Starting Mary's Mini today

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Starting Mary's Mini today

Postby Jfifer » Sun Jun 07, 2009 5:34 pm

Hey all,

I am starting the Mary's Mini today. I have been eating crap for the past year. I have about 20 lbs I have to lose, and I want it off by the end of the summer.

I can eat Mary's Mini all summer long. I love the simplicity. I am a potato girl and will use that as my starch.

In the mornings I usually have either hash browns or breakfast potatoes. I usually add tomatoes and a little ketchup. Yummy and filling!!

For lunch I will usually have a baked potato with salsa and a salad or steamed veggies.

Dinner is the same thing....however, dinner is the hardest meal of the day. I have three children and a husband who I have to feed. They are all meat eaters, and my husband is not even close to being a healthy eater. He like all the fried fatty foods. I can care less about them, but put them in front of my hungry face and it is hard to resist!! I have done Mary's Mini before and had been successful, so I know I can do it. I just have to stay away from the tempting foods no matter what. The longer I stay away or say NO, the easier it gets.

Wish me luck, and if anyone wants to enjoy this adventure you are more than welcome I would love to have a partner in crime!
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Postby proverbs31woman » Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:44 pm

I wish you the best! You can do it. I followed MM last summer and I lost about 15 lbs. on it before moving on to the regular plan. I did a modified version of it though. I had oatmeal in the morning and brown rice as my starch for the remainder of the day.

I too enjoyed the simplicity of the plan, and I stiill eat that way a lot of the times, eating cooked potato wedges and carrots many times throughout the week.

Please keep us updated on your progress!
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Re: Starting Mary's Mini today

Postby amy joy » Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:49 pm

Jfifer wrote:Hey all,

I am starting the Mary's Mini today. I have been eating crap for the past year. I have about 20 lbs I have to lose, and I want it off by the end of the summer.

I can eat Mary's Mini all summer long. I love the simplicity. I am a potato girl and will use that as my starch.

In the mornings I usually have either hash browns or breakfast potatoes. I usually add tomatoes and a little ketchup. Yummy and filling!!

For lunch I will usually have a baked potato with salsa and a salad or steamed veggies.

Dinner is the same thing....however, dinner is the hardest meal of the day. I have three children and a husband who I have to feed. They are all meat eaters, and my husband is not even close to being a healthy eater. He like all the fried fatty foods. I can care less about them, but put them in front of my hungry face and it is hard to resist!! I have done Mary's Mini before and had been successful, so I know I can do it. I just have to stay away from the tempting foods no matter what. The longer I stay away or say NO, the easier it gets.

Wish me luck, and if anyone wants to enjoy this adventure you are more than welcome I would love to have a partner in crime!

wow- your message was encouraging. How is going? I know I am a food addict because if I eat sugar or flour I get cravings. Its biochemical. I am interested in the Mini, but tell me please how its been for you. thanks.
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amy joy
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Postby Karo » Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:41 am

I too would like to try MM.
I could eat sweet potatoes and green beans every meal.
is MM just 1 or 2 starches and veggies or salads?
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Postby Faith in DC » Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:39 am

MM is meant to get you going when you are stuck, to shake things up. It is a Diet. If you are losing doing the regular program, or maybe MWL then you shouldn't need it. It's mean to be boring so you aren't thinking about food, and you don't want to eat what is allowed, so you barely eat.

I always like to caution, if strict diets set you off (binges for me) then don't do MM. I binged for a couple weeks cause it was so boring.

On the good side, it's nutritional fine unlike most fads. So it depends on the type of personality you have. I've seen folks on here like it because it's mindless.

You pick one starch and eat that with added veggies, and if I remember 2 fruits for a week. She did potatoes, so potatoes breakfast, lunch and dinner for 7 days.
I'm in training for maintaining
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Postby Shackwacky » Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:34 pm

I know I have seen it before, but does anyone have the link to Mary's Mini? The search feature here sort of sucks.

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Postby Talyae » Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:15 pm

Shackwacky wrote:I know I have seen it before, but does anyone have the link to Mary's Mini? The search feature here sort of sucks.


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