Hola ... New

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Hola ... New

Postby Baamaapii » Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:11 pm

Hey there folks.

I've been on here, on and off, a couple times before.

My motivation at this point is fear. I'm 23. 5'7" and about 300 pounds. Diabetes runs rampant in my family. And just a few weeks ago, a doctor tested my glucose. While it was about 45 minutes after a large disgusting meal, it was 138 or so. She's sending me in for diabetes testing as a result of the combination of my weight, that reading, and family history.

I'm too young. I don't want to spend my 20s (or 30s or 40s, etc) fat. And I don't, above all, want to spend them unhealthy, unmotivated and miserable.

Thing is, I'm just the kind of girl who needs support. Accountability. Empathy. That kind of thing. People near my same area on the path of life.

Be it what it may... I get paid on Friday. NO MONEY UNTIL THEN. Ugh...

I'm not getting my MWL book back until Thursday night... I'd like to grocery plan before that. My budget is $50. I'd like to stay between $30 and $40 a week, but for the first few weeks $50 I think is fair. Somethings I can buy in larger quantities I guess.

Does anyone have any ideas? Ways to make this lifestyle easier (cheaper) for those of us with only a couple nickels to rub together? And what should I buy? Can I plan this out before Thursday night?

Any ideas or support is more than welcome!

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Postby Talyae » Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:33 pm

I don't have anything to say at the moment other than welcome to the boards. I applaud you finding a way this early in your adult life to get things in control when it comes to your health. I wish I had found out what I know now when I was your age.

Good luck with your new journey! And here's to good health for you.



Postby JessNZ » Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:03 am

I also did this at about your age and I would never go back.

For your budget -

oats, brown rice and potatoes - cheap starch staples, definitely buy in larger quantities if possible

Your favorite inseason vegetables and fruit

Soy sauce, honey, tomato paste...

More later if I have time!
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Postby Griffin » Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:56 am


It's fine to do McD on a budget since beans, rice and potatoes are cheap! Also, this being August, the farmers markets are loaded with great, inexpensive veggies and fruits.

Stay away from things with a UPC symbol on it and you'll do just fine I bet.

Congrats on making such a great change in your life at the perfect age. Many of us wish we'd recognized the logic of McD at a younger age.

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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:58 pm

I'm glad you ordered the book. Maybe you can be an inspiration to the rest of the family. Especially is you lower that bs.

cook from stratch and freeze. Luckily this can be a super cheap way to eat. I get my quaker oats at Walmart as they are cheaper there.
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Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:41 pm

You are almost in my front yard!

The Farmer's Market in Hemlock is on Thursday night, 4 to 7, and the Midland one is on Saturday. Lots of stuff for pretty cheap to be had at the Hemlock one, I know! Haven't been to Midland yet this season. Link to Farmer's Market's in mid-Michigan area: http://www.farmersmarkets.msu.edu/Defau ... plate/skin

The Grains and Greens in Saginaw will order full cases of things at a discount of 10 percent off retail. That is how we buy our oats and brown rice and beans. It ends up slightly cheaper than Meijer, which might be worth it for you. Also, there is a co-op in Saginaw that is still going but I found that their prices were similar or higher to Grains and Greens if you order a full case. In case you'd like to check out the co-op: http://www.greenseedcoop.com

The nice thing about the co-op is they do online ordering and you can split cases but you don't always get just what you want because sometimes the case doesn't fill. You also have to help with distribution work.
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Postby sksamboots » Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:31 pm


I'm so glad your here! So some easy things; potatoes/beans and fruits and vegetables..they make up my weekly menus....

We are here to support you. I'm 25 by the way, it's a great community of support no matter what anyone age is :D
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Postby oyvey » Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:17 pm

Hi Baamaapii,

Glad you are here!! If go to Jeff's thread and look at his SNAP meals all, are very low cost that would fit pretty well into your budget.

Good luck on your journey, you have definately come to the right place :-D
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Postby talkingmountain » Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:44 pm

Welcome Danielle!

This way of eating is so much cheaper than SAD once you add in the cost of medication, it's ridiculous. Organic is nice and all, but if that's not in your budget right now, do not worry about it.

Cooking your own dry beans is way cheaper than the canned. You can freeze them after cooking if you want. And you can cook them in a crockpot overnight if you want to, rather than boiling on the stove.

At your next payday, see if you can't find a used copy of Dr. Neal Barnard's Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease. The recipes are no good but the advice is great (and McDougall-consistent).

Even if you luck out and aren't officially "diabetic," seize this motivation and "get with the program!" You won't regret it!
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Postby Baamaapii » Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:30 pm

Hey everyone...

Been so busy. Tomorrow is pay day. That equals grocery shopping day. I'm about to make my list.

Mrs Doodlepunk You are practically next door! That is SO awesome! I'm gonna check out Midland's farmer's market on Saturday am.

I'll let you guys know what I come up with soon as I figure it out. Thanks for all the great words of advice and encouragement!
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