I just finished my first 12 days have lost over 6 pounds!

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I just finished my first 12 days have lost over 6 pounds!

Postby LuAnn » Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:34 pm

Hi people who I soon hope to be friends with!

I have been posting here under the Foods and Recipes for several days, but am making my first post here tonight.

By way of introduction, I have been working with Dr. Hans Diehl's C.H.I.P. program for several years. In case you're unfamiliar with the program, C.H.I.P. stands for Coronary Health Improvement Project, not potato chips or chocolate chips! Seven years ago, I lost over 90 pounds, partially due to the lifestyle changes recommended by Dr. Diehl, which largely parallel those in Dr. McDougall's program. I have spent the last 3 1/2 years writing a set of vegan cookbooks, by invitation of the dietitian who was facilitating the program in our area. At the most recent Advanced Learning Seminar, I presented Dr. McDougall with a set of the books, which contain over 700 pages and over 500 recipes, arranged in 76 family-friendly menus. BTW, many of the recipes in the books are McDougall-friendly. (This is not meant to be an advertisement for my books - I am just introducing my self and sharing my story, please read on).

So, if I lost 90+ pounds, and am a happy vegan, why am I here? Well, because, after 3 1/2 years of basically spending my life either in the kitchen developing/testing recipes (more food), or at the table or computer researching and writing (less exercise), a LOT of the weight I had worked so hard to lose had "found" me again! Despite all my healthy recipes and study of nutrition, I have found myself fighting a losing battle against weight for the past 3 to 4 years!

Explaining WHY would be a long story that I won't go into detail about now, but several other things besides the cookbooks were probably working against me (even though I thought I was making good food choices most of the time), among them were sleep apnea (sleep deprivation has been shown to cut metabolism by 40%!) and a period of deep depression (very likely an effect of the sleep apnea, which praise the Lord, has been discovered and is being treated). Probably my age (52) and changing hormones didn't help either. WHATEVER the causes, it's been very discouraging! (I imagine a number of you here can identify). It seemed, no matter how well I ate, or how hard I worked at it, I wasn't making much headway losing the weight again. (I will confess, I did have short periods where I "let up" a bit!) Not only has my weight gain been bad for my morale, and bad for my health, but it's NOT a very good advertisement for my book either!!! Here I am, trying to promote a book advocating a style of eating that was very helpful to me in losing weight initially, but now I'm 60 pounds overweight!

Then I attended Dr. McDougall's Advanced Learning seminar last month. I LOVE to study nutrition and am an avid collector of vegan recipes and cookbooks. I saw the seminar as a perfect opportunity to listen to cutting edge information from some of todays leaders in plant-based nutrition. We had a couple of lectures on weight loss by Dr. Doug Lisle, author of The Pleasure Trap, which I had already read. It wasn't Dr. Lisle's lectures that made the biggest impression however; in fact, it would be hard to put my finger on just WHAT made the largest impression. If anything, I think it was the ATTENDEES, rather than the speakers, EXCELLENT as they were. I just can't say enough positive about them, really! It was a THRILL for me to see and listen to them in person! BTW, if you were there, I was the lady sitting front row center with my little 9-year old girl! But, it was people who shared their stories at a table over lunch, or standing outside after a meeting, or sitting beside me between meetings, that most RE-inspired me. Maybe too, it was the lady who blatantly, having seen my cookbooks there at the seminar, together with a picture of myself taken with Dr. Diehl taken about 3 or 4 years ago, said, "If you're eating like this, why do you look like that?! It hurt...but it helped. Why indeed! Maybe because for ME, it wasn't enough.

When I got home, I decided to start reading or RE-reading Dr. McDougall's books. Each one, so far, has been good, but I got about halfway into one, and decided I AM GOING TO DO THIS! It is his Maximum Weight Loss Program. I wish I'd shared more during my first 12 days, so you could've tracked how I've changed already, but the best news is that by kicking my vegan diet up a few notches, as recommended in the MWL program, I've lost 7 pounds, without being hungry - and with minimal exercise, though I'm hoping to add more. AND, best of all, instead of counting the days until I can be "off the diet," after finishing the first 12 days days, I am ready to hop right back into the saddle, eager to see where the NEXT 12 days will find me! (And yes, I've decided to break this down into 12 day increments, for surely, I can commit to that long at a time! LOL)

Now, for the results:
12 days on the Maximum Weight Loss Program and 7 pounds lost! (I don't expect the weight loss to continue at this rate, but I've been encouraged by some of your testimonies - thank you for them)! Stay tuned for my next report!

