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For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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WW online

Postby janisphilbin » Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:44 am

I was just wondering if any of you have combined weight watchers with McDougalling? Has anyone used the online version and was it worth it? I feel like I need a bit more structure to my eating, just telling me eat until you are comfortably full doesn't seem to work for me. (Apparently I can eat too much before that happens. Ha!)

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WW on line

Postby Babstitches » Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:52 am

Janis, they do have a vegetarian section of their diet but it includes dairy. I joined for a while but did not find it beneficial, not much support, I posted and hardly any replies. If you are looking for a group where you just check in everyday with no replies, then it will work for you. The support on these boards is much better.
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Postby Letha » Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:17 am

Yes, I’ve done both and think they go together well. McDougall foods are low in points & McDougall food is a lot healthier than most of the recipes posted on the WW website. I’ve done in-person and on-line weight watchers. The on-line is not much different then fit day or spark people which you can do on-line for free . Well, that’s my two cents.
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Postby janisphilbin » Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:35 am

Thanks Barbara and Letha, that helps. I've just been comparing myself to my friend who has lost over 40lbs this year on WW to me, who hasn't lost anything. (Admittedly I don't have as much to lose) I have a problem needing an occasional "treat" and WW seems to allow for that. I would never go back to "non vegan " eating, but seem to be needing to watching calories more or something. The last diet I did well on was the Cabbage soup diet, and I think that's because it says you can eat this today and that tomorrow, but I can't face all that cabbage soup again. :( Ha!

Has anyone tried Jeff Novak's one on one counseling?

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Postby hope101 » Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:54 am

Janisphilbin, I know SactoBob did use Jeff. You could PM him. For what it's worth, I've met him and he's fantastic--just like here. Empathic, starts where you're at, humorous. I don't think you could go wrong with Jeff.
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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:31 pm

I've Mcdougalled a long time, but unfortunately whenever I went off, I'd feel so guilty that I'd binge. The binge could last a day, a week, or more. Needless to say I didn't make much progress except to gain.

I agree with McD's plan and believe in it but it did help me to join WW in person. Now their monthly plan comes with the online too. There is something about group support that helps. I also know I have to go in and confront myself each week. That often is enough to keep me from going over board too much.

So eating healthy, and tracking everything, and a little off plan has done more for me and my health than all the years I'd go on and off mcdougall. I keep striving to be a perfect mcdougaller.
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Postby janisphilbin » Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:17 am

Faith & Hope, thank you also for your insights about WW and McDougalling. I am going to try and rededicate myself to the MWL for a month and if I see no results will sign up for WW online.

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Postby Faith in DC » Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:28 pm

I don't blame you. It's all about fit of the plan and what a person needs at the time. I needed something to get me to think and stop my binging. WW did that and got me to ask, Do I really want this for that many points? It's Just one tool. I got the knowledge, as you do, to eat healthy. Support can come from here.
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Yes, some of both.

Postby Charlie » Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:11 pm

Hi Janisphilbin,

In March 2005, I weighed 279 pounds. I'm 5'11&3/4". I did not know anything about Dr. McDougall. I had used several different programs and lost many pounds, only to gain them back. I used Drs Eades and wife's high protein and low carb program. The Adkins diet and a diet Dr's program in Cape Canaveral. They all worked for me, losing weight, but I would then gain it all back plus more.
After working on our yard srinkler system and could not get up by myself, I knew something had to be done. My wife had to help me get to a standing position. It was time to lose weight. I started Weight Watchers at 279 pounds. This was in March 2005. Just before Christmas, I weighed in at 210 pounds...my goal. After maintaining my weight for the required time, I became a Life Time Member.
It was not until after reading "The China Study" and accepting the 30 day challenge of the vegan lifestyle. The challenge was from Dr. McDougall who was referrenced on several pages in "The China Study'. I did not find it too difficult to change to the vegan lifestyle. I hardly ate any meat while in weight watchers because meat counts for so many points. I can say that weight watchers helped me become a Mcdougaller because I had become use to walking and exercise.
As a lifetime member of weight watchers, I still weigh in once a month. This keeps me as a lifetime member without any cost and it gives me a chance to help motivate those who are finding it difficult to lose.
Dr. McDougall and the vegan lifestyle and most importantly my wife Bev, who cooks and encourages me to follow Dr. McDougall. She also, pretty much, follows the vegan lifestyle. I did not stop my meds until after the vegan lifestyle and reading The China Study. My wife and I are members of The Healthy Planet of Brevard, a group of vegans and vegetarians.
It works for me but I no longer eat all of the food I once ate and approved by weight watchers. I just started on the Maximum Weight Loss Program, after watching McD's latest video. I am now 204 pounds and will lose to 180 pounds. I have maintained my weight watcher's goal but have been eating too much of what "fat vegans" eat.

