May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby amandamechele » Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:50 pm

Welcome to the May Weigh-In Thread for Dr McDougall's Maximum Weight Loss Program.

For the program details visit the MWL threadin this forum. Please check out as many of the links as you have time for, there is so much here to discover!
A couple of other great resources, for those just starting out, are from Jeff Novick the staff dietician for the program:The Ultimate Guide to Free Calorie Density (MWL) Resourcesand his 1 hour video explanation on Calorie Density: How to Eat More, Weigh Less and Live Longer.

Where I live the cold weather is finally beginning to consistently recede and people are starting to do their outdoor spring cleaning. I'm a little late getting started, as I am just beginning to do some purging of unnecessary things within my home... including my pantry and kitchen cupboards. I have found it so much nicer to make a meal in a well organized kitchen that isn't overflowing with unhealthy food and multiple gadgets. My favourite kitchen gadgets are my high powered blender, my non-stick frying pan (does that qualify as a gadget?) and I'm learning to love my Instant-pot too. Do you have a go-to piece of culinary equipment that you couldn't live without?
My literary inspiration for starting to declutter my home was the book the life-changing magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo. I'll admit to only using some of her strategies, but it was a lovely look into her passion for orderly order and restoring balance among people and their possessions.
The same type of thought and preparation that goes into organizing your kitchen can also be used to organize your time, which can make transitioning to a starch-based way of eating a little bit easier. Some time saving strategies include:
* Ensure you have common ingredients in your pantry. Here is a comprehensive list from Mary McDougall, from the August 2005 newsletter entitled Stocking Yor Kitchen.
* Create a meal calendar or a less structured rotating list of 10 or so of your favourite recipes very helpful for staying on track on busy days where there is no time to think. I actually like doing this because I prefer to think as little as possible most lala :). Seriously though, check out the McDougall Mobile Cookbook App. It has recipes, health tips and a shopping list feature.
* Find time to pre-chop fruit and veggies. This strategy is key, in my opinion, in the first few weeks of this program, or when you are pulling yourself out of the pleasure trap. If it's already cut and ready, you're more likely to eat it! Here is a look at the inside of my fridge:

I like to watch webinars or listen to podcasts while chopping (or decluttering). It pairs something I like to do with something I have to do, and ends up making me look forward to chopping and cleaning. Anyway, I'll cut this tangent short and wish you all the best this coming week!

Amy :)

Here are the standard monthly instructions for participating in this thread:

Our weigh in's are on Fridays and you have until 12 PM PST on Saturday to report.

Anyone is welcome to join the weekly weigh in group as long as they follow the McDougall principles. We recommend following the Maximum Weight Loss (MWL) plan or the Mary's Mini's Plan.

There is a sticky at the top of this forum on the guidelines for the MWL program.

In order to tally the results please submit your results by posting the total pounds you have lost or gained that week. You don't have to share your total weight if you'd rather keep that to yourself. This is an honor system so we take the gain, loss or maintain you give us in order to tally. (Please make a new post each week)

If you are a new member and would like to join but don't have a weight to be counted for the week then you will be counted either as a body with a zero starting weight, or when you check in for the weekly weigh in the following week. Large amounts of weight lost over a period of months or weeks, prior to joining the weekly weigh in group, will not be counted towards the weekly total.

If you measure your weight in something other than pounds please convert the measurement to pounds.

All gains will be counted towards the total to encourage weekly participation. Posting is encouraged whether it's a gain, a loss, or a maintain.

You are welcome to share as little or as much as you want on your weight loss journey here in this thread. We encourage members of the group to talk to each other, cheer each other on and set goals together.

This thread is for the mutual support of all who wish to participate.
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby galooop » Mon May 01, 2017 9:00 am

wow. amandamechele - your fridge is Gorgeous!
:-) Chris
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby ANNAUK » Mon May 01, 2017 2:32 pm

Great post Amy. I have definitely found making a huge mixed salad once a week and keeping it in the fridge super handy. I also batch cook jacket potatoes as a good quick choice for me and my children. I use my Instant pot everyday. Jacket potatoes. And above all my versatile lentils get cooked in there all the time. For me my best weeks are when I stay safe and keep things simple. Oats for breakfast, jackets for lunch then a Cooked tea.
I find sprouting grains and lentils over night in the pot way easier to digest too.
Think I may well use your advice and prep my veg. Never tried it but could be a life saver!!!

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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby anne57 » Mon May 01, 2017 6:07 pm

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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby cambitsgirl » Tue May 02, 2017 7:18 am

Amy your fridge is an inspiration! My spouse who eats SAD is getting upset that I am taking over our fridge. lol Oh well. My favorite greens in the morning is cooked kale. I love to steam vegies too for lunch or dinner and right now I am using corn on the cob, mushrooms, asparagus and brussel sprouts. I also roast vegetables too (eggplant, zucchini, sweet small red pappers, and small cherry tomatoes). I spent a good portion of my weekend not only prepping for my week, but cooking for a friend who just had a 4 way bypass. He got out of the hospital on Sunday and I took all afternoon buying groceries and cooking for him with the help of my spouse. Our friends wife does not know how to cook healthy so we stocked their fridge and made a couple of meals for them. We have people lined up all week to continue to bring him meals. So I roasted a bunch of vegetable for him too. :)
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby amandamechele » Wed May 03, 2017 6:38 pm

Thanks Chris, Sandra and cambitsgirl: My fridge isn't always that organized, just the day after I chop the veggies. Here is a picture from yesterday of what it looks like after I shop (but haven't done the chopping yet)...not quite so organized... ;)

Anna - You sound super organized too. What do you put in your salad? Do your kids eat it? I've never tried to sprout my lentils before, though I do grow sprouts. Are you heating the water in the pot or just leaving them in water overnight? Sounds interesting...

