The Difference

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The Difference

Postby janluvs2heel » Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:28 pm

In 1998, I read about the McDougall diet & decided to give it a try. It took away all my cravings. I have never had a diet that went on that I didn't crave chocolate, etc. I lost somewhere between 45-50 lbs in about 5 months. Looking back to that time, I realize I didn't really do the plan. Yes, I didn't eat meat, chicken or fish. Yes, I was pretty good, at least with my cooking, no added oils, etc. but a typical lunch for me was a can of Progresso Lentil Soup with a cut up potato & some fruit. I felt pretty good though. So, can you see where this is going?

Fast forward to March, 2009. I still weigh around the same as I did before I started McDougalling in 1998. (Lots of low carbing inbetween) It has taken me about 5 months to finally get it. I was doing McDougall in March, starting with Mary's Mini. I did great, felt good, bp went down too quickly but that is okay. Then I started adding the McDougall legal foods, plus some other stuff. I just stayed around the same weight, I did feel better but I was hooked on McDonald's iced coffee, my own coffee to which I added Cool Whip & artificial sweetener, some candy bars here & there. I just wasn't committed to making the total change, I said I was but I wasn't. But, here I am, day 10, of being totally McDougall compliant.
No Mcdonald's iced coffee, no coffee with Cool Whip, no artificial sweeterer, no candy/chocolate. No cravings. I can watch TV with all the gooey pizza they show, the cooking shows, & not start to crave it. And the difference between the time in 1998 & this time is startling. I feel amazing. Almost all knee pain is gone, I have tons of energy, I am sleeping better. Before I felt better, yes, & yes, I did lose weight but I added stuff to my diet. Pizza, no cheese was a regular. Once a week. Choc. Chip Cookies, things like that were creeping into my diet. I used the excuse as well, just one wont hurt. Ha!! I use the Progresso Soup once in a while, in a pinch, if for some reason I have not been to the store & need to eat, but not as an everyday thing. I can see now, why I slowly went back to the SAD. I see what I did wrong. I see what I did wrong in March, when I started back. I am not sure why I couldn't let go of those foods but it doesn't matter now, they are gone.
My eyes are open. I hope they stay that way. I started out needing to lose 100 lbs & now I need to lose 94. That will take time, but already I have improved my health so much.
This is the difference. Being McDougall compliant, 95-100% of the time. I say 95-100 because I think that is pretty reasonable, at least for me. Last week I accidentally ate somehting that had a little bit of oil in it, I hadn't read down the ingredient list far enough. I wont eat it again though & you can bet my reading glasses are going with me when I shop. I no longer feel sorry for myself, poor little me, can't eat this, can't eat that. Why can't I be one of the skinny ones who can eat whatever they want without gaining an ounce? Now I know, I am the lucky one. Being overweight has led me to better health & it will just keep on getting better.
If you are struggling, it really helps to browse thru this forum, read the posts of those who have been down the same path, who offer wisdom & no nonsense encouragement.
I just joined the Mary's Mini group for 10 days. I will start tomorrow as I need potatoes. I am also going to start journaling again, so this will continue over there.
Posts: 1512
Joined: Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:38 pm

Postby ladynnred1 » Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:46 pm

One day at a time. Sounds so trite but beats us into submission.

Do today. Worry about tomorrow then.
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Joined: Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:50 pm
Location: alexandria, va

re: The Difference

Postby janluvs2heel » Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:16 pm

Yes, you are right. And I need to be beaten into submission, that's for sure. I am McDougalling today, no problems. I just meant I would start Mary's Mini with the one starch tomorrow, but I got out early & bought some potatoes so I am starting right now. I have 2 potatoes cooking in the microwave as I am writing.

I just got finished cleaning my kitchen. I stood in my kitchen for about 45 minutes, cleaning cabinets, etc. When I was finished, I was amazed, no pain in my legs or knees. That is a first.

Potatoes are ready!!!
Posts: 1512
Joined: Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:38 pm

Postby ladynnred1 » Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:14 pm

I say it as much for my own sake as yours!
Posts: 163
Joined: Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:50 pm
Location: alexandria, va

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