I'm Hungry all the time

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I'm Hungry all the time

Postby missread55 » Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:23 pm

I had a big bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, salad and baked potato with "cheese" sauce. I'm eating every two hours. I've lost 6 lbs in two weeks.
Is this normal?
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Postby SactoBob » Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:46 pm

A good explanation is Dr. Shintani's video lecture at the Veg. Soc. of Hawaii. He explains how you have to eat a lot more when eating healthy, because the calories are not concentrated as they are on the Standard American Diet.

The fact that you are losing weight is a great sign. So don't starve yourself. You can eat to satisfaction and do great.

Postby kimba » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:58 am

Way to go, keep it up. Melt those pounds away.
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Postby Faith in DC » Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:16 am

Sounds like you are just starting out, so yes, it is normal. You will adjust. One thing I notice though, is season changes, I get a week of of hunger, like when it's cooling down, in fall, or warming up in spring. When I'm hungry I also examine my intact of whole foods, especially veggies, because usually they've been lacking.
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Thanks guys!

Postby missread55 » Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:12 am

Yes, that helps alot! I so appreciate your encouragement and support. Also, do you or have you experienced a level of lethargy while on the Max. Weight Loss? I also walk an hour daily.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Proverbs 22:3
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Postby Letha. » Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:36 am

Hi Missread55,
I’ve been on and off the McDougall program a few times and found it takes me 6-8 weeks to transition. The first month I’m always hungry no matter how much I eat. The second month I start to feel satisfied when I eat a lot of McDougall food. By the end of the second month I feel satisfied after eating a reasonable amount of McDougall food. I also lose a lot of weight the first few weeks on McDougall and then it settles down to about 1.5-2 pounds per week. Best wishes. :)
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Postby Birdy » Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:57 am

I also experience this hungry-all-the-time appetite and have noticed that eating certain foods intensifies it for me. Bread, pastas, and anything with sweeteners are foods that can increase my appetite and that I will really overeat. I also notice that, as Dr. Shintani says, this diet is so much lower in calories that you do have to eat more and eat more often in order to get enough food. I also try to load up on vegies. It helps me to get protein too such as beans, and I do eat tofu and other vegan protein such as organic veggie burgers which Dr. McDougall doesn't recommend, but I find important to help me be successful with this diet.
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Postby green jeanne » Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:55 pm

It sounds like you are doing very well! Pat yourself on the back.

When I first began the program I was hungry all the time, too. Instead of blowing it because I was so hungry, I ate more from the plan to fill me up just to keep me ON PLAN, but only when I was really craving. Make sure you plan ahead to anticipate these cravings so you don't get into the wrong foods.

I agree with Birdy that some things you may eat will make you crave more. If you are using diet soda, which is not allowed anyway and has lots of sodium, that also makes you crave more sweets.

Good luck.
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