family member making a change

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family member making a change

Postby MaryW » Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:30 pm

I had a very interesting conversation with my mother this weekend. She told me her doctor said she is prediabetic and now she's scared to death. I'm very worried for her. She is in her 60s, sedentary and probably 100 pounds overweight. She mentioned the Engine 2 diet (Esselstyn's son) which she heard about in the radio. I thought, aha!, here's my chance to bring up McDougall. I haven't actually read the Engine 2 diet book, but I'm assuming it's the same low fat vegan eating plan that his father promotes. I told her that the Engine 2 diet is that same low fat vegan diet that McDougall and Ornish promote. I gave her both of their books several years ago, and I saw both of them sitting on her book shelf. I told her to pull them out and give them another chance. I don't know if she will. I have a terrible feeling she won't.

I feel like I am a bad example. I've been a veggie for 10 years, and following McDougall on an off for 6 years and I'm as big as when I started. We've both been fighting weight for years. And we aren't good for each other. We are eating buddies more than diet buddies. I actually had pie--PIE--while I was visiting her. When did I ever eat pie? Ages ago.

Anyway, we had a long emotional conversation. Maybe her diabetes scare will encourage her to give McDougall a try. Like most people, she thinks meat and dairy are necessary for health. So this will be a huge change for her. I truly believe this is the healthiest way to eat. I hope I can be supportive of her and not naggy.
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Re: family member making a change

Postby Letha. » Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:37 am

MaryW wrote:I feel like I am a bad example. I've been a veggie for 10 years, and following McDougall on an off for 6 years and I'm as big as when I started. We've both been fighting weight for years. And we aren't good for each other. We are eating buddies more than diet buddies. I actually had pie--PIE--while I was visiting her. When did I ever eat pie? Ages ago.

Hi Mary,
Sounds like you are about to turn Mom into a McDougall diet buddy. That would be great! Instead of pie you can sit around and eat McDougall Oatmeal Cookies or McDougall Apple Crisp . Best wishes.
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Postby MaryW » Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:29 pm

HOORAY!! I talked to my mom tonight and asked her if she had considered McDougalling. She said YES! She got the MWL book out and reread it and had been following the program all week. She said she is down 4 pounds already and that is so motivating for her that she plans to keep it up! hallelujah!

You're right, Letha. We can be diet buddies now! : )
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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:42 am

I got my Mother involved with me on trying to get healthy. I never could get her to give up some foods, so she isn't McDougalling, but at least she's doing WW with me, and eating lots more fiber, fruits and veggies and whole grains.

You need to be the strong one and show by example. When Mom comes to visit and brings junk food for us to share I eat a tiny amount. Mom likes her chips, pretzels, snacky foods, plus pastry and candy. Evenings it's the salty foods. I can eat one pretzel stick and stop. I keep trying to show by example, as that is how I've gotten her this far. So be patient. Share foods also helps. Many times Mom thought I ate weird, now she's starting to see it isn't so weird. I try not to use too strange of ingredients.

By knowing Mom's watching it helps keep me that much more honest.
I'm in training for maintaining
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