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Postby liiza » Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:47 am

I believe McDougalling is the way but I am easily swayed by environment (DH). We have a vacation (cruise) coming up in the first half of April and I want to drop some tonnage by then. And maybe keep up the good fight afterwards. I realize how pathetic this sounds (slim down for vacation) but I keep hoping the habits will linger. I would appreciate anything anyone has to offer.
I've been a halfhearted, off-and-on, now-and-then, McDougaller for ten years, give or take, and would like to make it a bigger part of my life.
I'm not getting any younger and would appreciate anything anyone has to offer. Let me have it!
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Postby Clary » Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:40 am

The best advice I received when I first came here 6-7 years ago:


Have a wonderful cruise. What a treat!
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Postby Steve » Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:41 am


I agree that the McDougall starch based plan with added vegetables and fruit is the way to go. I also agree that peer pressure and the environment are the greatest challenges.

For me, information is the best way to work through this. Since you started this about 10 years ago I assume you have read some of the books and seen some of the DVDs. If you already have all these resources please excuse the rest of this post.

If not, I strongly recommend getting more McDougall DVD's and books. I have been doing this since about 1994 when I got the book McDougall Program, 12 days to dynamic health. Everything I needed to know was in that first book. However, with each additional book, newsletter and DVD I learn more. I am in the process of watching the newest DVD, for a second time, and it has very important information that is helping me connect with the program. The first lecture is about the Maximum Weight Loss plan. I am applying this knowledge and seeing results quickly. Basically the insight I am getting is in realizing how using the principles to control insulin levels (I am not a diabetic), is helping me avoid the eating too much at night problem that has been beating me up lately. I know if I hang on to these principles for a while the weight will fall off, effortlessly. So if you have not obtained the books and DVDs you are in for a real treat when you do.
The second resource that is most helpful are the two Dough Lisle DVDs. The Pleasure Trap and How to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind. Dough is a psychologist and explains the how and why of these things and gives the answers of how to deal with DH, friends, coworkers and ourselves to reach success. These insights and understanding really are comforting. I wish I had the Pleasure Trap information when I started about 15 years ago. Dough showed me how to deal effectively with others. If I had this knowledge years ago it would have saved me and everyone else a lot of trouble. The Pleasure Trap DVD is probably the best best answer to your original question.

Best of luck on trip.

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Postby LauraA » Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:53 am

If you are easily influenced by your environment, then make part of your environment our MWL group on this forum -"On plan and planning to stay that way." Many of us have been posting daily there, or several times per week. We weigh in on Thursdays, tell how our exercise has gone, and discuss what we are eating and how we are facing challenges. It is working quite well for many, many McDougallers. Several of us have pledged to stick with it for all of 2009, and this helps get away from the mentality of dieting for just a short time for one event. You're welcome to join us if you'd like! Take care, LauraA
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Postby SactoBob » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:04 am

I do think it comes down to priorities.

I can tell you that it is not difficult at all to eat this way if your habits are built around this lifestyle. It can be very hard to adjust at first. Have you seen Doug Lisle's video at the Veg. Society of Hawaii? He explains it. Steve is correct that you want to buy his DVDs if you can possibly afford them.

But the folks here, like me, who had no choice in the matter due to health problems will all tell you that it is not hard to eat this way. It just takes a different set of priorities. Instead of wondering what you will eat for dinner today, or how you are going to resist eating badly at that meeting, you simply plan ahead. It is that easy.

You can eat 'till satisfied on this plan, so all you have to do is make sure that you always have good food available. Then just eat the good food instead of the bad food if you are hungry.

IMO, deviations come down to one of two things. The first mistake is that you didn't adequately plan to have good food available. The other mistake is giving in to cravings during the transition phase. Perhaps a third problem is making mistakes because you don't understand the plan or don't yet understand how to read the food labels.

You can eliminate the first problem by learning from mistakes. If you got stuck at a meeting without food, learn to have a snack in the car or office or brief case. Solving the second problem just takes resolve, and don't give up because of a single failure. Try to figure out why you gave in to that craving. My own defense was to stuff myself full of good food at the first thought of a craving, and then to watch Doug Lisle's presentation as soon as possible. I once did a three day water only fast just to prove that nothing awful happened if I just stayed hungry. That proved to me that I could walk away from bad food even if I found myself hungry and without good food. It was empowering.

Reading Jeff Novick's forum should solve the problem with knowing what you need to eat and what the food labels mean. That can be tricky.

If your life depended on following this program, you could do it, and easily (my case). Now you just have to realize that your life does depend on it, and that it is not even hard once you have your habits developed. But there is a big difference between recognizing the merit of this program and pledging to do it versus taking the necessary actions every day to really do it.

Until you are on cruise control, you need to always be at least a day ahead with your food plan. Promises to yourself are no substitute for planning and acting in advance.

Postby Faith in DC » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:59 am

Sounds like you aren't convinced enough yet, and that is common. It took me a wake up call, to get more serious and that is what gets many of the best McDougallers going. You aren't getting any younger, so it's a good time to take control of your future health. The DVDs might help.

I just wanted to add being on a cruise can be the biggest junk out you ever had, or it can be a pretty nice and healthy treat. The choice is yours and yours alone. You are the person responsible, not hubby or the cruise line. I went on a 5 day cruise and kept the same. I did have some of the junk food, but mainly I had fruits and salads, and then added a taste here and there. I walked too. Unfortunately I ate a bunch of bread to help the sea sick stomach also, which is probably why I didn't lose.
I'm in training for maintaining
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Postby liiza » Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:01 am

Thank you all for you insightful responses. You have summed it up perfectly. The result is up to me.
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