Back after a long break - star not so shiny! Seeking support

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Back after a long break - star not so shiny! Seeking support

Postby JessNZ » Sun Apr 12, 2009 3:00 am

Hi all,

I'm proud to have been a Star McDougaller, but I need to get myself
back on track.

After having two wonderful kids and two difficult births, I want to get back into
my nice clothes again.

I'm in Auckland, New Zealand. Last year, I wanted some support and
attended a weight loss seminar that was actually a Herbalife product
sales gimmick - oh dear! Then I tried to start my own vegetarian weight loss group
but it's just not happening for a combo of reasons. So I'm back here,
thinking the McDougall crowd ought to be the best place for me!

What I need is an attitude adjustment - as a mom who seems to get little
time for myself, I'm using food to fill unmet needs, and have food in the
house that doesn't help me trim down.

I know what I need to do, but need to keep my head in a space where I
remember why nothing tastes as good as being trim feels.
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Postby LauraA » Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:17 am

Hi! What would be great would be if you would join the next thread down - "April 09 MWL, On plan and planning to stay that way." We are a group who have a new thread each month, and all enjoy giving and receiving support. Most of us do MWL, or mostly MWL. Many of us weigh in on Thursdays just to record our progress, and how much we have lost. Some of us also report on our exercise efforts on Sunday. We start a new thread each month, and have been together since November '08- always welcoming new members. Some members come and go depending on their needs. I'm sure that our group would help you, and you could help us so much. Please take a look. Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby slugmom » Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:40 am

Welcome back, JessNZ! I'm in a similar boat, recently back on track after being very very off. It's a new beginning. :)
- Kim

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Postby JessNZ » Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:57 pm

I'll get myself on the April thread and I want one of those weight loss tickers! :D
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Postby LauraA » Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:37 pm

You new moms have a great reason to be a little off track. The last child that I gave birth to is turning 38, so my excuse is not so good. I do have a cartoon in my bathroom that shows a woman having trouble getting her skirt zipped. It says, " you can't expect me to be back in my clothes yet, I just became a grandmother!" Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby Starchyme » Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:49 pm

That's a good one, Laura A! I guess that's my trouble, though my youngest grandchild is 12! Actually, I recently gained 15 lbs, so I'm probably back to what I was when she was born. I had been McDougalling for almost a year at that time and had lost 25 lbs. and then 15 more until this recent gain. (Well, can blame the majority of it on a medicine I was taking last year; but not all.)
Happy McDougalling!
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Hiya Jess!!

Postby LeeNZ » Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:00 pm

It was great to see your post and congrats on your two babies and oh boy do I know how they can affect your routine and your mindset!!

Mine still do that and would you believe they are now 9 and 10? It must be a long time since I last saw you ; )

You are so right about it being a mindset too...once my mind is on track I can happily eat this way and feel great doing it. Funnily enough my mind usually gets better after about three or four successful days of eating healthfully! I have to remind myself of that lately too.

Feel free to get in touch. I'm not on the computer much at the moment (and you probably are not either!) but I'd love to hear from you. Life is a bit strange here too but will explain all that. I'm okay...just lots going on and a big change of lifestyle for us.

So great to see you again here.

Eat those veges know you can do it : )

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back on track after break

Postby TeresaMH » Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:40 pm

Just returned from five days away from home with my husband's family---lots of people, eating, drinking, sitting around visiting and getting caught up.
Since this is new for me (no meats, dairy, animal fats, etc), I was not yet comfortable sharing my new eating plan with the family over this holiday. They love to eat high fat foods...... lots of greasy mexican food. I did okay, but am nervous about the scale this week.

Yes, Jess, New Moms have it tough, as they are exhausted and that can surely cause one to want replenish the low energy with food. I would guess if your home is filled with the right stuff, you will do better. They are babies for such an incredibly short time and you will have more time soon.....but for now, I know if feels like your life will be upside down forever--it won't be. What a blessing, an exhausting blessing!
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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:27 am

OMG Jess, so good to see you. Well, see you on. There is a few of us old timers on this list. These gals (and guys) are wonderful.

Wow this is exciting for you. You are in the position to actually mold your children to be different that the rest of the obese nation. You are there to get them to appreciate the bounty that God gives us. Use your passion on health to get them on the right track.

Keep things simple, use your crock pot/pressure cooker, pre prepare foods when you can, and freeze too. You'll fall back into it in no time.
I'm in training for maintaining
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Postby JessNZ » Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:59 pm

Hi Faith and Lee! Thanks for the welcome and I wondered whether there was still anybody I knew :-)

Lee, no I CAN'T believe your kids are 9 and 10! And my email is [email protected]. oops, gotta run!
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