The November MMC is here!

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The November MMC is here!

Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:28 pm

HI everyone!

I'm pretty new at this, but I am all fired up and ready to go! Who wants to join in with me? We may have a few days where we slip up, but as long as we go back on track, we can do this!

You all decide how long you want to stay on the MMC and what you want to accomplish during that time.

Make it a reasonable goal! I have a bad habit of setting unrealistic goals to set myself up for failure!)..that's pretty sad, isn't it?

We can't do that to ourselves, we have to love ourselves and be kind to ourselves!

Here's my goals so far:

I am going to start out with butternut squash as my starch and I may switch to brown rice in a few weeks. (or a week)

I am going to go to the gym 4 or 5 times a week.

I am going to weigh myself once a week.

I am going to try to be as kind and patient to myself as I am to everyone else.

I am going to celebrate every pound lost and not berate myself for not losing faster.

Ok, I might think of more, but that will start it!

Join me! Help me! We can all support and encourage each other. We can do this! We are strong!

Here are the links to Mary's Mini Challenge:

Are you with me?? Challenge yourself! You can do this!
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I'm in!

Postby dcfit » Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:38 pm

Hey Cowgirlup: thanks for starting the new challenge. I've really been struggling with several issues and eating SAD one day and McD the next. My main problem is that when I McD 100% I get hungry every 2 hours and it's hard to eat and work. But, that's enough excuses. My goals are:
1. MMC using brown rice as my starch

2. take McD appropriate food with me to lunch and eat in

3. walk 20 min 3 days week; resistance training 3 days a week

4. celebrate my daily successes and forgive my transgressions

5. stop coffee (I only drink 16 oz of decaf a day but it's with milk, so as of tomorrow I'm on herbal tea

6. post daily--stay accountable to myself and others

Thank you for starting the challenge, it feels like what I really need right now! let's go girl! :D
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Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:49 pm

Hi dcfit!

Yeah, yippee! We have two of us now...I didn't want to do this alone. :D

Good sensible goals you have set for yourself. I like them and I think they are do-able.

Way to go!

I need to remind myself to plan ahead and it makes it all so much easier.

OK, I'm ready! We are gonna do this right girlfriend!

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Postby dagiosgirl » Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:19 pm

Cowgirrlup, thanks for starting the thread. I started McDougalling on September 30 and had great success for my first 12 days. I've got lupus, so I'm doing this for my overall health as well as some weight loss. But, then I started cheating here and there, and now I'm back on one of my meds (boo!) and not losing weight.

I'll be starting on November 2 and will rely on brown rice for my starch. (Is it okay if I vary the kinds of brown rice? Regular long-grain some days, basmati others?)

Here are my goals:

1. Post daily.
2. Do at least 15 minutes of exercise per day on my Wii Fit. (The Wii also requires you to weigh every day that you log in.)
3. Keep a food diary.
4. Focus on eating more green veggies than I usually do.

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Postby dagiosgirl » Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:21 pm

As a side question, can the MMC double as an elimination diet? Anybody ever combined the two? After doing some very strict McDougalling for my first 12 days on the plan, I went to P.F. Chang's and had some brown rice and eggplant. I didn't feel as great the next day as I had been. I don't know if it was hidden oil in the dish, but I suspect that I might have a problem with the deadly nightshade plants (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant). I notice that my fatigue and other lupus symptoms aren't as bad when I avoid white potatoes.
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Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:38 pm

dagiosgirl wrote:Cowgirrlup, thanks for starting the thread. I started McDougalling on September 30 and had great success for my first 12 days. I've got lupus, so I'm doing this for my overall health as well as some weight loss. But, then I started cheating here and there, and now I'm back on one of my meds (boo!) and not losing weight.

I'll be starting on November 2 and will rely on brown rice for my starch. (Is it okay if I vary the kinds of brown rice? Regular long-grain some days, basmati others?)

Here are my goals:

1. Post daily.
2. Do at least 15 minutes of exercise per day on my Wii Fit. (The Wii also requires you to weigh every day that you log in.)
3. Keep a food diary.
4. Focus on eating more green veggies than I usually do.


Hi! Its so good to have you joining us on the November MMC!

Your goals look great! I also need to eat more green veggies, so your goals have already helped me. See how great this is gonna be?

I have Lupus, too. I haven't been on any meds except the occasional ibuprofen since I went from vegetarian to vegan.

