Why only 1 cup of beans / day?

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Why only 1 cup of beans / day?

Postby Jeanie » Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:08 am

I have read in a few post around the forum people mention something about consuming only 1 cup of beans per day.....

Why is that? too much protein would be my guess.....

Thanks :-D
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Postby serenity » Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:51 pm

Yes, you're right. In The McDougall Plan, he has an entire chapter on Protein and he explains the rationale.

I have also heard him say that it's not exact. He just knows that there are some people who would eat beans as their primary starch if he didn't recommend a limit.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:15 pm

serenity wrote:
I have also heard him say that it's not exact. He just knows that there are some people who would eat beans as their primary starch if he didn't recommend a limit.

I know I would eat beans as my primary starch if there wasn't a limit. I love beans!
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Postby Faith in DC » Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:54 pm

they are also higher in calories than starch.

Beside, who'd want more than a cup :o
I'm in training for maintaining
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Postby Kai » Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:19 pm

I would!
I have a hard time keeping it to 1 cup!
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Postby prairiedream » Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:00 am

I also love beans and have a hard time keeping it to one cup. Beans and potatoes with a little Road's End nacho "cheeze" sauce is my favorite meal right now (next to corn on the cob)
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Postby Kai » Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:05 pm

I went back through my MWL book and didn't find anything about 1 cup or why it should only be one cup. I've read that the rule comes from later versions but I'm wondering if reasons other than protein are given. Anybody know?
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Postby Carol » Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:05 am

Yes, I've read that high protein is the reason, which can cause liver damage. He does say that if you don't eat a full cup one day you can have more the next, just so that you are "averaging" a cup a day.

My measuring cup seems to be shrinking, though, when it comes to beans. I can so easily eat more than that. :(
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Protein limits?

Postby srb » Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:52 pm

Hello all,
I have lurked for a long long time, and thank you all for the inspiration, information, and encouragement you offer.
I have been reviewing my McDougall books, looking for a recommendation for daily protein "limits", and haven't yet found the answer. Does anyone know what that recommendation is, if there is one? I think I read that 5% of calories from protein should be adequate, but I would like to know what the upper limit for good health might be. As some of you others, I really enjoy beans. I find they help control my hunger much better than other starches, and if allowed I would have no problem eating more than one cup daily. I thought that if total protein intake was the problem, then as long as the upper limit for protein was not exceeded it wouldn't matter whether the protein was from beans or from other foods.
Any thoughts will be appreciated.
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Postby toadfood » Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:11 pm

srb, I have the same experience with beans satisfying my hunger and giving me energy. I don't worry about how many beans I'm eating. I don't eat them as my only starch, but I do average more than 1 cup per day. I find it hard to believe that 2-3 cups of beans a day would lead to a dangerous protein excess. The issues with protein I've read about have all been about animal protein, with dairy protein being the very worst.
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Thank you

Postby srb » Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:58 pm

Thank you, toadfood. I've also read the same re: animal and particularly dairy proteins being the problem - I'm going to stop worrying about bean limits :)
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Postby LJ » Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:57 am

I could be wrong here, but is it possible that we're getting this 'cup of beans' thing confused with Fuhrman's Eat to Live. He suggests eating AT LEAST a cup of beans a day....I think, if I'm remembering correctly.
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Postby redheadeb » Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:13 pm

I'm confused by this cup of beans limit, too. I just got back from the 10-day program and, unless I was in a caffeine-withdrawal-induced haze, no limit was mentioned. And they certainly served us tons of beans! (Along with everything else.)
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1 cup of beans and need for pep talk! help!

Postby paprika » Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:08 am

I just logged in...
was looking @ this for myself...
I haven't had to make a big change to my diet...
but with some changes in the last year...
with fatigue and aging...
I am having to make some necessary changes...

With respect to the beans...
the change in Dr. McDougall's book came later...
they are more calorically dense...
the major concern I believe was the protein....

with respect to daily protein intake...
one would have to look at the total protein intake for the day
not just the amount from 1 source
to see if 1/2 cup or 1 cup more of beans is increasing the protein intake above the protein needs...

I have noticed...
that in the months and years that I did not eat more beans...
I ate an exhaustive amount of cooked vegetables....
and the amount that I ate in cauliflower or brussel sprouts cooked
was a comparable amount of protein...
to the amount of the extra serving or however many number of servings of beans...
if I am not eating a big pot of cooked vegetables I seem to like more beans...
but I am not sure if that is good...
it is what I like...
and it seems the meals with beans are satisfying...
can have a little less potato and a little more beans....
and it has been very high temperatures here and very hard to cook vegetables and to consume a lot of hot vegetables...
the greens are appealing...
salads with beans and potatoes...

for protein intake:
I think you have to look @ the total for the day...
but I am not a doctor...

1 additional cup of rice is going to be a bit of protein too.

or sprouted tortillas-not that you can have "bread" on the maximum weight loss plan...
he does serve the corn tortillas inpatient...

I am in need of some big pep talk..
as I haven't had to make a change in years...
and am finding the need to overhaul my physical activity and diet...

feel free to start pepping!!!
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