Anyone up for Another MARY'S MINI CHALLENGE?

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Anyone up for Another MARY'S MINI CHALLENGE?

Postby proverbs31woman » Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:03 pm

Hello McDougallers,

I've been on Mary's Mini since the 23rd of June, and I've lost 11 pounds so far. I haven't weighed myself in a week though, so I may have lost more.

Anyway, I want to see if there is anyone out there who is up for a Mary's Mini challenge. You determine how long you want to commit to following Mary's Mini and what you desire to achieve within that time (i.e., lose a certain amount of weight, fit into a particular piece of clothing, gain more energy, break a certain food addiction, etc.) Also, let us know what your starting weight is (if you'd like) and your starch of choice.

I will start:

I commit to following the plan until September 21st (my birthday) or until I achieve pregnancy, whichever comes first, then I'll move on to the regular McDougall plan. I want to lose 14 pounds within that time. My starting weight is 159 lbs., and my goal weight is 145 lbs.

My starch of choice is brown rice.

I also commit to exercising at least 5 days every week and weight-training at least 2 days of those 5 days.

Okay...I've made a committment. Who wants to join me?

Here are the links to Mary's Mini:
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Postby Ben » Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:08 am

Ok, I am in :-D

It is night time here (in Australia) and I am going to start the Mary's mini tomorrow morning. My starch will be brown rice also.

I don't have a specific weight loss goal. My only goal for these 10 days will be to get off the SAD cycle. I have been eating absolute crap for years now - FAR too much chocolate and dairy products. So I am going to commit to 10 days of eating Mary Mini style. After that I will reassess, but I probably will do MWL - I'll wait and see though.

I weigh 138 kgs (approximately 290 lbs) and am 183 cms (6 foot 1) so I have a lot of weight to lose. The weight loss will be great too hopefully.

I am looking forward to it. And I really like brown rice :-D

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Postby seallen711 » Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:26 am

Count me in. I'm going to do potatoes as my starch though. I'll be starting tomorrow, assuming I don't gain any weight, I'll be at 170 lbs, but I will check in tomorrow with my stats.

Good luck to us!

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Postby seallen711 » Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:28 am

Oh, oops, I forgot to put some stuff in. I'm going to try to commit for a month, though I feel it will be difficult next week as we are going canoeing for the whole weekend, so some major planning is involved for me. Anyways, I would really like to lose 10 pounds in that month, to kickstart my weight loss. If it goes well, then I might just stay on MM a little longer.

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Postby star » Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:18 am

Hello Everyone,

I've been doing a variation of Mary's Mini for nearly 4 weeks already. I lost 4 lbs week one, 1.5 lbs. week 2, and 2 lbs. week 3. Sunday will be the end of week 4.

I plan to continue until whichever comes first:
* I reach my goal weight of 22% body fat or 120 lbs. OR
* I can fit in my size 2 pants OR
* I have been eating this way for 3 months which is October 13th
I started at 142 and am down to 135.5 last time I checked. My goal is 22% bodyfat or 120 lbs. Weight is little tricky because I am strength training and I can already see definition. However, muscles weigh more than fat so that's why I keep my scale in the garage until I am ready to do my weekly weigh in.
Unless someone asks me directly, I will not comment on my starch except to say that they are Mary Mini approved. I say this because I don't want to confuse anyone and I like doing what works best for me.
Cardio 4 to 5 days per week
Strength training twice per week
Also, to stick with my marathon training schedule
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Postby proverbs31woman » Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:34 pm

Thank you all for joining me in this challenge.

Ben, I look forward to hearing about your progress. I love brown rice too. My whole family enjoys it. I'm glad I finally decided to buy it in bulk.

seallen711, you are where I started in June (i.e., 170 lbs). I look forward to reading the rest of your stats, and we're going to have to plan for the canoeing trip early.

star, you have had incredible success. I applaud you for making the plan work for you.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:37 pm


- hasanismom
- Ben
- seallen711
- star
- Jackie J
- Piper
- busymomof4
- Vanilla Orchard
- marlie
- stephanie
- Bobbie-Jo
- kkrichar
- mistie
- stephanie
- Aurora 3
- f. kwan

Join us if you are up for the challange.
Last edited by proverbs31woman on Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:51 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Postby Ben » Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:40 am

Ok, well my first day has not been a success as I have eaten crap food all day long :oops:

However, I am even more determined to do this challenge (for me it will be 10 days at a minimum). I am starting tomorrow for sure. I will post back in 24 hours.