I did learn the hard way that you can be vegan and be fat! Who would have thought so?! It took me a while to figure out that just because it was vegan, it didn't mean it was healthy for me.

Personally, I really don't think the type of rice matters as far as switching it around, but if I am wrong, someone please jump in here and correct me.

I think we are going to own this month! WE can do this!
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Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:41 pm

dagiosgirl wrote:As a side question, can the MMC double as an elimination diet? Anybody ever combined the two? After doing some very strict McDougalling for my first 12 days on the plan, I went to P.F. Chang's and had some brown rice and eggplant. I didn't feel as great the next day as I had been. I don't know if it was hidden oil in the dish, but I suspect that I might have a problem with the deadly nightshade plants (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant). I notice that my fatigue and other lupus symptoms aren't as bad when I avoid white potatoes.

Ok, this is one of those questions that we need someone else to drop by and answer for you. I have never done an elimination diet, so I am pretty clueless as to the answer.

Hopefully someone can answer this for you or we can take it to Jeff.

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Postby busymomof4 » Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:00 pm

I'm in! I saw your other post, and I've been waiting for you to start this thread. :D

Here are my goals:

1. Start tomorrow with potato being my starch

2. Eat ONLY when I'm hungry (I tend to eat even when I'm not hungry since I know the food's good for me)

3. Exercise 30 minutes a day 5 days a week

4. Post daily (more accountability that way)

5. Lose 10 lbs. by Christmas (that's 8 weeks from tomorrow)

I'm really excited about starting this challenge. I know I can do this...WE can do this!
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Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:30 pm

Hi Michele!

I'm so glad to see you are going to be in this challenge with us! I am excited for us...teamwork is a wonderful thing! :D

Great goals! I really think you guys are right about posting every day. It has to be a big help to us all...I am going to add that to my goals, too.

10 pounds is a good goal. I really think its a totally do-able one.

Woo Hoo! We are going to rock this challenge girlfriend!! We can do this!
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Postby storm20 » Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:22 am

I will join you,
I am walking the dog every afternoon,
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Dr. McD's Elimination Diet

Postby yogini girl » Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:00 am

Hi All-Best of luck to you on mary's mini. I don't have to lose weight but I have food allergies so I am trying the ellimination. Here is Dr. McD's elimination diet. Wish I could send the tread, but don't have it at the moment. I can cut and paste what I have on my computer. Here it is:

Foods to eat on an elimination diet:
Starches (all cooked), including:
· brown rice
· sweet potatoes
· winter squash
· taro (or poi)
· tapioca rice flour
· puffed rice
Most Green, Yellow, or Orange Vegetables (all cooked), including:
· beets
· beet greens
· chard
· summer squash
· artichokes
· celery
· string beans
· asparagus
· spinach
· lettuce
Fruits (all cooked), Most non-citrus including:
· peaches
· cranberries
· apricots
· papaya
· plums
· prunes
· cherries
Salt only is allowed (if not restricted for other health reasons). (This means no salad dressings, mustard, lemon juice, vinegar, as well as other condiments.)

After a week on this kind of fare, your food allergies should have ended and you should be feeling well. If this is the case, then you should begin to add other foods to the diet, but only one at a time, to determine if any of them causes your allergic reactions. For testing purposes, each "new" food should be eaten in large amounts three times a day for two days.

If the food does not cause a reaction, you can conclude that it is nonallergenic. Most reactions occur within a few hours, but some do not show up for several days. Each food must be tested individually; do not introduce two new foods at once. When you do have an allergic reaction to a specific food, you must wait four to seven days before testing the next item. This interval gives you the time you need to clear your system of that allergy-causing food.

Good luck to all of you! Go team! :-D
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Re: Join

Postby cowgirrlup » Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:50 am

storm20 wrote:I will join you,
I am walking the dog every afternoon,

YEAH! Welcome! The more the merrier! Walking is so very good for us..... and for our doggies!

I admit that one of my dogs looks more like a Harbor Seal than a weenie dog...,,,I need to walk him more as it would do us both good. Thank you for the reminder!

