How Will You Reward Yourself When You Reach Your Goal(s)?

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How Will You Reward Yourself When You Reach Your Goal(s)?

Postby proverbs31woman » Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:46 pm

Hello Everyone,

I just reached one of my first goals. I've lost 10 pounds in one month on Mary's Mini. I was trying to think of a way to reward myself. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is to buy a new outfit, but I want to lost fifteen more pounds, so I may not be able to wear it once I reach my ultimate goal.

So, please let me do you plan to reward yourself once you reach your goal(s)? Or how have you rewarded yourself once you've reached your goal(s)?
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Postby momof4 » Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:17 pm

When I was about 20, my goal was 135, and my reward was going to be a Black Hills gold ring. I'm 42 now...still waiting for that ring! But after this past week of really following Dr McDougall's plan and feeling great, I have a re-newed excitement that I actually will get that ring soon!

10 pounds is great! Congratulations!

Postby wordweaver » Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:35 pm

For myself, I don't get into the concept of "rewards," because that used to be how I kept eating. Trigger words for me are "I deserve." Feeling healthy, wearing smaller clothes, and looking better are my natural rewards ;)
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How To Reward Yourself

Postby Mary Jo » Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:42 pm

I have lost 79 pounds since beginning my journey in January 2008. I have given myself various rewards along the way. One thing that I did was to buy myself a new wallet to carry in my purse. I really did not need a new one, but I bought a bright colored one- green- I usually carry brown or black. Now when I open my purse to take out some money for a purchase I am reminded of what I am doing and much less likely to buy a non-McDougall food item.
Another thing that I did was to buy a nice pair of white gold earrings. I told myself that I would not wear them until after I dropped below 200 pounds. I stuck with that plan and now enjoy wearing them at less than 200. Last week I was 188!
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Feeling healthy is better than any reward you could think of

Postby SactoBob » Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:01 pm

I agree with Wordweaver. I don't like the concept of a reward as incentive. Once you get the reward, the incentive is gone. With a reward, it seems like you are getting something for doing something exceptional, which I guess is true. But I think you have arrived when you eat well without thinking a lot about it, or feeling that you are somehow deprived. It's the SAD people that are deprived. They should be getting rewards from the drug companies and heart surgeons.

This just needs to be a part of your life, and just a routine thing. It is not some kind of exceptional or temporary thing.

Postby Faith in DC » Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:29 pm

I use to always reward. Funny this is the longest period of time I've taken to lose weight. I have not rewarded along the way. If I need something, and I have the money then I will get it. I am not a shopper, so I plan and save and then shop away at favorite places. I catch up on socks, undies, work clothes and walking clothes.

Is there a fruit you love but that's kind of expensive. Like raspberries or something. Get that and enjoy. You always deserve some thing special each and every week.
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Good Topic

Postby star » Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:50 pm

I have a list of things that I plan to do:

I am planning to take an amazing non traditional, professional portrait

I am going to wear for the first time my beautiful pearl earrings and necklace that my friend bought me from China.

I am going to spend at least $500.00 on a couple of nice outfits.

I am going to get at least a 60 minute full body massage but it will be after my marathon the first week December so hopefully I have achieve my complete fitness goal by the time.

I probably have about 3 more things on my list that's not in front of me. A couple of them are for certain milestones along the way to my ultimate goal.
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Postby Lala » Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:53 pm

You took the words right out of my fingers when you said massage! THAT is what I would do - SPA DAY!!!

CONGRATS btw!!!!


Postby proverbs31woman » Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:34 pm

Wordweaver and Bob,

I've never thought about it like that. You are so right! However, I'm doing Mary's Mini, which is a temporary diet for me. I guess my reward will be the joy of reaching my goal weight and being able to move on to the regular McDougall plan.

Thank you all for your comments!
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Postby proverbs31woman » Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:36 pm

Faith in DC wrote:Is there a fruit you love but that's kind of expensive. Like raspberries or something. Get that and enjoy. You always deserve some thing special each and every week.

Sounds like a good idea Faith in DC. A mango would be good.

Thanks for your comments, momof4, Lala, and Mary Jo! Star, your ideas sound really good. I especially like the photo idea.

Mary Jo, congratulatios on your weight loss. That is amazing!
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Postby CraftyeLadye » Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:42 pm

I just wanted to say that I wondered about this too. In the past I never would reward myself until I reached my ultimate goal, which I never reached obviously. So now my ultimate goal is to get my naval pierced when I reach 130. But along the way I have begun to get my nails done, I bought new makeup, I bought a new purse and my mom buys me new blouses that are smaller. Taking care of myself is a big thing for me now, so I like to do it along the way.
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Postby Faith in DC » Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:44 am

Exactly Lisa. Especially for those who have a good deal to lose. I have no problem living life, enjoying me along the way each pound less, and showing it off appropriately too. I take one step at a time and know it's going to take a while. I could have did it in a year, I had 70 when I started, but I chose a different route. Slow and steady. So reward and love yourself.
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Postby Piper » Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:49 pm

I always try to reward myself with something that will help me keep my momentum:

1) a pedometer.
2) a new exercise outfit
3) a new pair of running shoes
4) heart rate monitor


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Postby proverbs31woman » Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:08 pm

That's a good idea, Piper!
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a nice piece of jewelery

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:55 pm

I thought and thought about what my reward should be if, er--when I reach my goal, and decided I'd like a nice peice of jewlery. I mentioned this to my husband and he said "Well, how long should you have to keep [the weight] off--about 3 years." :? ? Of course, the goal is to keep it off for life, but I deserve the reward for getting there in the first place, and told him so. The he asked "Who gets to pay for it?" I told him not to worry about that; if I get to the goal, I get the jewlery. :P . So, I think I'll start shopping. :D .
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