111 lbs to lose...

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111 lbs to lose...

Postby CaitieCat27 » Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:43 am

I've been struggling with this weight loss now for over a year, I started the journey at 292lbs in Aug 2012 and last year I lost 30lbs made it down to 264lbs.

That was as far as I got before I moved out with my best friend, started working two jobs, seven days a week and I flatlined. Stayed in the 260s all through last Fall, then with the holidays and working retail I gained 20lbs back and was 284lbs before ya know it.

Last week I really refocused myself and I'm losing again. This morning I weighed in at 281.9. I made a countdown on my phone, the days until my 20th birthday next January, the goal date I've set for myself to sign my papers and officially enlist. I'm 5'10 and 281, the max weight for my height is 177.

What did you do for motivation? Routine has never been a part of my life that is largely why I settled on Navy being my dream. I cannot see my self going anywhere else in life but to boot and becoming a sailor.

It's been incredibly hard goings, so I'm here reaching out, asking for any and all support, advice, workout plans, meal ideas, anything to help.
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Re: 111 lbs to lose...

Postby NOLAgirl » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:36 am


I too have 100 pounds to loose but have been heavy all of my life. I've tried weight lost pills, Atkins, cabbage soup diet and a host of other plans throughout my life, with little or no avail. At 38 years old, I am tired of literally carrying this weight. I desire to live life and not see it pass by.

FOK was introduced to me at work. The information presented seemed to make sense and I've been interested in giving this eating method a try.

If you are interested, we can be supportive of each other.
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Re: 111 lbs to lose...

Postby frozenveg » Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:13 am

CaitieCat27, welcome! You've taken the first step, and you can do this! I lost nearly 100 pounds--the first 85 in the first year, the next 10 in 6 months, and the last 5 took (still take!) some doing. But being here is a good start. Read the star McDougaller stories, starting (if you want!) with mine--int he link in my signature page. Read Dr. M's articles in the newsletters--well over ten years of great info! Read the opening post on this thread.
There are two whole threads devoted to recipes, meal plans, and so on.
Especially read the posts of Jeff Novick, the dietician for Dr. M's plan:

This can be an incredibly simple way of eating! It's more important to plan, than to have a routine! If you get food prepared that you can grab at a moment's notice, then you are ready for things that come up. I work 10-12 hour days, so I have little time at home during the week, but I do get weekends off. I bake a bunch of potatoes, and cook up a big pot of brown rice,so I can have my food all ready to grab and go. I have bags of many different kinds of mixed vegetables, that can be zapped int he microwave in 3 minutes, and then have them with the rice or potatoes. I buy baby carrots by the 5-pound (Costco) bag, and munch on them all afternoon, adding some sugar snap peas and cherry tomatoes if I can. I use canned beans--I'm favoring pinto beans right now--to add a little fun to the mix.

It's good that you are starting now, at your young age--my Lord, I wish I had! Motivation for me was all about being able to move freely again. I'd been heavy most of my adult life, but I was a trim teenager. I was never ill, but the older I got, the more difficult it was to get around../to the point that if I knelt down, I needed to find a good sturdy piece of furniture to grab onto to help me get back up again. I can now get up from the floor using only my legs! What a feeling!

I hope this helps a bit--come back for more support--this is a great forum. You can do this!
5'3", 74 YO. Started Jan. 11, 2010
Starting weight: 222.6
Current weight: 148.2.0

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https://www.drmcdougall.com/articles/st ... -rockwell/
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Re: 111 lbs to lose...

Postby docscience » Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:47 pm

I would recommend, for a short time, or as needed, to start posting everything that you are eating, on a new thread, on this site.
instead of posting a new post for each addition, it is sometimes easier to edit a post to add the new food consumption. This will help show how well your choices are working, and others can give recommendations if needed.

I would recommend to download the free version of the cronometer.
I find it easier to use the off line download version, on my computer, to keep records of food consumption.
It is set up to do this, well, and makes it very easy, once you use it for a short time.
After weighing foods for a short time, I find it easy to estimate my food consumption to the nearest 100 grams, instead of continuing to use the weigh scale. This makes it easier and faster to enter into the cronometer.

I am hoping that the free cronometer download is still at this - http://cronometer.com/
I really HATE my profile picture, but it reminds me to watch my eating. For me, that is a good motivator.
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5'8" , started- sept. 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: 111 lbs to lose...

Postby eXtremE » Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:12 pm

Good luck CaitieCat27. You can do it but if you decide to enlist in the Navy, I will tell you it will be extremely difficult to continue this WOE unless things have drastically changed. The meals were all SAD when I was in.

I was in the US Navy for 4 years and hated it. I got out as soon as my hitch was up.
On 7/8/2013, I decided to change my diet to a "mostly" WFPB diet. I have always been somewhat lean and muscular due to being a lifelong exerciser. Change in diet due to feeling crummy all the time despite a healthy outward appearance. Image
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Re: 111 lbs to lose...

Postby Lindaalthea » Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:54 am

When I changed to a whole foods plant based diet I gained 20 lbs. I HAVE to count calories. I am trying this, but still counting calories...I cringe when I hear/see everyone say just eat this way and you don't have to count calories. It doesn't work for me. I still have 20 to lose. I actually gained 33 and have lost 13. Others who promote this diet seem to go out of their way to make those struggling with weight on feel like a failure and tell them they must be doing something wrong. (There are some fb groups and AJ has been pretty self righteous about the diet too, I adore her so don't' get me wrong.) I think some of us have lost the ability to know what full feels like and we need portion control or something to retrain those nerves. I can eat 6 cups of food sometimes and not feel like I ate at all. So I measure everything and count calories and try to do my best. I still think plant based is the way to go for overall health (I get sick for 3 days if I eat meat now). Going back over the "rules" of the plan and making sure you aren't cheating somewhere may be helpful.
I think some of us need a bit more accountability.
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Re: 111 lbs to lose...

Postby Rumicat1 » Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:00 pm

I think it makes perfect sense that in some people the fullness response gets disregulated, particularly if they've spent alot of time at a higher weight and are used to consuming more food. The thing you could try is to up your intake if salads, greens, soups, squashes, and other foods that are bulky but low calorie. I've noticed that drinking tea throughout the day helps keep my food intake under control. On the weekends I don't drink much tea and I tend to eat more. Keep at it, try different strategies, don't give up. You'll figure out what works for you.
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