Diet Coke

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Diet Coke

Postby WishIWasInBuffalo » Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:28 am

It was tough when I gave up Diet Coke several years ago. What I did that finally worked was to read the ingredients each time before I had one. Worked like a charm!
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Postby LauraA » Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:24 am

Great idea! Diet coke was tough for me to give up several years ago too - in fact, I did it several times!! Take care, LauraA
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diet coke

Postby Babstitches » Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:57 pm

How did you finally give it up? the longest I have gone without is one month.
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Postby gypwytch » Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:54 pm

I'm still drinking coke or pepsi about once a week, or if we go to a restaurant.
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Stevia drink mix

Postby lfwfv » Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:53 pm


I kicked the diet soda habit about a month ago. I was down to about one per week at that point... I just bought one per week at the checkout after grocery shopping (as a treat). What finally convinced me to quit it is when I watched a documentary about artificial sweeteners (i think it's called 'sweet poison') through netflix. It was scary. I finally believed all the facts my husband had tried to drill through my head over the last few years. Very convincing. I had been holding off giving up the diet drinks completely because it really had been my only 'indulgence'. I am eating a gluten-free MWL diet.

But i knew i would probably need something to substitute for the odd times i really really wanted something besides water. So, I found a drink mix called 'stevita' on Amazon (and at I like the lime flavor so far. You use a teeny little bit of mix (i use far less than they suggest- like 1/16tsp for 24 oz of water!) and it tastes great! It's very very cheap. It comes in a little tub, but because you use so little, it literally works out to under 5 cents per drink. Way cheaper than the single-serving drink mixes i used to buy at target. And a heck of a lot better for you. So far I'm doing great using them instead of the diet caffeine free pepsis and diet root beers I used to love.

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Postby gypwytch » Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:19 pm

Going to see if I can find that in Canada.
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great encouragement

Postby catherine1305 » Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:58 pm

Hi all:
Today is day three of no caffiene for me. I have been drinking just water. I did have a cup of coffee but could only drink 1/2.

I have not had any headaches. I guess I will see how things go this weekend.

Thanks for your advice all.
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Re: great encouragement

Postby glook » Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:42 pm

catherine1305 wrote:Hi all:
I have not had any headaches. I guess I will see how things go this weekend.

The headaches were always the worst for me. I had to plan whether to disappoint my family or my employer based on what day I gave up caffeine.

Good luck to you!
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Postby catherine1305 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:08 pm

Well I made it through the weekend with no caffiene and did fine.

My only tough time was Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon I thought about a diet pepsi and it really sounded good but I resisted and made it through.

Today I had a sinus headache but I don't think it had to do with the soda. The weather changed and it rained so I think that is what contributed to the headache.

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Re: Stevia drink mix

Postby LJ » Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:47 am

lfwfv wrote:Hi,

What finally convinced me to quit it is when I watched a documentary about artificial sweeteners (i think it's called 'sweet poison') through netflix. It was scary. I finally believed all the facts my husband had tried to drill through my head over the last few years. Very convincing. I had been holding off giving up the diet drinks completely because it really had been my only 'indulgence'. I am eating a gluten-free MWL diet.


Sweet Misery....good documentary and totally worth watching. I haven't TOUCHED anything with aspartame since.

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