Welcome Sandra - We are very happy to have you join us! How did your appointment go? I don't have a PB doctor in my area, so I'm very curious to hear how it went and if it is different from just seeing a regular GP.

Anne - April flew by! I'm happy to hear you got a good number out of the scale on Sunday, but I agree with you, if it's just complicating matters move to a once a month schedule. But I still hope to hear from you on Fridays!! How long will it be before you know the results of your allergy tests? Have you ever tried an elimination diet before? Here is what Dr. McDougall has to say about Allergic Reactions to Food, and more from his December 2002 Newsletter - Diet for the Desparate. Best wishes in figuring out what is causing all of the swelling. One question for you - when you say swelling are you referring to water retention or painful stiff joints?

cambitsgirl - LOL, my family isn't always so thrilled with the lack of choices in our fridge either. I'm sorry to hear about your friend and hope his recovery is going well. He is lucky to have good friends like you and your spouse cooking for him.
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby ANNAUK » Thu May 04, 2017 11:35 pm

Down by 2lb today. This group has highlighted my weekly yoyo weight. I think I have a good result and then i relax my foods too much. Really frustrating. Need to work out a way to stay on track every week not every other!! Also have had to put on hold the idea of organic food as we simply can't afford it at the moment and when I do buy it we always have no food options left in the fridge so I make poorer food choices. So.... better snacks to grab this week is my plan. Good luck everyone xxx
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby Qwerty988 » Fri May 05, 2017 5:26 am

Good morning everyone!

Down -0.8 pounds today -- woooo hooooo!!! :-D

Transitioning from no-salt to low-salt and finding this infinitely more doable. :)

Amy, I love your fridge pics! Also wanted to let you know I've got that same straightening-up book on my nightstand as I'm planning a big decluttering project this summer. It's such a lovely book.

My current fave kitchen gadgets are both recent additions picked up at a Goodwill for a few bucks each: a little mini single-serving rice-cooker that makes perfect oat groats and a non-stick waffle maker that I've been using to make potato waffles which are my new most favorite things ever!!

Anyhow, enough from me. Looking forward to hearing from everyone else -- and another great week for us all :)
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby ForestGoddess » Fri May 05, 2017 5:50 am

OMG, OMG, OMG...I actually broke my 2 month long plateau and lost 0.6 lbs this week! Not a lot but I will take any movement in the right direction at this point! I wasn't 100% perfect this week but I am trying to get closer to how I really want to eat. Logging on MFP has been essential

Have a great week all, Thanks for all the support, it helps to know there are others out there who understand the process.

Next week's goal is going to be following the menu that I created for myself for dinners for the week. And to pre cook anything I can on the weekend so sticking to the menu during the week is easier!
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby bmccloud » Fri May 05, 2017 6:17 am

No change...
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby RoseKatherine » Fri May 05, 2017 6:38 am

I just saw this group on facebook and would like to join. I have been McDougalling since 2014 with good results. Lately though, I have strayed from the path and gained some weight back. This seems like a good way to get back on track and focus on my goals.

So, my weight this morning is 143.3 My goal is to get down below 120 where I was a year ago. I don't use many kitchen gadgets. With the warmer weather (finally) I'm inclined to salads so I will be doing lots of prepping.

I've read the book Dr. McDougall wrote on Maximum Weight Loss and will pick it up today at the library and reread.
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby Yomom » Fri May 05, 2017 7:27 am

A loss of one pound for me. Now back to 149#.
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby Sandra760 » Fri May 05, 2017 7:28 am

Pretty good week! Down 5 pounds!
05-01-2017 - 288.4
05-05-2017 - 283.4 (-5)

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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby galooop » Fri May 05, 2017 8:29 am

good morning!
Lost 4.6 lbs.
I was a little sick during the week, so some of the weight might come back, but for now:
I'm at the tippy top of Normal Weight BMI!

Thank you Dr. & Mary McDougall and all the nice people on this Discussion Board...

:-) Chris
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby veggierunner » Fri May 05, 2017 8:39 am

Hello everyone! I am a new and am starting today. I have been plant-based for almost 6 years, but the past year have been experimenting with various ways of eating including intuitive eating and have been more into the processed foods and foods with added fats, etc. Anyway, I am not feeling great physically and gained about 10 pounds. I know that eating a low-fat whole food plant-based diet makes my body feel wonderful. I have gained many skills related to emotional eating and overeating so I am ready for my new approach to eating in this way. I plan to lose about 30 pounds and gain a newfound freedom and joy with my body and my way of eating. Thanks for the support and I am excited to check in each week with you all. :)

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