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Postby slugmom » Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:29 pm

I made a variation on that comfort soup recipe you recommended - I googled "golden noodle soup" and found this --

I made a soup inspired by it:

4 c. water + bouillon to taste
1/4 c. red lentils
1/2 sweet potato, diced (only used 1/2 'cause my little pot was getting full LOL)
2 carrots, diced
1 small onion
2 large cloves garlic
1/4 tsp turmeric
thyme, black pepper to taste

I simmered it all together and then pureed about 2/3 of it

I added 1 serving rice thread noodles but it would've been even better without, they were slippery and didn't really enhance the soup. Plus it would've been MWL without

Anyway, other than my noodle issue it was awesome and just the thing for a sick day!!

So I wanted to say THANK YOU! I'm going to make it again tomorrow!!
- Kim

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Postby MaryW » Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:48 pm

Hey slugmom. I replied on the other thread too. : )

I so glad you found this recipe! And I'm glad you like it. It's just the thing when you are sick.

I had forgotten about the fat free recipe site. I'll have to check them out again. Thanks for the reminder.
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Re: MaryW

Postby txjack » Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:42 pm

slugmom wrote:I made a variation on that comfort soup recipe you recommended - I googled "golden noodle soup" and found this --

Wow. :eek:
I went to the archives at and they have oodles of oil free, vegan recipes. There are dozens in the Indian food section alone. I hope my wife can find something here. She really tries to be supportive but gets so frustrated with the oil free cooking.

Thanks for the link.
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