The 10 day live-in program?

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The 10 day live-in program?

Postby carolmayo » Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:11 pm

Has anyone been to the center?
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Postby dlb » Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:41 am

Hey Carol -

Welcome to the board. I have not been to the 10 day. I have been to the center. If you are at all thinking about it, I would truly encourage you to go.

You can look in the section called McDougall Marchers on the board. There you will find people who just completed the 10 day in March of this year.

Hope you find what you are looking for. If you have any other questions, I sure we all will be glad to answer them.

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Postby Chile » Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:48 pm

I've been. It was a great experience a number of years ago.

Unfortunately, I'm a very stubborn and resistant person, wanting what I want. I have not been strict for the last two years because I decided food was the way I was going to deal with my stress. Not a wise choice, is what it is. I'm getting back on track now and think I'll pull out my notes from when I went to re-motivate myself!
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10 day live-in program

Postby LindaC » Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:44 pm

I attended the January 2009 program and it is awesome.

I highly recommend this program. It truly was a wonderful time for me. I enjoyed every moment of it.

Very professionally ran.

They keep you busy 12 hours a day. I felt that I had personal attention when I was there. 6am bp measurements and then lectures til 8:00pm or so at night.

So far, I've lost 22.5lbs. It is hard for me to lose, but this so far seems to be working for me and I don't have any second thoughts on continuing this new life style.

I'm swimming most days for my exercise.

I don't think that I would have grasped the concept of this eating program by reading a book. After seeing my results and the re-enforcement from all the speakers it really helps when the going gets tough.


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Postby redheadeb » Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:07 pm

I attended the 10-day program last October. It was absolutely wonderful -- lots of individual attention, plenty of information, and the food -- oh, the food. I've been a vegan for a while, even before I went, and it was an absolute joy to be able to eat freely from the buffet. (And it was good, too.)

If you're thinking about it I highly recommend it. I don't think you'd be disappointed.
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Postby TominTN » Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:12 pm

Karen and I drove from Tennessee to California (and back) in October of 2007 to attend the ten day program. The thread that describes the journey and experience is here:
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Postby MichaelBluejay » Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:12 am

I used to wonder why anyone would go to the program when you can get essentially the same information from the books and DVD's, which are a lot cheaper. But last year I arranged for my mom and her husband to go and I went to support them (and to finally meet Dr. McDougall, whom I'd admired for nearly 20 years). And having been the program, I can see that it offers so much more than the books and DVD's.

(1) It's concrete. It's one thing to read about something, it's another to actually live it -- and to live it along with several other people. That makes it so much more tangible.

(2) The food is awesome. Probably everyone's biggest doubt about the program is thinking they won't be satisfied. That's answered profoundly by the excellent buffet, 3 times a day. Omigod it was wonderful. I looked forward to every meal, much more so than usual.

(3) You can see the improvements, and see them quickly. Everyone gets a weighing, blood pressure measurement, and a blood test right when they arrive, and right at the end. In just 9 days you can see and feel significant improvements to your health. Many people are able to drastically reduce or even eliminate their meds while they're there, too.

(4) You make new friends. The human element is important. Going through the same experience with others is a bonding experience. It also makes it easier to stick with the program. I know my mom still stays in touch with people she met at the program.

(5) It's motivational. A book can tell you what you need to do to be healthy, but you might not have the will to make the necessary changes. However, the Program is a powerful motivator. Hearing Dr. McDougall and the other professionals speak every day, and seeing yourself and everyone else around you reclaiming their health, is a powerful motivator.

If you can stick with the program without attending, then certainly that's the cheaper option. But if you've had a hard time sticking with it, or if you have doubts about its effectiveness, then going to the live-in program can help you be more successful.
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Postby f1jim » Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:53 am

Your post wrapped up the experience perfectly. I actually went to the center after I had achieved 99% of what I wanted. I wish I had gone earlier, not because it would have changed any long term goals but because of all the reasons you mentioned. Just the empowering atmosphere of all those people working to change the direction of their health is worth the price of admission.
I encourage everyone to attend ANY McDougall event. The atmosphere is electric and so conducing to learning. There is an Advanced Nutrition Weekend coming in September and I'm going to be there. There will be a lot of information presented that I already know. But I always learn new things and get really solid reinforcement of the things I knew. To be able to interact directly with Dr. McDougall, Jeff Novick, and Doug Lisle is priceless. If you have troublesome issues they can offer help. There isn't an issue they haven't come across.
I'm still stoked about meeting people like Star McDougaller KarininTN and her husband. Eating meals at the table with the staff and guest speakers.
It doesn't get any better than that. So much nutritional information in the most usable format possible. It's not a coincidence that the people that have achieved tremendous success go the most often. I have learned why. There is so much new information and such a reward, even after having achieved personal success, in helping others that are where you were before. You see the folks everywhere along the way. Some are just there to gather information about this "radical" diet and lifestyle, others are very long termers just continuing to live it.

The 10 day program jumpstarts you into this world and shortens that learning curve tremendously. Like learning anything new, it's what you don't know that makes the difference and every day I am staggered by what I realize I don't know. Attending these events narrows that gap.
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Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:11 am

Has anyone ever had their health insurance pay for this program? If so, what company was it? Inquiring spuds need to know. 8)
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Postby green jeanne » Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:10 pm

It's been my dream to go. It's on the opposite side of the US for me making it quite a jaunt. I just have to say to myself (as I do with the SAD) it's for someone else. :cool:
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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:01 pm

Michael that is a wonderful thing you did, to get your parents to go. They sound very open minded, or were already vegetarian maybe. I'd love to get my Mother to go.

I have seen all the regulars speak before, most several times. They are motivational. I can just imagine what 10 days of listening and seeing the improvements.

I'd love to go. I keep hoping to get a windfall of money. I too, am on the opposite side of the country.
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Postby Gweithgar » Wed Aug 05, 2009 9:09 am

I looked at the 10-day program on the website and would love to be able to go, but the cost makes it impossible for me (and likely always will). So I ordered a couple of the DVDs and hope that when they get here, they will sort of be a substitute for actually being at the Center.
Does anyone know if there are any grants or scholarships that would make attendance at the 10-day program possible for those on budgets?
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Postby MaryW » Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:51 pm

I don't understand WHY insurance companies don't cover programs like this. yes, it costs thousands of dollars, and it only works if you actually follow the program. but it has a proven record of improving people's health and it has few if any side effects. And yet insurance companies cover heart bypass surgery, gastric bypass (why are we all bypassing vital organs??) and other risky procedures that costs thousands of dollars. many of them don't work. I've met people who had gastric bypass who are still obese. So many people have multiple heart bypass operations. So insurance will pay repeatedly for procedures that don't work, yet won't pay for something that DOES??
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Postby Faith in DC » Thu Aug 06, 2009 11:08 am

You know, I am thinking that insurance companies figure that leaving a person to his own to keep following the program will never happen, so why cover it. I got hopeful a few years ago when Ornish got his plan covered by medicare. I hoped that would be a change. His program got covered in place of bypass for folks needing that.
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maybe next year

Postby ncyg46 » Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:57 pm

this year I am stuck here till my daughter has her baby in Oct. But maybe next year i will go and charge it....just don't have the budget for it and have no health insurance. I did go to a 3 day for the Celebrity Chef Weekend...but that time I gained weight eating as much as we did! I never eat that much...but I still want to go to a 10 day! Need to win the lottery which is unlikely since i don't play! :D
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