Question on Mary's Mini

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Question on Mary's Mini

Postby janluvs2heel » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:04 am


I am not new to McDng, having first started in 1999 however I have been off & on, more off than on for quite a while. About 6 wks ago I decided to stop trying so hard to lose weight & start finding better health. I knew the weight would come off with time. I was doing okay, but still was not ready to commit. Last week that changed. I decided to try Mary's Mini for a week, see if I could lose those cravings that still seemed to overpower me at times. I started last Friday, 3-20. I decided to give up my morning cup of coffee as well. For the 1st couple days I had bad headaches, but I almost had to remind myself to eat as I seemed to have no appetite. I chose potatoes as my starch. By Monday, I had lost 6 lbs. No effort. Yesterday I noticed when I got up out of bed, I was slightly dizzy. Very brief, so at work, we checked my BP, which always hung around 130/90. I know, too high. Yesterday it was 116/78. I am feeling good, not much hunger. I do eat 2 medium sized potatoes, usually sweet potatoes or yams a day, plus hash browns in the am. Veggies & my 2 fruits. I go to bed slightly hungry but I like that. This am I woke up, I was quite dizzy, it lasted longer, but not like I would pass out. It passed within 15 min & I was fine if I was sitting. I also weighed myself & have now lost 7 lbs. in 6 days. I had already decided I wanted to start MWL today, but was wondering if it could be my BP that was causing the dizziness. I have never had it before.

Anyway, I am feeling great other than this.


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Postby toadfood » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:51 am

Congratulations on your great success, Jan. Are you taking any medication for your bp? If you are, you may not need it any more or the dose may now be too high. If you are on meds, I think you need to make an appointment with your doctor.

If you're not on meds, I wonder whether you're eating enough. 7 pounds in 6 days is a lot. You may need a somewhat larger dinner, or a snack before bed.

Come join us on the MWL "on plan and planning to stay that way" thread! There's a lot of great support there. Some people choose to report their weight loss progress every Thursday, and it's fun to see how everyone is doing.


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re: Question Mary's Mini

Postby janluvs2heel » Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:15 am

No, no meds. At one time, probably 5 years ago, my dr. did put me on water pills as it was about the same then but I stopped taking them, didn't like them. Or rather how I felt when I was taking them. Since then though, it has just stayed the same.

Yes, dinner has been hardest for me. I make myself eat at least a potato, sometimes I skip the veggies but I always eat an apple. As I said, I wasnt really trying to lose weight, but then I wanted to know at least I was going down a little, I was very suprised to see how much I had lost in such a short time. My goal is my health. To hopefully avoid the problems that others are having as they get older.

So okay, I am officially back. Thanks for the invite.

I started off the morning with a bowl of oatmeal. I have a banana if I get hungry before lunch.

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Postby eaufraiche703 » Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:39 am


Maybe you should ask Jeff Novick (or Dr McDougall) for some input about your dizziness?

AND congrats on your success... you're doing so well! Don't you feel great (just gotta get a handle on that pesky dizzy feeling!)

Have a great day today!

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Postby Faith in DC » Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:48 am

you do need to eat more at night.

Also are you drinking water?
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re: Question Mary's Mini

Postby janluvs2heel » Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:12 am

If it persists, I will. Would your blood pressure drop at night, when you are sleeping? No stress when you are asleep, that's for sure. I was thinking since it has dropped quite a bit in just a few days, if it dropped lower while I am sleeping, that might be the reason.

I am hoping the addition of more food, the right food of course, will help. So far so good on the oatmeal. I am not hungry at all.

Yes, I do feel great. I notice I am having more & more energy. Now if I didn't have to be stuck behind a stupid desk.
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re: Question Mary's Mini

Postby janluvs2heel » Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:24 am

"you do need to eat more at night.

Also are you drinking water?"

Yes, I guess I do need to eat more so tonight I will. As far as water, I feel I drink plenty. I have been peeing, (is that okay to say here?) a lot more than normal. I just figured it was the bad stuff coming out.


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Postby Faith in DC » Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:31 am

you blood pressure is at it lowest in the morning and yes, when reclining it goes down. So it may be a normal reading for you right now in the morning.

Do your ears feel ok? No pressure?
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re: Question Mary's Mini

Postby janluvs2heel » Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:42 am

Yes, my ears are fine. I thought about that as well, several of the other girls in my office have had problems with vertigo, but I am pretty sure this is my bp.

So this is my last work day so I will take my time getting up tomorrow am, see if that helps. Or maybe just the addition of a few more foods.

I am shocked that I have lost 7 lbs, I am 58.5 yrs, & I just dont lose weight that fast. But it is a good shock.

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Postby eaufraiche703 » Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:13 pm

wondering if it might be dropping that coffee....? you just had one cup before, right?

(but your results so far are way impressive - you're my new hero!)
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re: question Mary's Mini

Postby janluvs2heel » Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:47 pm

I may take the coffee back but for now, I am not missing it that much, I like it more in the winter months, when it is cold in the am. But even so, I quit the coffee last Friday & this started Wed. so it doesnt seem like it would be related.

I have never been a hero before. I will try to live up to it. Ha,ha.

It has been an easy day. Still not much hunger, I had a sweet potato with a little vegetarian chili for lunch. Not any hunger now. But I am going to cook some rice in a little bit. Brown of course.

I have ordered Esselstyn's book & am looking forward to reading it as well. This is the 1st time I have done something for my health, of all the times I tried to lose weight, & believe me, there have been many many times, I only wanted to lose weight. Yes, you always get better health when you lose weight but that was a side effect. Losing weight was always the most important thing. And I always failed. So keeping my foucs off losing weight is challenging. But I am up to it.

I will let you know what happens tomorrow in the am when I get up. Hope no more dizziness.
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re: question Mary's Mini

Postby janluvs2heel » Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:53 am

Happy to report that I got up this am without any dizziness. Thank goodness. So it must have been the drop in BP during the night. I look at it as a good thing though. I will check my BP on Monday again, to see what it is. Of course it could be not eating enough as well, I guess I wont know for sure. Either way, it seems to have gone anyway.

Thanks for all your suggestions & support.

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Postby Faith in DC » Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:12 am

That's good news. Maybe your body got everthing regulated out. I know you have to appreciate it.
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