New, achy and sometimes in pain. Is this normal?

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New, achy and sometimes in pain. Is this normal?

Postby dragonfly_kat » Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:19 am

I am new to the MWL program and have been following it mostly pretty well (not as well as I would like)but have difficulty getting a lot of veggies in my diet. I will, once in a while, eat some baked tortillas with salsa. My question is:

Since removing all the animal products and most oil ( Like I said, sometimes I have the baked tortillas which have some oil but not a lot) I have been so achy and my shoulder is so bad that I sometimes can't move it. Is this normal?

I want to exercise so badly but the pain and achiness in my shoulder is so bad that I can't even do my WATP (walk away the pounds) tape or even walking in place for that matter (due to the natural swinging of my arms).The achiness is in my joints mostly and my back (when I wake up) and it seems like it travels too. One day it is my left knee and then the next it may be my right. My left shoulder is becoming almost a constant ache and pain but also travels to my right shoulder at times and into my neck.

Is this normal to have so much pain and achiness when starting the program? Is this my body's way of releasing the old? There should be no reason for the achiness as far as I can think of, other than my weight, which I have been dealing with for years, but it has been going on almost as long as the diet and seems like it is getting worse.

I am going to be removing ALL oils and making sure that I do NOT eat any processed foods from this point on but wanted to know if anyone else experienced this when changing their diet?

I do plan on going to my local rec center and finding a yoga class to see if the stretching exercises will help with the aches and pains but am scared that putting weight on my arm/shoulder will cause pain (since it does sometimes).
I don't have insurance but even if I did I probably wouldn't go to the doctor because I think most just don't know the cause and the solution can be worse than the problem. I thought exercise would help my shoulder but the more I move it in a certain way the more it becomes painful. I even tried slowly moving the arm in my sister in law's pool but even that made me sore. I do not take any pain relievers or anything for the pain (I did buy some emu oil rub but used it only once since I need my husband to help put it on). Any suggestions, advice or helpful experiences are greatly appreciated.

I also have a hard time coming up with veggie based meals and meal planning. Any suggestions there as well? I normally end up eating potatoes.

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Postby dlb » Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:53 am

Kat -

Welcome to the board. Before I started to McDougall I had constant aches and pains. They all are gone now. Shortly after starting on the program one night I had sever pain in my knee and then the next morning it was gone and has never come back.

However, I am concerned about your description of your shoulder. Do you have the pain all day long? Does it come and go? Is it only when you use it or does it hurt when you are sitting still?

Getting rid of the oils is a good idea. Following the program closely will be beneficial if it is arthritis or inflammation of some type.

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Postby dragonfly_kat » Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:51 am

I think my issue is more about meal planning and eating what I "feel" like eating instead of what I "plan" on eating. Also I have a 4 year old that makes it difficult to plan meals around and my husband also tends to eat what he wants even though it can make it more difficult for me (candy and sweets in the house or chips and soda). At first I didn't want any of the treats but one day of eating some of them and it threw me off course so much that I have been struggling to get back.

The pain and aching in my shoulder has been there for about 2 months and has been getting progressively more annoying. It used to only bother me when I moved it a certain way (although I could never determine exactly what movement caused the pain in order to avoid moving it that way)and then the pain would subside quickly until I moved it the wrong way again. Then it got worse from picking up my son and other housework chores. Now it seems to be an ache most of the day with some pain here and there depending on if I use it a lot or not. But I also feel the pain and ache in my right shoulder in the same way but it only comes once in a while and then nothing.

My husband had the same problem from his line of work and believes that I have somehow torn a ligament and just need to rest it and then strengthen it with light weight exercises. I am thinking of taking some turmeric tablets with some pineapple juice in order to help the inflammation but not sure if I want to do the juice or not ( i don't like pineapple and Dr. McDougall does not approve of juices on the MWL program). I know they have bromeline in tablet or capsule form so maybe I will get some.