P.S. I rather shame-facedly admit that I did something Dr. McDougall specifically asks us not to do, I stopped my blood pressure medication. However, I have been monitoring my blood pressure for years, I also have a husband and a daughter who are RN's. Had any of us seen anything alarming happening with my blood pressure after I stopped the meds, I would've contacted my doctor and/or gone back on the meds immediately. What I DID see, is that on day 14, my blood pressure is as low or lower than it was with pretty heavy duty meds! THis morning it was 110/74. I think my doctor would be very pleased; I know I am!
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Postby Mandy_Sav » Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:40 am

LuAnn, You are a lovely writer. Your words simply dance on my tongue as I read your post. You paint pictures with your words, and I can almost literally feel what you feel, and see what you saw.

You seem like a wonderful person, and I am proud to say that I am embarking on this journey with you, and others just like you! *BIG HUGS*

You are doing the right thing here. Don't let the "why do you look like that.." comment get you down!
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Postby Doris » Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:20 am

LuAnn, Welcome and Congratulations for your success (7 lbs. in 12 days)!!! It's nice to have another McDougaller. Keep posting, even if you have a not- so- good day. I have found that posting helps me stay focused and on track. I wish you the best! :)
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Postby Lin » Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:54 am

Thanks for your post LuAnn and it's always nice to welcome another newcomer to the board!! :-D

Wow, 7 lbs lost in 12 days is amazing! I'm one of those people who have to be strict with diet and exercise to even lose 1 lb a week, so I'm always amazed when someone drops weight like this! You're right, it probably won't continue at this rate, but hey, it's nice when it does!!! :lol:
Doing some regular exercise will help to keep the weight coming off when it does slow.

We get encouraged from one another's testimonies, and it helps many people to be accountable, by writing things down. I agree with Mandy_Sav, that you have a very nice way with words. Not all of us are so gifted.... esp. me!! On the Roberta's Corner forum here, is the "What's Cookin' and Who's Movin'" daily threads to keep up with what you're eating and what exercising you're doing.
For some reason, not many posters have been utilizing them lately. I miss that, because I like to look at what others are doing in order to add some variety and new ideas to my daily routine!!

It certainly doesn't seem like you need those BP meds anymore! I know that we're told not to do this by ourselves, but you do have family health care professionals around you to help. I did the same thing as you did 5 yrs ago. I stopped my meds too, but it was because I was getting no support from my Dr. and I knew that I didn't need the meds anymore. I was very careful and kept a BP chart daily for several months. I've written a lot about my BP battles with health care professionals and my ongoing anxious/phobic-like responses to taking my BP that I now struggle with. Anyway, I don't want to think about that right now.

I hope that you continue to have great success McDougalling and I look forward to reading your posts!! :D

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Postby Faith in DC » Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:49 am

LuAnn I believe I remember you from the other board. I've seen your name somewhere that's for sure. Glad you got serious. That's a huge pain to have to re-lose those 60lbs. I know as I've aged, I've done a lot of tweaking to my diet.

Can't wait for you to come up with some creations for MWL.
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Thank you, friends...

Postby LuAnn » Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:00 pm

Since I've been away most of the day, I'll just use this one reply to respond to each of you who have commented since my post:

Dear (((Mandy))),
That was very kind of you. No, I have not let the lady's straightforward question "get me down." On the contrary, as embarrassed as I was at that moment, it WAS a question that I had been asking MYSELF for a long time, and one to which I NEEDED to find an answer! Not that I hadn't been LOOKING for the past several years. Obviously, "just" going vegan wasn't enough.

I believe I've found that answer in Dr. McDougall's Maximum Weight Loss Program, which, as I said, kicked what I was already doing up a few notches! So, here we are on this road together, and starting from just about the same point. Interestingly, my weight goal seven years years ago was the same as your present one too - 150 pounds. I started at nearly 245 pounds, but in 1 1/2 years, with lots of exercise and changing from a lacto-ovo vegetarian to pretty much full-time vegan, I made it to 150 1/2. ( Just didn't get that last half pound off -- LOL)!

