I need some help!!!

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I need some help!!!

Postby Marion » Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:46 am

Hi, there:
I have been back to my Vegan program for just about 3 weeks. When I first made the change, I followed the regular plan and had a ball. There was literally no stopping me as far as the bread and refined carbs were concerned. I should say that over the past year I lost about 70 lbs with a combination of Jenny Craig (the first 50) and bare knuckling calorie counting. For many reasons, I finally realized how harmful the SAD to me, in general as well as personally. I truly believe I can't tolerate animal protein because of the sulfur it digests as, which I am really allergic to.

Anyhow, I must have gained about 4 lbs until I was ready to go on MWL. As of last Saturday, I have been following it and feel great. That is the biggest benefit for me. However, and I know it has only been 4 days, I have not seen the scale move. I exercise about 40-50 minutes of aerobics 4-5 times a week and still no budge. Do you think Mary's Mini diet would help? Is it too soon for me to see results?

Words of encouragement are needed. I still need to lose another 20 lbs.

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Postby Pat » Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:20 am

Hang in there, Marion. It will happen. Try to stay away from the scales for a few days. Cut down a bit on the starchy vegs and add more green leafy. Make sure you eat enough to keep you away from snacking and when you do snack, make it veggies.

With your normal exercise plan and a healthy diet, you are sure to win. Just try not to fret about your daily loss (or no loss).

Good luck. Stay close to the forum. These folks can provide a lot of encouragement and inspiration. If you can treat the McDougall plan as a way of life and not as a "diet" maybe you can relax and know you've made a wonderful choice that will pay off for you.
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Postby ladynnred1 » Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:38 am

It's a commitment to a life style or it won't work. I was committed 12 years ago, no matter that it took 4 weeks (yes, FOUR weeks) before I lost a boat load of weight suddenly. I got sloppy and put much of it back on. Now I keep looking for the scale to slide instead of thinking of it as a commitment and-voila--it's not working. I'm trying mightily to remember it's a lifestyle change.
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Postby Marion » Wed Oct 22, 2008 10:56 am

That's just what I needed to hear. Thanks. In previous years, this stall would have been enough to send me into an eating binge, or would be already trying to change the program (I didn't say Atkins, but you know what I mean). This time it is all about health, but I don't want to keep banging my head against the wall, either.

Thanks so much.
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Postby Faith in DC » Wed Oct 22, 2008 11:08 am

Welcome. They gave good advice. As someone who has lost 65 lbs in the past 3 yrs, I can tell ya a lot goes into weight loss. Living it, is slower, but more healthy. I know many folks who lose 65 in one year. I doubt most of them keep it off. Look at my saying below. I live that motto.

Remember hormones, constipation, heat, this and that all play into weight. Eat healthy, keep doing the exercise and all of a sudden, they will be gone. I only weigh once a week btw. Hide the scale :-D
I'm in training for maintaining
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Postby kpolninja » Wed Oct 22, 2008 12:36 pm

Don't forget to make sure you are eating enough too!
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Postby proverbs31woman » Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:04 pm

Hello Marion,

Although I did Mary's Mini to lose most of my weight, it's not necessary to follow it to see great results. During my journey, I've noticed that as long as I follow the MWL program, I'll lose weight effortlessly. However, I've found that some MWL-legal foods such as rice cakes and honey slowed down my weight loss. It's best to make sure that you are eating as much unprocessed, whole foods as you can, and you may want to consider adding more green and yellow vegetables to your meals. Overall, enjoy your journey, and remember, as many have said, this is for life.

One other thing...I agree with Faith in DC: hide the scale. Actually, it's best not to have a scale in your house at all. Weigh yourself no more than once a week, and you'll see results. Weighing anymore than that may drive you crazy. I don't keep a scale in my home for that very reason. I only use it when I go to the gym. That motivates me to get up and go to the gym in the morning to see my results. You may even consider keeping a scale at a friend's house or somewhere else where you only go once a week.
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Postby cowgirrlup » Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:50 pm

kpolninja wrote:Don't forget to make sure you are eating enough too!

You took the words right out of my mouth! Sometimes when I stall I eat a few bigger meals..not cake and ice cream, but just some bigger meals and maybe a few things I have stayed away from,,,like veggie burgers, etc...I figure food is fuel and maybe my body needs a bit of extra fuel...it usually revs my metabolism up....it gives my body some fuel to work with..and the weight loss starts again...
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