How about a MWL Challenge for Nov?

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How about a MWL Challenge for Nov?

Postby LauraA » Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:41 pm

I'm looking for extra support to stick with MWL (not Mary's Mini) for the month of Nov. I'll be eating out a lot, but I still think that I can manage it. Most of the month I'll be in New York City with lots of relatives - from my parents (88 and 92) down to my youngest grandson ( 3 and a half months). I really need to stick with MWL to avoid cravings and binge eating. I do so well when I stay away from all flour. I'm hoping that some of you who are doing MWL will post your successes, struggles and ideas here. Take care, LauraA
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Postby bethannerickson » Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:21 am

I'll join you!
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Postby Letha » Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:49 pm

I’m on board starting Tuesday/Wednesday, Nov. 4th/5th. I'm planning to stock up on fresh veggies/fruit on Tuesday. I’ll be doing the regular plan until then. The big difference for me will be to lose the pasta and add some salad and other assorted raw veggies. I’m going to try to get my ratio of green and yellow veggies up between 1/3 and 1/2 of my lunch and dinner each day. Plus I just purchased a new copy of the MWL book on line as I gave my old one away.
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Postby LauraA » Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:19 pm

Thanks to both of you for joining in. We all need help and support! My real MWL start will also be on Tuesday. I had less than usual control of food today, and I'll be traveling tomorrow, then I need to buy some food. I'm going to put a post in the lounge and invite others to join us. Take care, LauraA
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Postby Casey » Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:39 pm

I'll join you! I can start Tuesday. Do we just check in daily, or what? It will be nice to have some motivation; I've lost it lately! Thanks for the invite.
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Books for 75 cents

Postby Clary » Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:56 am

Letha wrote: Plus I just purchased a new copy of the MWL book on line as I gave my old one away.

For others wanting copies of the MWL book, there are at least two copies available at this morning for 75 cents, plus shipping. Enter John McDougall in the search bar. A shorter list with a few variations comes up under Mary McDougall. For collectors of Dr. McDougall's and Mary's publications, copies of the original 1983 The McDougall Plan are offered, as well as some copies from their first The McDougall Health-Supporting Cookbook series. ... sQQsortZ88 ... 1QQsortZ88
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Postby Letha » Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:57 am

Casey wrote:I'll join you! I can start Tuesday. Do we just check in daily, or what? It will be nice to have some motivation; I've lost it lately! Thanks for the invite.

I plan to add a post daily to this thread to share my progress and experience, and to also offer support to others posting in the thread.
So I’ve been sticking to the regular plan. (Start MWL Tuesday) I’m setting Thursday as my weigh- in day. I’m new to the forum so I’ve been poking around, uploading an avatar, starting a journal thread, basically making myself at home. I think I’ll also be posting in the ‘What’s Cooking’ thread as I liked doing that years ago over on vegsource. Feeling positive. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
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Postby MadcityVegan » Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:18 am

Okay me too! I am starting Wednesday Nov. 5th.

(Doing the regular plan currently)

My Goals
Walk 30+ minutes 7 days a week
I will weigh Thursdays like Letha
Some girlfriends of mine and I set a weightloss chalenge until Nov 26. I set my goal at 169.5 but really my first goal is to maintain my weight but I would be really really happy to loose .5lb a week.

Nov 27, I am eating according to the regualar plan and then I am going to reevaluate after that. I want to see if the rewards of MWL outweight the easiness of the regular plan.

Thanks for starting this LauraA!!
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Postby bethannerickson » Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:18 am

Well, I'm on to day two! Yesterday went well. In fact, it was fun!

I also started planning meals for work by purchasing a handy-dandy plastic plate with three sections, one for my main course, the next for my vegetable, the next for my little fruit. Just preparing for success. :)

Last night I dug through my trusty McDougall cookbooks and found a GREAT recipe for Curried Potatoes. Gonna try that today.

I also dug through the MWL legal-recipes spread sheet and am marking recipes I want to try during the challenge.

Very fun,

Beth :)
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Postby MadcityVegan » Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:17 am

Let us know what recipes to try!
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MWL Challenge

Postby Mommylut » Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:22 am

I am very excited about participating. I just can't seem to do it on Mary's mini. I too travel for work and find it too restrictive. However, I am totally commited to the MWL plan. LET'S DO IT!

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Postby LauraA » Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:04 am

I'm so glad that so many are joining us! There certainly are no "rules" for this thread. Just post daily, or when you want to, and seek support, offer support - or both! My problem with Mary's Mini is that I love oatmeal and that I travel all of the time. Also, I don't want this to be a "diet." My problem with the regular plan is that I can binge so easily on nuts and/or breads. We want to be sure to be open to anyone wishing to join us along the way. The more the merrier! All of our experiences will help each other. Take care, LauraA
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Postby Dale Jackson » Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:29 pm

I''ll join and tomorrow will be my first day. I need something to motivate me and this challenge seems to be just the right thing.
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Postby vegan1mimi » Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:43 pm

I need something to get me back on track. My DH and I were just talking of how all we do is think about food....this has been a terrible time these past 2 or 4 months..My daughter, her husband and six children moved in with us the first of July.... In a 1500 sq. ft. house with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. It has been stressful emotionally and financially, as you can imagine. Plus my youngest son is in Iraq. And my middle son is going through a divorce. I'm an emotional eater and have backsliden several times. I MUST get this weight off, MUST take care of myself because no one else is going to do it for me. So count me in I will start Mon. Nov. 3rd. please keep me in your prayers.
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Postby LauraA » Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:14 pm

Now I'm getting excited!! I'm going to start tomorrow also! Welcome to Bethannerickson (already of day 2) , Letha (starting Tuesday or Wed), Casey (starting on Tue), Clary (posted info on buying MWL books), MadcityVegan (starting on Wed), MommyLut (Marion), Dale Jackson (starting Mon), Vegan1Mimi (joining us even with so much going on!). Let's all keep each other motivated and committed! Take care, LauraA
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