First 2 Weeks of MLWP - Lost Inches But Not Pounds :(

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First 2 Weeks of MLWP - Lost Inches But Not Pounds :(

Postby rotemmay » Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:54 pm

Hi all,
I've been doing MWLP for 2 weeks so far and I weighed and measured for the first time yesterday. I lost some good inches (1/2 inch in the bust and waist, 1 inch in the hips) but the scale reads the same :-( .

I'm happy with the inches lost but I can't help but be a bit disappointed with the weight staying the same. As far as I know, I ate to plan (posted in my journal my basic daily men) and didn't overeat (I posted in Jeff's forum about eating less than 1200 calories some days). I did increase my exercise a bit but I don't think it was enough not to show a weight loss.

I don't want to quit, since I really like MWLP and feel good on it. It's just a bit disappointing to see no pounds lost.

Has anyone else experienced this the first few weeks? Any words of encouragement so I can keep going on? I know this plan isn't just a "lose weight quickly" fad and I don't mean to make it sound like that's my only concern. I just would really love to see results!

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Postby Love the Lorax » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:09 am

Off the top of my head, very late at night.... is it "that time of the month" for you? I know very well that no matter how well I eat, the scales either go up with the tiniest bit of salt, or I certainly don't lose weight for a bit for a week or so. Perhaps you are simply in that time?
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Postby LauraA » Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:33 am

Also, it could be amount of salt in your food, or could be an inconsistent scale. On my old scale, I could step on and off a couple of times and it would say different things. Stick with it awhile! Take care, LauraA
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Postby 141 by 41 » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:34 am

Hi, Tam.

Not only have I experienced this the first few weeks but I'm going on my third month with very little changing in terms of the scale. Yes, disappointing that the numbers aren't dropping like I want BUT, and this is BIG!

In the first month of doing MWL, I lost 5.5 inches!! In the second month, I lost another 4.25 inches!!!! That's 9.75 inches GONE off my body in two months!!!! Again, the scale barely budged but now, I'm fitting into clothes I haven't been able to wear for at least 5 months!!!

There are different ways to measure weight loss -- Keep track of those inches! They will mean more than the pounds lost. Also, keep stepping on the scale because eventually it has to catch up to the inches lost.
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Postby kimba » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:09 pm

You are getting smaller, so what the number is not what you want it to read.

Id be thrilled if I lost inches and was smaller. Go by how your clothes fit. Throw away that scale, it can break your day for sure.

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Postby mizdizzy » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:49 pm

This kind of thing is normal for me. Every time I try to lose weight it takes about a month before I see any real results weight-wise. I consol myself by the facts that: 1) Muscle weighs more than fat; if I am working out I am gaining muscle and, though I am losing fat, the weight lost is replaced by lean muscle mass (which will help you burn more calories!) 2) Our bodies are survivalists, they think they are in survival mode when we lower calorie intake and begin exercising, so they "hold on" to water and resist fat burning. Keep it up and all of a sudden you'll drop 6 lb overnight! It's amazing. Happens to me everytime (yes, I have been a yo-yo-er)

Also, like they said- watch your salt intake and make sure you drink lots of water (we need water to metabolize fat). You may want to adjust your starch:low-cal veg ratio as well and/or break up your meals into 5-6 smaller ones throughout the day (this revs up your metabolism!) Don't worry, this plan will work for you!
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Postby rotemmay » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:06 pm

Thank you to everyone who responded with encouragement :P . This week has been hard (and not very MWPL-friendly...) but I'm not going to quit!

I think maybe one problem was that I was relying a lot on condiments, especially the sugary ones like ketsup and BBQ sauce. So I've revamped my menu so that I cut down on a lot of these and also sweeteners like maple syrup. I'm hoping that's going to help.

I'm just going to focus on feeling good and not having junk food cravings :D.

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