I hope everyone else has had a good day.

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Postby Jackie J » Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:02 pm

up for the challenge starting today. I will definitely do cardio 5 days a week and strength training 2 days. I use potatoes as my starch with occasional oatmeal in the morning. Sometimes after a weight session I get ravenous so I have some beans with my salad to quell my appetite.. I've done this in the past and it works for me. My biggest problem is eating out which I must do for business but I will try to have some potatoes at home before I leave and eat a salad for the meal in the restaurant. As of this morning I am 153 and need to drop 30 pounds -- so 10 by September 17th would be a good beginning goal.
Thanks for initiating this.
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Postby Piper » Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:13 pm

I'd love to join you guys. Can someone post the "guidelines for Mary's Mini" so that I can read about and see no much different it is than the regular MWLP.

I guess I'm not seeing the different in the regular MWLP and Mary's Mini.

Can someone explain?

Thanks, Kathy

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Okay, I'll join the challenge

Postby busymomof4 » Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:36 pm

Well, I've been doing MM since August 31st. Today ended my 10 days, and I lost 4.4 lbs. I think I could've lost more, but I cheated a couple of times (peanut butter is my weakness). Anyway, I'll start a new 10-day period today. This morning, I weighed in at 169 lbs. My goals are:

To lose 4 lbs. in 10 days. That would put me at 165 lbs. on August 18.

To do cardio at least 3 times a week (30 minutes) and strength training at least 2 times a week.

Oh, and my starch will be brown rice. I guess that's all. Good luck to all of you!
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I'm in

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:57 pm

I don't know if I can do this, but my Dr. said I have high blood pressure, and I totally reject that. In my view, someone else's blood pressure is tresspassing on my body, and I've just filed an eviction notice.

So, my starch is sweet potatoes.
I weighed 157.4 this moring and I want to take off 30 pounds.
I don't know how long this will take, and it probably doesn't matter because I'll have to change completely to stay health.
This morning I took a very long walk, and I'm meeting a friend tomorrow at 7 a.m. to do the same.

Anyone with variations on how to prepare sweet potatoes, please chime in.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:59 pm

Ben wrote:Ok, well my first day has not been a success as I have eaten crap food all day long :oops:

However, I am even more determined to do this challenge (for me it will be 10 days at a minimum). I am starting tomorrow for sure. I will post back in 24 hours.

I hope everyone else has had a good day.


Well, tomorrow is a new day! I'm sure things will get better for you, Ben. Is the "crap food" still in your house or somewhere around you? If so, it may help to get rid of it. I know I can't be around any food that tempts me.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:00 pm

Jackie J - Your are welcome! Sounds like a good plan.

Vanilla Orchid - I believe you can do it! It seemed like a challenge before I started MM, but after the first few days, I was used to it, and I haven't turned back sense then. You will find a lot of support here.

Michele/busymomof4 - Good luck to you as well. Four pounds in 10 days is awesome! I understand how you feel about peanut butter. It took me a while to forget about mine.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:10 pm

Piper wrote:I'd love to join you guys. Can someone post the "guidelines for Mary's Mini" so that I can read about and see no much different it is than the regular MWLP.

I guess I'm not seeing the different in the regular MWLP and Mary's Mini.

Can someone explain?

Thanks, Kathy

Hello Kathy,

Thanks for joining us! MM is different from MWL in that it is anti-variety. You follow all of the guidelines of the MWL, but you limit variety by choosing one starch to eat all day and eating salads, cooked vegetables, and fruits on the side. I believe we are not supposed to eat beans or we should limit them to no more than 1 cup a day. I myself eat beans, but I limit them to 1 cup a day.

Here are the links to Mary's Mini:
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