I just need to get serious about this program and learn to make meals that fit my life. I like stir fry so I think I will start there. Soups too.

Thansk for your input I appreciate it.
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Get it checked

Postby Losing Linda » Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:56 pm

You may have a pinched nerve in your neck or something going on in the muscles of your shoulder. I had a frozen shoulder a while back for no know reason but I have some ideas on it. I would seek help and Physical Therapy.
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Re: New, achy and sometimes in pain. Is this normal?

Postby Nettie » Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:49 am

dragonfly_kat wrote:I am new to the MWL program and have been following it mostly pretty well (not as well as I would like)but have difficulty getting a lot of veggies in my diet.

My question is: Since removing all the animal products and most oil ( Like I said, sometimes I have the baked tortillas which have some oil but not a lot) I have been so achy and my shoulder is so bad that I sometimes can't move it. Is this normal?
...Is this normal to have so much pain and achiness when starting the program? Is this my body's way of releasing the old?


I had this problem when starting McDougall a couple of years ago. Felt almost like I had the flu, with the achy muscles. It took a few weeks to disappear.

dragonfly_kat wrote:I also have a hard time coming up with veggie based meals and meal planning. Any suggestions there as well? I normally end up eating potatoes.

Remember, this is a starch-based diet, so the basis of your meals should be potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, etc. The vegetables are added in for the nutrition they contribute and also to reduce the caloric density of your overall diet.

Check out the stickies in Jeff Novick's forum. He provides simple recipes any busy person can make and follow.

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Postby dragonfly_kat » Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:23 am

Thanks Nettie,
I am getting better at it and since being stricter and not eating crap food my shoulder is feeling a bit better. I am staying away from wheat to see if that helps. In a bout a month I will test my theory on wheat and try something with wheat in it to see if I get any pain.
I also noticed that when I exercise the pain is reduced so I am thinking it may be toxins trapped in tissues that are being released through exercising. Not sure how that works but it sounds good to me.
I need to move more maybe.
I will look at the Jeff's forum and see what I can find to help me make meal plans now that my husband is on board.

Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it.
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Postby Daffodil » Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:26 am

Dragonfly-kat, I get the same pain you are describing, in my arms, shoulders, knee's, mainly my left knee lately and my right arm. I get it from wheat and products containing gluten. I also suspect hidden MSG in those "natural flavors."The pain can get so severe that I also cannot work out. Or do much of anything. The pain is in the joints, that's why it hurts so much. :(
Try eliminating it then bringing it back into your diet. Thats' the true test. Good luck.
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Postby dragonfly_kat » Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:45 am

I suspected Wheat as a culprit for a while so I have removed it. I still have the pain but it is not as bad. Hopefully it will continue to subside as the days and weeks go by. I also think sugar has something to do with it too. Thanks for confirming it in my mind about the wheat. I really didn't want to admit it to myself because I like it too much and when I get to a good weight I was hoping to have some bread or something like that.

But I know I don't have to give up my favorites once I can have those things. I am familiar with the alternatives to wheat so I will be fine. I just have to get my mind set first.

The good news is that, since being stricter and not eating the bad stuff I have lost more weight this week and am now down under 190 (189.5). WHoo Hoo! :D
I am more motivated now to keep going and not to cheat. Of course, today I am allowing myself the baked torillas and salsa because it is the 4th of July but that is all I am having today that will be off plan. I know I can bounce back from that. Have a happy 4th and stay safe.

Thanks for the reply.

Okay so it is Sunday and I didn't stick to my plan to cheat with just the chips and salsa. I went out with my family to a chinese restuarant. I did the best I could under the circumstances and ate seasoned potatoes, green beans, broccoli and drank water. So the only bad thing about those things was the oils.
I also ate some sweets when I got home (junior mints) but so far my weight isn't showing much but I am back on track today. Eating my potatoes and soup. I did try a recipe from another post for banana ice cream today and it was good. I normally do not like bananas. Hope everyone had a great and safe 4th of July.
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