Starting again

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Starting again

Postby busymomof4 » Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:55 am

Okay, I will not lie. It is very hard to McDougall in my household. I have four kids and a dh who love meat & dairy products. I cook to please them, and I end up eating what they eat. However, I am sick of my weight & my headaches, and I know from experience this plan works. About 17 1/2 years ago (after the birth of my 1st child), I did the MWL program and lost down to about 125 lbs. I felt great! Now, after four kids (my baby is already 11), I weigh almost 170 lbs., and I am disgusted with myself. I am 5'5", and I know I am 40 lbs. overweight. I don't know if I'll ever be able to get back down to 130 lbs., but I'd love to just get down to 140.

I have tried MM, and I lost several pounds, but have gained a few back. I think I'm going to try MM again for a while to get some weight off. Then, I'll probably switch to MWL. Or I might do MM for a while, MWL, then back to MM....whatever works, right?

If someone starts another MM thread, I'll definitely start posting there. If not, I'll keep you updated on this thread.

I know you all are very helpful and encouraging, and that's what I need. I definitely don't get any encouragement in my household of SAD eaters!
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Postby Love the Lorax » Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:56 pm

Right there with you... maybe not as much to lose, but I know all about living in a house with SAD eaters and cooking for them. It is difficult at best, and there would be MAJOR marital strife if I were suddenly refuse to cook meat. I have the feeling you know what I mean.

Just keep at it, and come to the boards often for support. Being able to read here really helps me to stay on track.
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Postby busymomof4 » Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:20 pm

Thanks, LTL! Yes, I know all about avoiding marital strife when it comes to filling up my husband's belly. :lol:

I really love these boards. Everyone is so encouraging, and I feel a little bit of accountability when I post (as opposed to just lurking).
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Postby rogermoore » Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:09 pm

My kids grew up vegan, vegetarian and meat eaters. Today, between the kids, spouses and grandkids, there are 15 of us. When everyone is over, there may be fish and veggies on the grill, rice and beans on the stove. the platters of food are passed. Some put fish on their plate and others of us don't. Some of us put brussel sprouts on their plates and others don't. When the kids were home we cooked one meal and we all had a choice.

I encourage my clients to not try to prepare two meals - that only lasts a few days. Just because the meat and dairy are there, does not mean that you have to eat it.
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Postby busymomof4 » Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:55 am

I did well yesterday, but I need to get to the grocery store today. I'm out of hash browns (which is what I eat for breakfast) and potatoes...NOT good since potatoes are my choice of starch. I didn't plan very well before I started, now did I? :o

Also, I am having trouble NOT putting butter on my baked potato. It tastes very dry without it. I don't particularly like salsa nor ketchup on baked potatoes. Is there anything else I can put on it besides salt & pepper?

Oh, and I was talking to my mom yesterday. She said, "You know you aren't going to be able to lose weight unless you exercise." Please tell me strenuous exercise is not going to be necessary. Is just taking a 30 minute walk every day, ok?
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Postby busymomof4 » Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:58 am

rogermoore wrote:My kids grew up vegan, vegetarian and meat eaters. Today, between the kids, spouses and grandkids, there are 15 of us. When everyone is over, there may be fish and veggies on the grill, rice and beans on the stove. the platters of food are passed. Some put fish on their plate and others of us don't. Some of us put brussel sprouts on their plates and others don't. When the kids were home we cooked one meal and we all had a choice.

I encourage my clients to not try to prepare two meals - that only lasts a few days. Just because the meat and dairy are there, does not mean that you have to eat it.

Yeah, but my family is used to hamburgers & hotdogs w/ french fries, spaghetti with meat sauce & garlic bread. If I make those things, I have to make myself something separate. Since I'm not doing the MWL right now, but Mary's Mini, potatoes w/ veggies are it for me. My family will eat potatoes & veggies, just not *every* meal *every* day.
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Postby rogermoore » Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:48 am

We cook the meat on the side and make the spaghetti sauce vegan. When it's burgers we have Bocca burgers as well. The frozen fries are baked in the oven.

We make vegan chili - have beef in a skillet and brown rice in the rice cooker. Some of us put rice in our bowls and pour the chili over the top - others do the beef thing.

It really doesn't have to be difficult.
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Thanks for your input, Roger!

Postby busymomof4 » Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:43 am

rogermoore wrote:We cook the meat on the side and make the spaghetti sauce vegan. When it's burgers we have Bocca burgers as well. The frozen fries are baked in the oven.

We make vegan chili - have beef in a skillet and brown rice in the rice cooker. Some of us put rice in our bowls and pour the chili over the top - others do the beef thing.

It really doesn't have to be difficult.

When I start doing MWL, I'll consider your suggestions. :)
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baked potato toppers

Postby kpolninja » Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:42 pm

30/day is fine for excercise. I like Celestial Hain vegan ff gravy (comes in a packet like the regular cheap brown gravy) on my baked potatoes as well as bbq sauce.
Other things I like:
Teriyaki sauce
soy sauce
fat free italian salad dressing
green onions and a sprinkle of bacos
Tomato sauce with mushrooms
blended basil and garlic with a little bit of veggie broth to make a fat free pesto type sauce (nuke the sauce in the microwave first to cook the garlic a bit...maybe 30 seconds)

Think of the kinds of sauces you put on other starches...there are so many options!
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Postby ladynnred1 » Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:17 pm

I eat loads of mustard on potatoes: dijon, stoneground, jalapeno. I also eat honey mustard as my salad dressing.

The more exercise you get, the easier it is b/c it's a building process. If 30 min is the best you can do, then it's the best to do.

Hang on. You can do it.
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Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!

Postby busymomof4 » Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:27 pm

I got all of my potatoes & veggies tonight so I am officially starting MM tomorrow. :) I also picked up some teriyaki sauce for my potatoes. I know I can do this, but I have a lot of stuff in this house to tempt me (halloween candy, chips, cookies). I'm going to have to be strong to keep from eating this junk. I homeschool so I'm home ALL day. I guess I just need to stay away from the kitchen unless it's meal time, huh?
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Postby Faith in DC » Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:16 am

ok I'm not trying to step on toes here. I struggled for so long, like 10 yrs and I don't have a spouse. I do have family LOL.

I think sometimes folks have problem because they treat it as a diet. Thinking of MM and MWL - they are diets. If you are struggling you don't need a diet, you need to regain your health and learn to Mcdougall normally. Then when you are down to the nitty gritty, turn to MM/MWL.

Yes, it's slow and yes, you go through ups and downs. You know three years blows by before you know it.

So don't get upset at those two diets and not being able to stick with them. Keep it simple, try a variety of starches and veggies and fruits.

Oh on taters, I like triple succotash, chili, and vegetarian gravy (not all at the same time). I just remembered one of my favorites - mushrooms cooked in broth, or for a special occasion, in red wine, or white wine. YUM. I do the BBQ also.
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Postby wordweaver » Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:08 am

Once when I was out of ketchup I discovered by a fluke how wonderful cocktail sauce is on potatoes :P
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Postby busymomof4 » Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:10 pm

Hmmm...that sounds good. I think I'll try that tonight. Thanks for the suggestion, Wordweaver!
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Postby busymomof4 » Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:36 pm

wordweaver wrote:Once when I was out of ketchup I discovered by a fluke how wonderful cocktail sauce is on potatoes :P

Cocktail sauce was wonderful on my baked potato! Thanks so much for the suggestion. I doubt I would have ever thought of it myself. :)
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