bad day!

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bad day!

Postby ahowley » Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:47 pm

I had been doing so well recently. Then yesterday, HORRIBLE. Went to the all you can eat shrimp at REd Lobster, had about 50. Then at home ice cream, cheesy bread, chips, nuts, dip, cobbler, etc. I gained 4#'s yesterday. How do I stop these days???
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Postby Letha. » Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:55 pm

How do you stop?


Don’t give up. Don’t beat yourself up. Pretend you are a scientist analyzing a situation dispassionately. Take some notes. What were the circumstances and the variables? What are some things you could try in the future to change the outcome? Make a list. Make a plan. Test it out. Adjust. Make a new plan. Keep trying until you figure out how to make it work. You can do it. :)
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Postby MaryW » Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:03 pm

Usually when I'm eating something I shouldn't, I reach a point where i just say, screw it! And I finish off the bag, container, box, etc. i just have to STOP eating and get back on track immediately. Even if the whole day is in the crapper, just start again the next day.

One thing I've been wondering about it is "treat" days or "celebration" days. If we plan to eat a little extra or a little off plan, we can prepare for it mentally and make sure we stay on track the rest of the day. I took my mom out for a lovely dinner the other night. I ate some high fat foods. But I ate lots of fresh, healthy, lowfat foods the rest of the day. And I knew I was having a special dinner, so it wasn't "bad" in my mind to eat there.

Just out of curiosity, was your trip to Red Lobster planned? Did you go willingly and mentally prepared? Were all those foods you ate at home a reaction to the trip to Red Lobster? Some things to think about.

If it makes you feel any better, those 4 pounds are probably not fat. Not yet anyway. It's probably the weight of the food and fluid you are retaining from all of the salt. Cuz you know that food is salty! So tomorrow, drink lots and lots of water, and have plenty of veggies. And don't beat yourself too much. We've all been there. It will get better. Don't let one slip up ruin all the progress you have made.
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Postby tshirtartist » Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:34 pm

I too blew it for a couple of days after being on track for almost 2 weeks. I could just kick myself but have been back on track for the last 2 days. I too am up 4lbs and know some of it is all the salt in the food. I can believe how salty restaurant food is. The funny part is not only was it not worth it, nothing tasted that good, but I felt sick and unhealthy afterwards. I really like eating this way but know I am still overeating the starches which I having been working on the last couple of days. Anyway, I know how you feel but in case it gives you any hope I am feeling better and less self loathing after getting back on plan. Everyday I fight my evil inner voice that is either telling me to overeat or to do a juice fast to get these last 20lbs off fast. I have done both of those things in the past and have learned that neither works well for me. So.. I guess I will keep going eating this way and hope persistence is the key. You are not alone. We just have to keep on trying.

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Postby ahowley » Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:46 pm

No, the trip wasn't planned. I do think the rest of the food that night was a reaction to the pig out at the restaurant. Plus, can't get rid of the junk food in the house as my dh is a big fan of it and isn't willing to give it up, unfortunately.
Yes, next time I must just order a salad and plain baked potatoe.
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Postby WishIWasInBuffalo » Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:02 am

The first thing I would do is forgive yourself. Beating yourself up doesn't change anything. Just resolve that the situation will be handled better next time.

Why Red Lobster? Would it have been possible to just not go? Or will you obligated? I try to stay out of environments which I know aren't good for me or how I have chosen to live my life.

Work on understanding that those foods you ate aren't real food and that you have chosen to eat real food. When tempted as you were, grab an apple or some carrots instead.

Remember, you are trying to undo years of training on SAD. They were will be set backs. Accept and continue to move forward.

Finally, focus much less on numbers (what you weigh) and much more on just being healthy. You are striving for good health, not a magic number in my opinion.
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Postby Daffodil » Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:43 am

I think we've all been there in some way or other. We are all human and have our moments. Like Letha said, Practice. Try and put yourself into environments that are conducive to staying on plan.
When you do go out to restaurants, plan ahead. Look up their menu's online to see if they offer vegan options for you.
You may want to check out the book and or DVD "The Pleasure Trap." There is a link to it on this site, the home page I do believe. Very helpful.
And then if you do end up giving in again sometime, just get up the next day and strive to stay on plan, start over.
If it happens too much, then changes in what foods are in the house will have to be implemented. Your husband insisting on his junk foods isn't helping you in the long run or even in the short term. And if you are constantly seeing that stuff, it can set you up for a binge quite easily.
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Postby LauraA » Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:36 am

I've done things like this a million times over a thirty year period! The only thing that helped me (other than these boards, of course) was The Pleasure Trap. Finally I had an understanding that I wasn't crazy, and that once I taste certain foods, I just can't stop - much like an alcoholic or drug addict. There is also the "I've already blown it, why stop now?" part to it all. Anyway, my life is so much easier when I can stay totally on plan. I don't think that special planned treat days would work for me personally. I think that I am too much like an alcoholic. I do find that I am able to have sweets if they are in a main dish type recipe rather than a sweet dessert, and I can have nuts in a dish or recipe - just not by the handfull! This is hard, but you're still on the right track. take care, LauraA
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Postby ladynnred1 » Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:44 pm

Best strategy is to remember that it's over and done with; you can't change what you have already done.

Remember you're doing this for your health and that your HEALTH requires you to honour it.
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The End of Overeating

Postby Tina » Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:04 pm

I'm just finishing reading The End of Overeating by Dr. David Kessler (the former head of the US FDA), and it has really helped me understand the causes of overeating and how to avoid triggering it. It also reminded me to be kinder to myself when do I overeat; overeating is complicated and getting rid of it takes time, experience and sometimes a lot of trial-and-error. My mantra is "Progress, not perfection!" :)
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Postby ahowley » Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:46 pm

Thank you for all your replies and support. I really appreciate it. It's a struggle some times, but a lot of days are good.
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Postby xanthia » Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:30 am

What helps me is dealing with things meal to meal. If I blow a meal or snack, I know I will be on track the next. No "today is a bust, might as well eat what I want" or "might as well start again next Monday" stuff to put me in a downward spiral. So blowing one meal doesn't mean as much and it forces me to stay on track.
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Postby Anna Green » Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:00 pm

I've been noticing that when I eat healthy foods I don't over eat like I do with fatty foods. Every once in a while I will eat too much potato or such, it's just not nearly as much as if it were french fries or tempura. When it's the latter I can't seem to stop until I'm stuffed and feeling sick.

I just had this wave of gratitude wash over me as I realize that overall I am winning this battle (even with the backsliding) because of this resource and the support and knowledge it provides. I am actually much more confident that I will continue the effort than I was a few months ago. Thanks everyone.
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Postby MaryW » Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:06 pm

Yes! I feel the same way, Anna Green. I'm on this journey until I complete it, no matter how long it takes. But I feel confident that I will get there. I have the courage, the support and the knowledge to get there. That doesn't mean I won't stumble along the way, but nothing is going to stop me from getting there! :-D
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Postby LauraA » Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:21 am

Well, this tread came to the top of the board again just for me! I was even one of the ones to give a suggestion here a few days ago. I'll say more in my journal, but yesterday I had a bit of a vegan junk food binge! This is the first time that I have done this in 10 months. I've been off plan before, but usually due to travel, and not really a binge. I've had an emotional couple of weeks dealing with my mother, and even accepted lots of congratulations for doing so well with eating in spite of her illness! I'm examining the situation, I'm definitely back on track, and I really really don't hate myself! Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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