visceral fat

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visceral fat

Postby johnled » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:09 pm

How do you get rid of visceral fat?

I've lived on starches, F&V for the past 8 years and still have my pregnant belly (man).
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Re: visceral fat

Postby scooterpie » Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:32 pm

You probably mean subcutaneous fat--visceral fat is what is found inside the abdominal cavity around the organs. If you've eaten a very low fat diet, visceral fat is probably not an issue. It may just be a matter of figuring out how to tweak your diet and exercise to achieve further weight loss.

Here's a post I contributed to this thread on the lounge forum:
scooterpie wrote:The Swede, you may be confusing visceral fat with subcutaneous fat (which if what you have there is actually fat, it's subcutaneous). Visceral fat is that which accumulates around and perhaps on internal organs. (For more info: What is Belly Fat?)

You haven't mentioned your body fat percentage thus far--maybe it's not relevant to the discussion. Perhaps you can purchase a fairly inexpensive handheld monitor--I use an Omron. I don't use it often. It isn't the gold standard of BF measurement, but it's consistent for my purposes.

BF measurement by someone who has been trained well in the use of calipers is a good method. More expensive methods are Underwater Weighing and Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (typically used in the US for bone mineral density measurement as well).

There are online calculators that use several body measurements to come up with a go-by as well. I don't know if "go-by" will be lost in translation--it's just something to GO BY and use from time to time to see variations from week-to-week or month-to-month. Here's one:

This video may be of interest: Get Rid of the Belly Pooch.
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Re: visceral fat

Postby johnled » Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:10 pm

Thanks for the reply.

The fat I have is the pregnant belly look on a man. Had it for years. I live on beans and rice and have for many years. I do have a green smoothie for breakfast but after that it is beans and rice for lunch and supper.

I just did this ten day program where all you do is drink a green drink made from super foods 3 times a day with raw F&V for snacks. Only lost 3 pounds, not worth the trouble of being hungry!!

I have these darn heal spurs which has knocked me out of my daily walk but I was able to get a few hours in last week, painful but I made it. Sitting all winter has not been good.

Thanks again, I'll check out those links.
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Re: visceral fat

Postby johnled » Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:42 am

Thanks for that suggestion! I had not thought of a stationary bike. I live in an upstairs apartment but I can find someone to get one up here for me. I can walk on my foot, just have to angle my foot a certain way and it hurts very bad come evening.

I'm sure a lot of my fat is from sitting, I have sat all winter, my job is not at all strenuous and most of it is done on the computer. I am pretty strict McDougaller, I eat zero animal products but I probably have too much fruit, I just cant bring myself to eat raw vegetables. I pretty much live on beans & rice, potatoes occasionally and only drink water.

The good news is my fat belly has not gotten any bigger in years, it and my weight stay the same.

Thanks again!
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Re: visceral fat

Postby frozenveg » Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:54 am

Hey johnled, could you think about incorporating cooked vegetables in with your beans, potatoes and rice? It doesn't have to be a ton, but they do add, not just nutrients (which they do!), but flavor, color and interest. The veggies don't have to be raw. And it's much more filling than a smoothie, with very low calorie density. I love chilis, stews and soups, which I can spice up any way I feel like.

As far as your belly, it may be more from sitting than the food. I do exercise (gently) almost every day, but otherwise I am quite the desk jockey and couch potato. My core is quite weak (I keep working on it, but I'm lazy).
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Re: visceral fat

Postby Beachriding » Thu May 08, 2014 4:10 pm

Have you thought about a parasite connection?
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