Dr. McDougall's Awesome Article - The Fat Vegan

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Dr. McDougall's Awesome Article - The Fat Vegan

Postby lavenderlilacs » Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:54 pm

The fat Vegan is an awesome article from Dr. McDougall's December 2008 newsletter.

As soon as my printer gets fixed I am definitely printing that one out.

I just became vegan, but I know I am eating too much fat (and yes I AM fat). This article really made me aware of all the fat I am eating. So I'm going to consciously cut down on the amount of fat I'm eating and see if that helps.

Dr. McDougall, if you ever read this, you are just wonderful. Your article was truly compassionate toward vegans and so very honest and true.

Eating too much fat is bad for us - vegan or not. If you haven't read his article folks, please read it.
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Postby MTeehan » Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:12 am

THANKS, lavenderlilacs !! I missed that one. I was a 'fat vegan' for a LONG time. Bud Lite and Lays were my main food groups. Seems like Dr. John ALWAYS has the answer. The guy is an American Hero. Imagine how the whole health care issue would be settled if people just listened to Dr. John McDougall. It took me over 20 years to finally get it. Once I did I transformed myself in, literally, a matter of months.
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Postby Letha.. » Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:16 am

Here is a link to the article for anyone who hasn't read it. :)

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Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:09 pm

way to go Dr McD! that's exactly what I've been thinking for quite some time, even when I was eating meat: if I give up meat, I'm not going to go find foods that are "just like meat" and other animal products.

Like fat free mayo *blch*...if I want mayo, I'm eating the full-fat version. If I want meat, I'll eat some durn MEAT.

however, I don't see myself choosing those foods. It hit me today: I can do this way of eating for the rest of my life. If I am eating vegan because I feel great and my IBS is gone and I've lost 5 lbs in two weeks, why would I go looking for imitations? I've been committed to eating whole, unprocessed foods for my whole adult life...as a vegan, am I going to go after highly processed foods? And, if a "feast time" comes along, I won't turn down a dish with fish in it...maybe not :confused: When the time comes, I'll decide.

Yes, Dr McDougall does a terrific job with that article!

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Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:15 pm

yeah, maybe that's why I've been telling people "I'm eating vegan" rather than "I am a vegan"

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don't lable me

Postby merriweather » Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:45 pm

I so understand the feeling. If the Dr. had said I suggest you go on a vegan diet, I think I would have run out of the office, with visions of Naked fur protestors in my mind. I live in LA and see some really odd things.
But instead he asked if I was interested in changing my lifestyle to effect my health. Yes, I was so not ready for any more meds.
I have only been on this a little over a week, but already feel better.
Of course my Diabetic nurse was just in shock. She kept telling me I could eat a little meat. I had to watch the carbs.
Only my sugars are so much lower I had to reduce the amount of long term insulin I am taking. Not by much, but it usually just gets adjusted up.
So, I will avoid lables, and just keep on with the program.
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