Today is the big day~

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Today is the big day~

Postby Cindee » Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:28 am

Hello McDougallers:

I've decided to do a 12 day MWL. I want to go for the next two months, but want to get past that 12 day mark first. This will be my first attempt at the MWL for 12 days.

I wish you all well on your weight loss goals. I'm a little scared to do this, because I usually end up giving in after the first few days. But, I can't give in this time.

I usually have an excuse and it seems there is ALWAYS SOMETHING to celebrate. This time, I'm stickin' to the program no matter what comes up. I can eat MWL and still celebrate.

Have a great weekend :D

"I advocate eating in the healthiest manner possible. Your body will naturally move to a healthier weight, at the speed it chooses, not some predetermined rate set by someone’s opinion." Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD
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Celebrating doesn't require unhealthy food

Postby Burgess » Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:40 am

Cindee wrote:I usually have an excuse and it seems there is ALWAYS SOMETHING to celebrate. This time, I'm stickin' to the program no matter what comes up. I can eat MWL and still celebrate.

In a free or even semi-free society, good people always do have something to celebrate because they are steadily pursing their personal goals. However, as you indicate, celebrations do not require unhealthy foods. One can celebrate without such foods, or even without any foods at all.

A brisk walk to the skyline of a low hill, and standing in the wind watching the world around us, can be a celebration too.
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Postby Doris » Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:37 am

Cindee, I wish you the best! Remember, this is not an all or nothing program. If you do have a slip, just put it aside and keep moving forward. We all learn from our experiences. Sounds like you have. :)
Last edited by Doris on Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby KareninTN » Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:05 am

Cindee, I'll join you for a 5-day MWL next Monday through Friday. Right now, I can't imagine even 12 days, but I need to start somewhere. My weight loss has been stalled out for quite some time, as more bread and more regular program-legal fats have found their way into everyday eating. I want to show myself that this really is doable; I've always been terrified of MWL. But the time has come! :eek:

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Maximum weight loss

Postby Tom Valdriz » Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:15 pm

Being overweight is an issue that I struggle with, and it seems that sometimes I obsess at how to get the weight off quickly.

If you are comfortable with the McDougall plan, small changes like eating
a huge salad first and drinking lots of water goes along way toward not
feeling deprived.

One of the best pieces of advice I once received was to get rid of the scale, or at least, don't weigh yourself more than once a month, and concentrate on learning to prepare health, starch-centered meals and

I always have some baked potatoes and a little bottle of my favorite
sauce with them for a snack when I am away from home, and I always
take legal food with me when I visit parties. That way, I know I can enjoy the friends I'm with and not obsess about not having what I need or relying on others to have it there.

If I go out to dinner, I call ahead and make sure there is something on
the menu that I can eat and stay with the program.

Ultimately, you have to decide if your health and program is worth it for you.

I'm thinking it is, and you both will do great!

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Postby Faith in DC » Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:38 pm

Ya know, normally I don't join these challenges or whatever. I've been working for two years on making a change for life, not as a diet. I have been toying with backing away from flour though, so let me try 12 days of nothing but whole foods. I'm starting monday though.
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Postby Cindee » Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:07 pm

Thanks so much everyone!!! :-D

What a nice bunch of people you are.

I'm a little emotional today as I eagerly pursue this goal without looking back. It's a huge step and a milestone to say the least.

Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions. I will save them and refer to them "daily" so that I may continue to stay focused.

I'm not as worried or concerned about the final days of this comittment, my concern is my first few days. These are the toughest. Resisting temptation because the weekend is when we all celebrate the work week being over and it's just time to mingle with family and EAT.

But, it is so true that we can come together (food and the American Way is what brings people together) food and all, and make the wisest choices for our health. My health is important to me. It always has been, but I wonder on what level?

I've been studying Nutrition for 20 years, but have I really applied it to my life? Not really. So, this journey is a bit scary because it affects not only me, but my entire family.

