Commitment to MWL

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Commitment to MWL

Postby ReneeK » Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:49 am

I'm starting this post mainly for my benefit but welcome anyone who would like to join me in committing to MWL.

Today marks day one of my commitment and I'm very excited to get started on my journey.
A very good friend of mine has been committed to the Atkins program for over 4 months. He told me he had lost about 100 pounds, but until Monday I hadn't seen him since before he started. When I met up with him on Monday, I didn't recognize him! He told me about how successful he's been and how he eats nothing but hot wings, steak, burgers, bacon, etc. I was inwardly disgusted listening to his meal plan and decided that I would commit to losing weight the RIGHT way by using MWL. I have been reading The China Study and am really concerned about his health from eating all that animal protein. Since I can stand to lose about 150 pounds, so I don't feel at this point in time I would have any credibility when voicing my concerns about his meat-centered diet.
Here's to my journey of losing 150 pounds the healthy way!
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Postby ellenj » Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:29 am

I'm in the process of starting. I am finishing up a de-tox juice fast first...I thought that would jumpstart a change in my palate before I started.

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Postby Patsy » Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:13 am

Good luck to you guys for making the commitment. It's hard in the face of so much "Atkins-ness" isn't it? I have 2 friends that do it off and's really become comical....they can't have dinner at our house because they aren't eating any carbs, but they will meet us for breakfast and have eggs and flour tortillas and chips and salsa!! Go figure!
Anyway, MWL is easy when you commit to one day at a time, remember that everything that goes in your mouth is a choice and doesn't mean you are a bad person, and PLEASE plan ahead so you always have something good to eat....that's my advice. And keep posting even if no one else helps to feel a part of a community.
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Two questions about MWL

Postby Burgess » Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:44 pm

I am not interested in losing weight, as I am now at my leanest adult weight ever, thanks to my particular subset of the McDougall Program diet (for my particular medical needs). However, I do get questions from non-McDougall people about diet, that is, questions about what I would recommend as a general weight-loss diet for most people.

My questions for those who follow MWL are:

1. Why do you choose MWL rather than the Regular diet, strictly followed?

2. How much exercise will you get on the MWL program? More than on the Regular program?
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Postby ellenj » Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:21 pm

to answer your two questions :)

1. I pig out on the wrong things (the ground grains...desserts...etc) in the regular program too much. I need to restrict myself until I get to a healthier weight. Then maybe I can allow some of the pastas and breads and desserts to creep back to my table.

2. probably no more excercise than otherwise. Being consistent with excercise is my hardest thing (besides sweets and baked goods!).

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Postby stephanie » Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:45 pm

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Postby ellenj » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:44 am

my juice fast is for 7 days - I drank water for the first day and then specific juices (only!) each day, followed up by another day of water and then gradual introduction of solids.

the juices (if I can remember them all) were beet, carrot, celery/apple, lemon,green leafy veggies, pineapple... I can't remember the order, though.

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Postby ReneeK » Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:58 am

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I'm glad you will be joining me. There is strength in numbers.

Burgess - I decided to follow MWL for a few reasons. I'm an emotional eater, and have been dealing with a lot of things in my life where I've turned to food for comfort; the scales are showing it. I am committing to MWL to get back to some structure and order in my eating habits.
I've been struggling with self-image. I good amount of my decision to commit to MWL has in fact been about vanity. I'm not proud to say that, but it's true. If I can commit to and successfully lose weight with MWL, I will feel so much better about myself and my "self."
Exercise is another key factor about my commitment. I have not been exercising regularly and by committing to the structure of MWL, I am also committing to a routine exercise plan that includes walking daily (how far, I haven't figured out yet) in addition to a combination of exercise videos.
Thank you for your thought-provoking questions. I'm sure the longer I ponder them, the more reasons I'll be able to create, and the better my commitment to this program.
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I'm ready to commit to MWL

Postby pitta24 » Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:43 pm

I became a vegetarian in 1998 and a year later found Dr. McDougall's MWL Book. After reading it, I became a vegan,lost my excess weight and regained my health. Somehow, I fell away from it and have been on and off diets every since. Most recently I have been doing Dr. Fuhrman's ETL but I would much rather have starches than unlimited fruit. I dug out all my McDougall books and recipes and have stocked the frig, freezer and pantry with MWL foods. I just orded the DVD "McDougall Made Easy." I am 40 pounds overweight and have elevated blood pressure along with low energy. After McDougalling just a few days, I can already feel and see improvement. My skin and eyes look clearer already. I have not been exercising and am commiting to a 30 minute walk each morning and yoga class at least 3 times per week. I love the forums. They are encouraging and help keep me honest.

