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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:22 pm

I tried weighing myself this morning and got a different reading each of the four times I stepped on the scale. My scale is nothing special. It's a Weight Watcher brand I bought a few years ago at Target, I think. Cheap. It reads out in 2/10 pound increments (digital).

I think I need a new one. I don't want to pay a lot of money for something that is no more accurate. Any advice?
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Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:26 pm

I have the same scale. It has always done that for me too! A different weight each time.
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Postby Talyae » Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:38 pm

A few months ago I replaced my old analog scale with a digital one made by Taylor (model 7329L from what I can tell on the bottom of it). It was about $40 Canadian and I have been most pleased with it. I have been impressed with the consistency of the numbers when stepping on it.

I did a quick look on the USA site and this was the closest model according to number ... ... ale-7.html

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:20 pm

I like the number on THAT one much better than the number I see on mine. :?
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Postby Talyae » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:33 pm

Mrs. Doodlepunk wrote:I like the number on THAT one much better than the number I see on mine. :?

Hehe ... indeed!

Tanita Brand

Postby gradstudentmommy » Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:13 pm

I have a Tanita brand digital scale that I got about 10 years ago and it's very accurate for weight. It also measures body fat and that number is always WAY off but the scale seems consistent.
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:23 pm

Talyae wrote:A few months ago I replaced my old analog scale with a digital one made by Taylor (model 7329L from what I can tell on the bottom of it). It was about $40 Canadian and I have been most pleased with it. I have been impressed with the consistency of the numbers when stepping on it.

I did a quick look on the USA site and this was the closest model according to number ... ... ale-7.html

It looks a lot like the one I have, although the brand is different. I followed the link and there was one review--a negative one.

Oh, my, I think I may have to part with some more money. And I'm happy to do that if I know it will be more accurate.
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Postby slugmom » Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:10 pm

how far off is it? Is it varying by several pounds or a few tenths of a pound?

I had one that was giving me 2-3 pound variances. I replaced it, and my current one occasionally has an odd day where it gives me one weight and then another, but usually 'settles out' to the latter number -- this is even when I "zero" it before each weigh in. But if it's less than 1/2 lb variance I don't know if I'd mess with it.
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Postby ncyg46 » Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:50 am

i miss my old doctors scale with the sliding weights on the top that I got at a yard sale...loved that one! Now I have a scale but I guess it works.
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Postby Faith in DC » Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:28 am

hehe Mrs. D - I have to agree with you on that scale. I'd buy it if it gave me that reading too.

Here is my take on scales, the one I use. Yes, most (and even my old timer use to do it) scales are not perfect. They are only a tool. I step on once, take a peek, and accept the number. I pay attention to how my clothes fit, how I feel, and I try and find muscle showing. That's what pays in the long long. The doctor when I go in, will get the reading that is accurate. Heck mine isn't very accurate there, since they are always thrilled that I'm less.

It's an estimate.

You could do like Mom does. She gets on and off three times and takes the lowest number. hehe
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Postby Chile » Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:33 pm

My digital Tanita seems to be relatively consistent in its measurements. I'm the one that's not consistent.
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Postby MaryW » Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:11 pm

I have a digital Weight watchers scale too. It's fairly consistent. If I'm not sure of the reading, I'll weigh again. usually the two readings are the same, but if not, I try for a third time. The third reading usually matches one of the first too, so I take the best 2 out of three!

If you have had the scale for a while, it might need a new battery. Especially if it worked OK before and just recently started acting weird.
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Postby glook » Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:30 pm

The scale I am using now is the balance board for Wii Fit!

I know it sounds crazy, but I bought the Wii Fit with the intention of using the balance board as a new scale because the bathroom scale seemed off.

Since buying it, I have been happy to let the Wii track my weight change and help me reach my goals. I love the exercises and games that come with it.

I don't work for Nintendo, I guess I just find it funny to hear myself say that the Wii Fit Balance Board is the best scale I ever had!
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Postby Plumerias » Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:05 am

Health-o-meter, which is a homeowners version of the doctor's scale. I usually do two or three and take the lowest......
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Postby txveggie » Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:19 pm

I have the old fashioned DR's scale and love it. I went through I don't know how many different scales I went through before I spent the money for a good scale. I've had it about 18 years and it is worth every penny I spent on it. :)
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