength training.
Happy McDougalling!
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Postby Riva » Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:32 am

I am in and March is going to be a great month.
I will lose another pound like I did in Feb.
I will be silently dropping cholesterol points like crazy
I will continue to exercise 10-15 min a day. I know this is tiny but at least
the habit is established to build on.

Kudos to everyone here....keep on improving and getting better.
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Postby Love the Lorax » Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:17 am

Deep breath... I'm in. I've not done well lately :oops: , but I REALLY want to get back on track. The beginning of a new month seems like a good time. I'm not that far from my goal weight, and I know I find myself saying those little cheats don't matter.... but they do. I feel it, the scales tell the story, and I'm only hurting myself.

So, let's do it!
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Postby toadfood » Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:40 am

Hi everybody! I'm in! This will be my third month participating.

I've built up to exercising for 45 minutes to an hour, five days a week. Lately I've been doing a lot of Leslie Sansone DVDs, and I start my new Pilates class tomorrow. I've been curious about Pilates for a long time, so I'm really looking forward to this class. I want to increase my core strength to prevent back problems.

My new goal for the month of March is to increase my intake of green and yellow veggies. Some days are very heavy on the beans and starches, which has been OK for weight loss, but I know eating more veggies is better for my health. So the goal is to eat veggies at least twice a day. That doesn't sound like much -- no number of servings specified, for example -- but it's better than I've been doing.


I have to stay with my turtle energy. Slow and steady wins the race. -- Letha
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Postby LauraA » Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:54 am

Good morning All!! That includes
Karen in FL
Love the Lorax
and me LauraA!!

I also think that March will be a great month for us. Our group support is strong, and many of us have hit the ground running with our plans. I really like the beginning of a new month! Welcome everyone! Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby proverbs31woman » Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:10 am

Count me in! Although I didn't lose as much as I wanted to in February, I enjoyed the comradery and strength of this group. March will be so much better!
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Postby LauraA » Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:10 am

proverbs31woman wrote:Count me in! Although I didn't lose as much as I wanted to in February, I enjoyed the comradery and strength of this group. March will be so much better!

You're in - welcome!! Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby Starchyme » Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:10 am

Hi, Laura A and others. Many thanks for starting this thread. It has really helped me get back in the swing of things since the holidays! Wishing all of continued success!
Happy McDougalling!
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Postby Letha. » Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:15 am

Karen in FL wrote:I walked 3 miles today with DH and picked up a new food and exercise journal this week - in which I plan on using stickers like Melanie! You, too, Letha?


Yes I want stickers or gold stars but I haven’t had any rug rats underfoot in years. Where does one buy such things? :-D

Good morning all. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way.

So for the next 12 weeks, I’m going to post a weekly update of my exercise efforts. I just finished the first week and hopefully we’ll see lots more reps and pounds added over the next 11 weeks. I’m starting slow to avoid injury or fibromyalgia flare ups.

Weekly Schedule

Sunday: Off
Monday: Physical Therapy
Tuesday: Resistance Training
Wednesday: Physical Therapy
Thursday: Off
Friday: Resistance Training
Saturday: Physical Therapy

Weekly Reporting

Physical Therapy for Osteoarthritis in Knees

Knee Extension Stretch
Week 1, Session 1/2/3: 1 rep/1 rep/1 rep

Supine Straight Leg Raises
Week 1, Session 1/2/3: 1 rep/1 rep/1 rep

Short Arc Quad Extension
Week 1, Session 1/2/3: 1 rep/1 rep/1 rep

Modified Partial Lunge
Week 1, Session 1/2/3: 1 rep/1 rep/1 rep

Step Ups
Week 1, Session 1/2/3: 1 rep/1 rep/1 rep

Left Knee Side Rise
Week 1, Session 1/2/3: 1 rep/1 rep/1 rep

Resistance Training
8 Reps, 2 Sets

Knee Extension
Week 1, Session 1/2: 0 lbs/0 lbs

Side Hip Raise:
Week 1, Session 1/2: 0 lbs/0 lbs (Ses. 1 could only do right leg, Ses. 2, only 1 set left leg)

Hip Extension:
Week 1, Session 1/2: 0 lbs/0 lbs (Ses. 1 could only do right leg)

Biceps Curl:
Week 1, Session 1/2: 2 lbs/5 lbs

Overhead Triceps:
Week 1, Session 1/2: 2 lbs/2 lbs

Upward Row:
Week 1, Session 1/2: 2 lbs/2 lbs

8 Reps, 1 Set

Toe Stand:
Week 1, Session 1/2: Level 1/Level 1

Heel Stand:
Week 1, Session 1/2: Level 1/Level 1 (I can’t really do this yet so I’m treating it as an isometric exercise)
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Postby petalpusher » Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:14 pm

I am in....and new to this thread. I lost almost 30 pounds (with another 30 to go) after attending the 10-day clinic but have slowed down significantly (read: stopped losing)with winter's cold gray days of too much whole wheat pasta and bread....ouch. I think this culpability will help's lonely here in SAD land.

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