Last night, we (husband and I) gathered the entire family around and discussed what we would be doing for our health and for our life. We discussed how we will all be testing the waters and doing our best and if we want a treat, we'll have it, but use healthy ingredients. This was huge for me! They've always been so supportive, but this time it was different. Daddy says we are all going to do our best to eat this way too. The rest of the family will McDougall, and I will MWL. So we continued to make a list of "New" grocery items and talked to the kids about healthy substitutes. We watched the newer DVD where Dr. McDougall and Mary demonstrate different foods to make, and the kids were fascinated. I was thrilled!!!

So, the emotions are there because I think with the combined effort we will all be very successful.

The kids are healthy and they have rarely had any dairy. Exception of ice cream maybe once every 1 to two months. So, that isn't the worry for me. They were each fed mothers milk for 2.5 years and when it was time to have milk with cereal, it was rice, almond or soy. They prefer silk now with their cereal. But, it isn't every day. It will take time to wean them off of salmon, but other than that...they love their veggies...broccoli and romaine, and so forth. They love potatoes and brown rice.

So, with a little tweaking of the SAD foods that do creep in to the household, I think we will make it. I know we aren't going to get it perfect and with time even if we are 80 to 90 doing the program, it is better so much better than what we are doing now. And that is about 50% McDougall.

I think with the mind set that Dr. McDougall taught on his DVD about comparing the program to his wind surfing hobbie, it has helped me tremendously to see that it is by trial and error that I will succeed and not let a little slip up sabatoge the entire program for me.

Thanks again! :-D

P.S. I think it will be fun to do this together with those of you who will begin on Monday. We'll motivate each other and it will be fun!!!
"I advocate eating in the healthiest manner possible. Your body will naturally move to a healthier weight, at the speed it chooses, not some predetermined rate set by someone’s opinion." Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD
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Postby Faith in DC » Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:55 pm

Well - dang - so good that the family is with you :-D You can't ask for more than that. Any ides on the menu? I have this one fetish? craving? that has stood in my way from going for MWLP for a long time. It's a love for this one particular burrito. It's a fastfood joint. But my god they make the best salsa verde I've ever tasted. I look forward to having it. so now for two weeks I'm doing with out.

But I thought ok what can i do that hopefully will get me over this addiction. I'm making my salsa, and I made my rice, and I'll mix my black beans in, and might add corn. I've got taters on this which I'll bake on sunday. I'm ready for some salads for lunch. I love my oatmeal and have non-sweetened frozen blueberries in the freezer. I think I'll be ok.

Let's move this show on!
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Postby Cindee » Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:09 pm

I know, I know...I am truly grateful.

It will be fun to do this together.

Yeah, Menu Ideas are simple, simple, simple. Just as the doc has suggested.

Every morning, it's oatmeal with 1 tsp brown sugar, and a fruit.
Afternoon, bean salad with romaine lettuce, (lots of it) and cucumbers.
Dinner will be potatos and more veggies, and a fruit.

It will be pretty boring, but for me to stay on track, simple is best. If I have to make too many food decisions, I fail miserably.

Can't wait for Monday! :-D
"I advocate eating in the healthiest manner possible. Your body will naturally move to a healthier weight, at the speed it chooses, not some predetermined rate set by someone’s opinion." Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD
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Postby Faith in DC » Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:11 pm

on MWLP simple is the best. But don't forget flavor for keeping from getting bored.
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Postby Cindee » Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:31 pm

what would you suggest to flavor these meals? Or do you have other easy MWL ideas? Would love to hear.
"I advocate eating in the healthiest manner possible. Your body will naturally move to a healthier weight, at the speed it chooses, not some predetermined rate set by someone’s opinion." Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD
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There with you..beginning Monday

Postby Janet in Dallas » Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:11 am

Last year this time, I 'McDougalled' my way down to the lowest weight I've seen in years, but over the year, I've lost focus & inched my way up almost 8 pounds. I was a vegan...and still am a vegan....just a fatter vegan. Watch for the hidden fats & eat more 'cleanly' & less processed foods. I haven't been 'hungry' in a while....that tells me I'm eating too much. I'm making my body work harder than it has to.