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Postby ReneeK » Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:08 am

Hi everyone! Hope you all are doing well. There was a carry-in lunch at work on Saturday. That was my big downfall over the weekend. Instead of the cut veggie tray, I went for the layered taco dip and brownies. McDougall's revenge hit hard on Sunday and I've learned my lesson not to stray from this incredible way of eating. All said, I am down 2 pounds from my starting date of 10/31. Time changed this weekend, and I found myself getting up an hour early this morning. It was nice to be able to relax at home and not feel like I'm rushing around to get to work on time. I even cooked myself a pan of shredded potatoes and was able to eat breakfast at home. Hopefully I'll continue that habit of getting up early. Best wishes to everyone else with their MWL endeavors.
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Postby ellenj » Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:42 am

I've been easing into eating and the only "off MWL" item I've had is some marinated and baked tofu over the the last three least I didnt' eat it all in one day! and I shared it with dh.

Tonight will be hard as I'll be making garlic bread for the family to go with spagetti (I'll have spagetti squash instead of pasta) - I love my garlic bread - but it is a bread and I do brush italian dressing on it (with oil).

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Postby ReneeK » Mon Nov 12, 2007 9:58 am

Today's weigh-in wasn't as spectacular as last week. I'm up 1.2 pounds. It's also that time of the month, so I think some of it has to do with water retention. This week was hard to remain focused on MWL, and I had several lapses. I'm noticing that although I have lapsed from time to time, it's still not as bad as completely falling off the wagon. I have to remember not to be too hard on myself and that this is a learning process and lifetime commitment will not occur overnight. This week, I continue to remain focused and committed to this way of eating and will be adding in more exercise daily. I commit to taking advantages to these last warm days and walking my dog for 20-30 minutes every morning before going to work. I didn't do it this morning, so we will be walking this evening as soon as I get home.
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Postby Jackie J » Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:03 pm

I put on some weight - and now I've lost it - and doing so quickly - like 1/2 pound a day - nothing like going shopping with 3 way mirrors for a little reality check and SUPER MOTIVATION-
I was at 155 pounds this morning and I still have 40 to go -- so with holiday parties coming up, I'm giving myself a goal of losing another 10 pounds by Christmas, and a bonus for another 5 - so 15 altogether by Christmas--
non fat homemade veggie soups, salads, steamed veggies and squash -- and 1 hour exercise a day -- If I can do this, it will be a life-changing event.
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Postby ReneeK » Tue Nov 13, 2007 2:29 pm

Welcome JackieJ. I'm glad you are committing to a better, healthier lifestyle. It sounds like you have established a good goal. If you'd like, we can support each other on our commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

This afternoon, I am having a terrible craving for anything chocolate. Instead of hitting the vending machine here at the office, I got 10 almonds from my boss' stash and made myself a cup of herbal tea. So far, it's helped to curb my craving. Now, I know that almonds are not MWL-legal, but I have chosen to allow myself these almonds so as not to fall off the wagon into the chocolate craving binge. It's all about making choices...and with baby steps those choices will become healthier and more attune to the MWL plan.

I hope you check back often Jackie.
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Postby ellenj » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:25 pm


I've been doing pretty good, not going off MWL - UNTIL - yesterday when my 9yods baked bread for the first time. How could I not try it? and then today it was sitting there next to the toaster...I had a slice and a half yesterday and another slice today.

I guess I need to help him find an oil-free recipe, eh? Or send the extra loaf to work with dh tomorrow!

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