Lots of people complimented the "new me", but honestly, I thought I was too thin at that weight. Picture "chicken neck" and "washboard" upper chest! And I won't even try to describe my LOWER chest - especially after having breastfed six babies! Suffice it to say, I felt I looked much prettier with another 20 or 30 pounds, thus the adjustment of my goal upwards this time.

Won't it be fun to make the journey together? I'm really excited about it! Though I know excitement may wane when my weight loss slows.... That's when we'll need each other, and all our friends here on the board to cheer us on!

Dear Doris,
After posting, I was chagrinned to discover that weight loss report differed between my subject line and the body of the message. Actually, the SUBJECT LINE: "over 6 pounds in 12 days", was correct"! I inadvertently reported my weight loss at 14 days (7 pounds) - which was where I as the night I was making the post. I regret the discrepency. If I knew a way to edit my post and correct it, I would. (Too bad I didn't catch the problem when I previewed it). But, thank you for giving me this opportunity, to set it straight. Bottom line 6 pounds/7 pounds -- I'm encouraged either way! It's good impetus to keep on keeping on!

Lin, dear, I didn't have any problem AT ALL with the way you put your words together! LOL

Thank you so much for the suggestions and encouragement. Unfortunately, I'm all too familiar with weeks when the weight loss is frustratingly slow. When I was eating the way I did before - usually vegan (but with too much bread, nuts and nut butter, etc.), I was also walking - BIG TIME! (That's a story in itself! The story began with a breathless ordeal jauling my big self a seeminly endless mile and a half, to eventually power-walking 9 and 10 miles, 5 days a week (and 5 on the weekends)! And, I was STILL GAINING WEIGHT. Can you spell "f-r-u-s-t-r-a-t-i-o-n"?! In retrospect, I think my sleep apnea was working against me! SOMEthing just didn't make sense!

Of course, it was also about that time that I started research, recipe development, and writing of my vegan cookbooks (500+ recipes). That represents a lot of tasting! It was virtually impossible to have multiple batches of warm, aromatic muffins coming out of the oven, and NOT gain weight! Not to mention, dozens of burgers (vegan, of course!); quarts of soups, sauces, dips, and dressings; stacks of waffles etc. etc. The resulting cookbooks are extraordinary, and blessing many. But here I was, stuttering and stammering as I tried to answer, "Why if you eat like THIS (as recommended in my books), do you look like that!?"

Thank GOD for Dr. McDougall, who put his finger right on my problem when he excluded flour products and nuts! Not only that, but with the exit of flour, virtually ALL "baked goods", which I loved to make (and eat), were also out. Now that the books have gone to press, now that I have been inspired by the speakers and attendees at the recent conference, now with my MWL book by my side, I am ready to go to battle against these pounds. And THIS time, with God's help, and the support of friends, I see a victory in the future!

Dear Faith in DC, I LOVE your name, btw. My oldest DD and her husband are expecting their first baby in less than a month (my first grandbaby!), and I had just suggested to them the possiblity of using "attribute" names if the have a girl. Faith. Hope. Joy. Grace - they could name half a dozen girls! LOL (But what about boys)?!

Anyway, I will be glad to share some of my new MWL recipes as I come up with them. Little excites me more than discovering another good vegan recipe, whether it be from a magazine, book, or one I've developed myself! I guess you've read by now that I just sent a two-volume vegan cookbook/lifestyle set to press this summer. They include over 500 recipes, representing the last 3 1/2 years of my life! Many of these are already MWL friendly, but I can't help myself, I'm sure I'll go right on seeking out and coming up with new ideas! LOL Of course, I'll share. AND, I look forward to gathering ideas here. You all represent lots of experience, and I'm new at the MWL plan.

Dear Clary,

You're very perceptive! And exactly right; I turned 43 the month my 6th child was born! After every pregnancy, I ended up weighing 10 pounds more than I had when I became pregnant. (You do the math). Not only that, but after my last little girl was born, I didn't lose ANY weight, I GAINED weight! That's what prompted me to lose the 90+ pounds in early 2000. But, that was then. This is now...and here I am with 60 pounds to lose again!

I had been familiar with Dr. McDougall's work for a long time, owned several of his books and dvds. His program is very similar to the lifestyle program I have been working with in my community (primarily in recipe development and preparation for the participants of the seminars). But, I believe his additional "ultra" MWL suggestions may just be what will help me start moving those numbers back down!

Thank you, EVERYONE for your warm welcome. Day 14 is winding down.... Hope to "see" you again soon.

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