30 days on MWL - 8 lbs down

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30 days on MWL - 8 lbs down

Postby stormie » Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:52 am

My weekly weigh in only showed a one pound loss :cry:

I'm getting a little discouraged. Last week I dropped eating potatoes because I wanted to get past the 150 mark. I eat the same thing every day and track it with Fitday - I'm only eating about 633 calories a day and I don't feel hungry, but it didn't help me lose any faster. I also added 45 minutes of cardio in the morning, and 20 minutes to my daily run, which went from 40 minutes to 60. Maybe I should cut out the oatmeal and only eat veggies! Think that will help?

Here's what I eat every day:
bkfst: 1 packet sugar free instant oatmeal with .25 cup soy milk
lunch: 3 cups zuchini, 3 cups cauliflower
dinner: 1 corn on the cob, grilled green,red peppers, onions, squash (no oil, grill on foreman grill)
snacks: 17 soy crisps, 1 cup pineapple

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Postby Malva » Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:40 pm

You are hardly eating anything!
You might have put your body into a slow metabolism, it might be thinking that you are trying to starve it.
You should not be losing more than a pound or two each week.
So, perk up, you are really doing well! :-D
And as you get closer to goal weight, expect your loss to slow down. And that's OK! You didn't gain that weight in two months, so don't expect to lose it so fast either.
You lost 8 pounds in your first month. No doubt you body is trying to adjust to the change. Be good to it, and don't over stress it.

Can you cook yourself some real oatmeal?
Instant products can be devoid of good nutrients and also include things you don't want to eat.
Cook up some old fashioned or thick-cut oatmeal (or even Irish oatmeal), NO soy milk (which includes fats and sugars that you don't want). Sweeten with fresh or frozen fruit, and if you need more than water to moisten your cereal, try rice milk instead.
Replace the soy crisps with carrots, celery and cherry tomatoes.

How much water are you drinking? Are you drinking calorie-free sodas or coffee? You didn't list any fluids, but I sure hope you are drinking something. :-D
Are you adding seasonings to your lunch and dinner?
Salt can cause weight fluxuations (water retention).

Re: activity level
You say you do cardio exercise in the morning and run in the afternoon.
What about your activity level for the rest of the day?
I do a more restricted Program to maintain my weight & health. I have been McDougalling for about 30 years, with a long transition, until I finally accepted this lifestyle, stayed on Program and reached my goal back in 2006.
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you need to eat more!

Postby slimkat » Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:32 pm

Hi Stormie --
First of all, congratulations on your weight loss.
8 lbs in one month is fantastic -- you're averaging 2 lbs per week.

However, you are restricting your calories MUCH too severely.
That slows down your metabolism!!!
I don't know your weight/age, but an average woman's resting metabolic rate (RMR) -- the amount of calories you burn while at rest -- is much greater than 600 calories.

You are female
You are 30 yrs old
You are 5' 6 " tall (167.6 cm)
You weigh 120 lbs. (54.5 kilos)
Your RMR = 655 + 523 + 302 - 141 = 1339 calories/day

This goes up/down based on genetic factors, lifestyle factors, etc.
The more you weigh, the higher it will be.

So, although this may sound contractidictory, you need to eat more calories to lose weight.
You're putting your body into starvation mode right now.

Hope this helps.

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Postby stormie » Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:36 pm

Thanks, Malva!

Yes, I should cook some real oatmeal, but the instant is just so darn convenient! I actually like the steel cut oatmeal better! I've been using lowfat vanilla soy, but you're right it probably does have too much sugar.

I'll replace the crisps with more raw veggies, too. And I do use sea salt and sometimes low sodium soy sauce on my veggies. Oh, and I don't like coffee or carbonated drinks so all I drink is water - so I think I'm all good on that.

Other than the excersize, my day is very sedentary. I'm a web developer and I literally sit on my butt ALL day. I've gained 40lbs since I started working here seven years ago! I do have a step counter so I think I'll start wearing that and take the stairs to the 9th floor instead of the elevator.

Thanks for all the tips and encouragement! Hopefully next week I'll be out of the 150's!!!!!!!!!
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Postby hope101 » Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:15 pm

Stormie, I agree 100% with Malva and Slimkat. You need to eat more! Treat your body like the amazing, miraculous creation it is by feeding it lots of fresh whole foods and it will respond. It is not your enemy.

I understand the interest in getting below a certain number, but it is a completely arbitrary goal that does not respect the rate at which your body is able to let go of extra weight. This lifestyle will work for you. You don't have to white knuckle it and deprive yourself. You'll only set yourself up to believe you have failed and quit in the effort.

I never thought I'd get below 144, which was the best I'd ever done while eating a healthier version of SAD and watching portion sizes on Weight Watchers. Here I am, losing no more than half a pound a week at most, but I'm below 137 and still losing. I find the step counter definitely helps, as well as eating the type of foods the others have suggested.

You might try making a big pot of oatmeal and reheating in the microwave in the morning. You'll need to add water but it is an easy way to get the oatmeal in. I use frozen fruit to cool mine so I can eat it when I am in a rush.

Anyway, congratulations on your success thus far. Just be kind to yourself. :D
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trader joe's steelcut oatmeal

Postby slimkat » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:49 pm

Hi Stormie --
I totally hear you on the convenience of instant oatmeal.
You live in California, I believe, so try Trader Joe's FROZEN steel cut oatmeal.
It is really yummy, quick to make, and much more filling/satisfying.
!60 cals/portion, I think.
Or, as Hope101 suggested, make a big batch and refrigerate or freeze in individual portions -- I haven't gotten that far yet, LOL.

You don't have far to go! Keep up the good work.

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Postby stormie » Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:56 pm

Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions!

Slimkat...this is so funny... I went to Trader Joe's on my lunch hour and purchased the frozen oatmeal before you even mentioned it! Wow..trippy!
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Love that TJ's frozen oatmeal!

Postby slimkat » Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:52 am

That is trippy! I'm also in Socal and Trader Joe's is the best.
Enjoy your oatmeal!

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