I am bad at the MWL program

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I am bad at the MWL program

Postby happyalyssa » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:38 am

So I've found that eating MWL I tend to want to cheat (and have!) a lot more often then while on the regular program. We're talking 3 days of perfect eating then scarfing down a handful of cookies....then 3 days of perfect eating, then eating chocolate, etc. I'm still not quite sure why this is, maybe it has to do with more restrictions? Anyway I was going to MWL all month but I'm doing very poorly sticking with it compared to just doing the regular program (which I tend to do pretty well on, yet the weight loss is fairly slow if steady).

Anyone else have similar experiences? Or any advice? Should I keep trying the MWL? Should I just do the regular program and be happy with my very slow (yet consistant) weight loss? I'm really not sure what the big diference is for me except a lot less soy, less fruit, & no occasional bread products so maybe I'm just using "all the restrictions" as an excuse to cheat (myself) on the program? The only other reason that possibly comes to mind as to why I may be having these weird cravings is that I've been experiencing PMS symptoms for a lot longer than normal (99% sure I'm not pregnant, but I'm about a week late).

Anyway, input is appreciated, thanks!
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Postby ReneeK » Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:25 am

Sorry to hear that you're having a hard time with MWL. I understand what you are going through, as I had a difficult time with the MWL restrictions as well. Let me ask why you chose to do MWL instead of the regular program? Is it because you were discouraged with the slow rate of weight loss? I can understand that as well.
I tried to do the MWL and got so discouraged because I would fall off the wagon all the time. I was continuously starting over. I'd be good for a week and then lose control and binge on all the SAD food I could find. Well, maybe not that bad but it sure felt like it at the time.
Then I got involved with the Mary's Mini challenge that Chaplain Mike started for Lent. I didn't follow the guidelines exactly, but I streamlined it to meet my needs. It was just the thing that got me consciously thinking of my eating choices.
That in turn got me started back into food journaling. By food journaling, I don't mean just writing down what I eat and when. That doesn't have much impact on me. I have a pocket calorie, fat & carb counter that I carry with me. I know we don't have to track calories, fat, etc. but believe me, I'll be thinking twice about cheating if I have to physically look up the food that I am cravng and write down the amount of calories, fat and carbs. This has helped me tremendously!
I also found that I had to break my compulsion to weigh every day. By compulsively weighing myself, I was seeing more discouragement than success. That, and my scales are really old and most times unreliable. I still weigh on my bathroom scale about once a week, but my "official" weigh-in is at my dr's office once every three months. By doing this, I rely less on a number and more of how I feel physically and emotionally...and how much better my clothes are fitting :-) .
I'm not suggesting this for you, but only sharing what works for me. I hope you find what works for you and wish you great success.
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Postby hope101 » Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:02 pm

Alyssa, it is interesting but I have had a similar experience. I am not doing MWL, but this last week I have been craving roast cabbage and potatoes for some reason, so I have had more than a few lunches with that being most of my meal. Without intending to I was doing MWL with only about 1/2 my portions being a starch. It was just what appealed. I felt completely full but within an hour or so of eating I felt fatigued, headachy and just not myself. I didn't actually feel hunger in my stomach but when I ate something I felt much better. The weird part is that I was craving high fat foods, which I seldom do on this plan--nuts, chocolate. And I gave in to it more than normal because I just wasn't prepared for feeling hungry. In other words, I think I was eating so many fewer calories accidentally it was setting me up for binges.

The way I figure it is that I am doing this for life. I actually feel better, am more satisfied, am more consistent in how I eat and therefore less likely to indulge in feast food when I do the regular program. So I'll take my 1/4 pound weight loss a week on the regular program.

I do the opposite of ReneeK, just to confuse you. I have a good scale, weigh myself every day and it keeps me from being discouraged. I actually have plotted my weight in Excel (can you say OCD) and can see the graph. Even if it zigs up I can see the definite trend downwards since November and it just keeps me encouraged.
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Postby happyalyssa » Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:24 pm

Thanks for the info ;) I find when on the regular program I eat a bunch of MWL type meals often, it isn't uncommon to go a few days without a refined product. Anyway I guess I'll just keep on the regular program for now, maybe once I've done that for a very long time and am quite used to it & find myself at a big bump in the road I'll switch over to MWL. I kind of have to remind myself that it wasn't all that long ago that I gave up dairy and oils and caffeine & everything else and that I may still be learning to accept this new lifestyle without making it even more challenging just yet.
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