"I want my low weight to be my high weight", so I'm ready to get busy! Goal: Write everything down, watch fats & eat simple.
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Postby Faith in DC » Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:00 pm

Realizing the satisfied stage isn't easy. I had a blessing a couple years ago, that whenever I ate I got so blotted and sick feeling that I couldn't eat for 24 hrs. Usually this happened on my morning oatmeal but did happen on dinner too. That's when I learned to eat until the hunger was gone. I gave myself permission to eat as soon after as I needed, but to stop when I wasn't feeling teh gnawing. So I try to keep following that principle.

As for my simple mwlp. I love mexican. So my homemade salsa with rice and black beans is a favorite. I also love greek salads and McCormick has a wonderful greek seasoning that I always sprinkle on salads. That and my red wine vinegar and I'm in heaven. For rice or taters, now this is going to sound funny, but I love tripele succotash (it's corn, limas and tomatoes). I also do asian canned or frozen veggies and add soy sauce (I don't have to worry about sodium). Breakfast is my oatmeal with frozen blueberries. Now I'm freezing my own so not sugar in them, though I might sprinkle a tad over the oatmeal. Quick and easy I just add boiling water to the oats and let it sit. I like mine chewy. I do in season in the summer. So I grill corn in husk and man is that good. I also eat my seasonal fruits. Watermelon is a passion. Potatoes with lots of broc/cauli and marinara is a fav and so filling and sticks with you. Really if you know you will be away from food a while go for the tater at least my stomach says it's best.

tomorrow - monday my first day

banana before physical therapy
then watermelon and red grapes (I'm not too worried on sticking to only two fruits as I don't pig out on them and they are healthy)
lunch is a big ole salad, tomato soup and brown rice cakes if needed
dinner is the rice, black beans and salsa and a side of cauliflower
snack is popcorn

Over a tater (or rice) I will do lentil soup, chili, the asian mentioned above, or italian, or even just a veggie broth. That works good on a tater where you can mush and make it thicker like gravy. I also love barbeque sauce on a tater. I tend to get most veggies in early and eat more starch at night.

hope this gives a few ideas. I'm single, with a mom and son who depends on me. So I make my meals quick and easy. But I love flavor. No blandness around here.
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Postby Cindee » Sun Jul 29, 2007 11:12 pm

Sounds wonderfull!!! Yes, it helps so much.

We share the sames tastes in many foods.

I find that the Mexican Food is the most filling and satisfying. Can't beat the Asian dishes either. Such a variety.

A few months ago, I stocked up on black beans--my favorite. I love making what the boys call "Taco Salad." I guess that IS really it in a nut shell. Black beans with balsamic vinegar and seasonings and romaine lettuce with brown rice and baked tortilla chips.

I'm like you and don't worry so much about the fruit either. I had half a watermelon the other day and oatmeal for breakfast and I felt soooo good all day long. The watermelon was sooooo sweet. I just felt good.

I'm looking forward to Monday.

When I get my menu together, I'll post. Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day with the kids and piano lessons and grocery shopping. I can't wait!

Kids will McDougall officially and I will MWL.

Take Care,
"I advocate eating in the healthiest manner possible. Your body will naturally move to a healthier weight, at the speed it chooses, not some predetermined rate set by someone’s opinion." Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD
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Postby KareninTN » Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:13 pm

I'm here on schedule, ready to spend the next 5 days preparing for a good number to greet me on the scale Saturday morning - my 56th birthday. :)

Breakfast today (and everyday): steel-cut oats with blueberries and banana. I don't worry about fruit either; I know where my extra pounds come from, and I assure you it's not fruit! :lol:

Lunch: salad with fat-free dressing, boiled potato with BBQ sauce, broccoli and mixed greens (cooked) with ginger stirfry sauce

snacks today: cherries and popcorn

supper today: bean salad with mango dressing, sweet potato with lime and cilantro, asst. munchable raw veggies.

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