We can do this!!!
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Re: Dr. McD's Elimination Diet

Postby cowgirrlup » Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:53 am

yogini girl wrote:Hi All-Best of luck to you on mary's mini. I don't have to lose weight but I have food allergies so I am trying the ellimination. Here is Dr. McD's elimination diet. Wish I could send the tread, but don't have it at the moment. I can cut and paste what I have on my computer. Here it is:

Foods to eat on an elimination diet:
Starches (all cooked), including:
· brown rice
· sweet potatoes
· winter squash
· taro (or poi)
· tapioca rice flour
· puffed rice
Most Green, Yellow, or Orange Vegetables (all cooked), including:
· beets
· beet greens
· chard
· summer squash
· artichokes
· celery
· string beans
· asparagus
· spinach
· lettuce
Fruits (all cooked), Most non-citrus including:
· peaches
· cranberries
· apricots
· papaya
· plums
· prunes
· cherries
Salt only is allowed (if not restricted for other health reasons). (This means no salad dressings, mustard, lemon juice, vinegar, as well as other condiments.)

After a week on this kind of fare, your food allergies should have ended and you should be feeling well. If this is the case, then you should begin to add other foods to the diet, but only one at a time, to determine if any of them causes your allergic reactions. For testing purposes, each "new" food should be eaten in large amounts three times a day for two days.

If the food does not cause a reaction, you can conclude that it is nonallergenic. Most reactions occur within a few hours, but some do not show up for several days. Each food must be tested individually; do not introduce two new foods at once. When you do have an allergic reaction to a specific food, you must wait four to seven days before testing the next item. This interval gives you the time you need to clear your system of that allergy-causing food.

Good luck to all of you! Go team! :-D

Thank you so much yogini girl! I knew someone would know the info and come help! Everyone here is so supportive and helpful. Thank you!

I have never done an elimination diet, so I didn't want to offer any advice on that.

Woo Hoo! We are gonna rock this challenge! We can do this!

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Postby kpolninja » Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:23 pm

Yesterday my husband and I started a 10 day mini, today is day two. I had a vanilla soy latte today which is not on the plan, but I'm a grad student and i needed a boost.

I worked out for 30 minutes on the wii last night, I want to get 5 days of 30 minute workouts in during the 10 day span.

I could only get my husband to commit to 10 days, but I think I will do another 10 days this month, totalling 20 days.

Our starch is potatos. I bought some winter squash so I had some of that today and yesterday because I don't want them to go bad.
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Postby dagiosgirl » Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:38 pm

cowgirrlup wrote:
dagiosgirl wrote:Cowgirrlup, thanks for starting the thread. I started McDougalling on September 30 and had great success for my first 12 days. I've got lupus, so I'm doing this for my overall health as well as some weight loss. But, then I started cheating here and there, and now I'm back on one of my meds (boo!) and not losing weight.

I'll be starting on November 2 and will rely on brown rice for my starch. (Is it okay if I vary the kinds of brown rice? Regular long-grain some days, basmati others?)

Here are my goals:

1. Post daily.
2. Do at least 15 minutes of exercise per day on my Wii Fit. (The Wii also requires you to weigh every day that you log in.)
3. Keep a food diary.
4. Focus on eating more green veggies than I usually do.


Hi! Its so good to have you joining us on the November MMC!

Your goals look great! I also need to eat more green veggies, so your goals have already helped me. See how great this is gonna be?

I have Lupus, too. I haven't been on any meds except the occasional ibuprofen since I went from vegetarian to vegan.

I did learn the hard way that you can be vegan and be fat! Who would have thought so?! It took me a while to figure out that just because it was vegan, it didn't mean it was healthy for me.

Personally, I really don't think the type of rice matters as far as switching it around, but if I am wrong, someone please jump in here and correct me.

I think we are going to own this month! WE can do this!

I feel TONS better than I did just 30 days ago. I was fatigued out of my mind. I'd sleep 14 hours a day and still have no energy. Now, my "brain fog" has lifted, and I've got all the energy I need to take care of my family and to work like I need to. I cheated a little recently (don't ask) and I paid for it. I now know that low-fat vegan eating rewards me with good health. There's nothing that tastes as good as being healthy feels!

I'm still on my Lyrica (for fibromyalgia), Nexium (for reflux), and Plaquenil (for lupus), but my goal is to be off all of them in the next six months. The good news is that I'm off all my pain pills (to which I was becoming addicted) and my blood pressure medicine.

I'm aiming for November 2-14 for this round. I can probably keep eating the MM way longer, but we're in the process of buying a house. We're scheduled to move the weekend of Nov. 14-16, so my Wii might be in storage for a bit. All that painting, packing, and moving is going to be plenty of exercise though!

Let's make it a Notable November!

(Not a great catchphrase, I know. I'll work on it. :D )
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