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Postby janisphilbin » Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:23 am

Thanks Charlie, your post was very helpful! I know WW is a good plan, because I've known many people who have lost considerable weight on it. I find it encouraging you were able to combine your knowledge of WW with your new McDougalling/vegan lifestyle. I may still join up for a few months just to see how they 'structure" the amount eaten.

I've been a long time vegetarian and now vegan since finding McDougall about a year ago. I thought just giving up dairy, with my already pretty healthy diet of fruits and veggies (big salad eater), would be enough to help me lose 10 lbs, but it hasn't happened. I even gave up my beloved oil popped popcorn. Still no weight loss, so I'm obviously doing something wrong, and maybe WW will help me see the errors of my way. The one thing that I noticed on WW is you are only supposed to have about 1 potato or cup of rice a day ( is that correct?). And on MCD we eat lots of potatos or rice, so I'm questioning the wisdom of adding in the extra potatoes.

Anyway, thank you all for your help, I need to find out what Will work for me.

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WW has made a recent change

Postby Charlie » Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:49 pm

Hi JP,

I went to my last ww meeting the week before Christmas. They gave me new material which included a new book with the points that different foods have, foods from A-Z. It is interesting to note that they now advise us to eat more satisfying food that has a low point value. e.g. potatoes, rice etc. These filling foods have a green diamond mark beside them. However, I don't agree that all of these marked foods are filling foods that will keep you satisfied. They even had beef marked. :cry: This may satisfy one's taste buds bud it will not fill you for very long. You can have as many potatoes as you want in WW, as long as you keep it within the points you are allowed for the day. They do tell you to keep a balance by using all of the various foods. However, they recommend foods that are not healthy. :eek: McD's starch based diet is the best.

The reason I thought it was interesting is because Dr. McD, in his latest DVD uses an illustration whereby 500 calories of food are put into six seperate round glass bottles that represent ones stomach. e.g. The filling food that satisfies, like potatoes, over run the bottle which shows how it fills your stomach. Whereas if you put 500 calories of steak in the bottle, it would be only a quarter full or 500 calories of M&Ms would only cover the bottom of the bottle. WW is now stressing that you should eat smarter by selecting foods that will help you lose weight and keep you satisfied. Dr. McD's Maximum Weight loss Program says the same thing. That is what a starch based diet does. However, WW has many foods that they recommend that are not good for your health. If you follow Dr McD's Maximum Weight Loss Program, you will lose weight. Maybe it would motivate you if you have to weigh in each week. It did help me and there was no way I was going to pay out money and then not lose any weight at weigh in. I don't remember if I mentioned that I started on the Max weight Loss program only a few days ago. Dr. McD's new DVD motivated me. I plan to lose down to 180 pounds. In order for me to lose, I can't do it halfway, I must comply 100%.

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Postby janisphilbin » Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:31 am

Thanks again Charlie, that is very interesting about WW new program, hmmm are they copying McDougall a bit with the filling starches? Ha! That visual of the 500 calories was enlightening. I guess I just need to get over my "fear" of potatoes, it's hard to let go of that idea of staying away from them that the low carbers have been spouting for years now.

Again, I so appreciate everyones help, good luck with the weight loss, Charlie.

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Postby Faith in DC » Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:41 am

Charlie, did you change your goal? I thought we couldn't go under goal or over it for more than 3 lbs. I hadn't set mine yet because I'm worried I may want to go lower.

I love Mcd's glass stomach's. That is one of the best visuals for anyone.
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WW and MD

Postby thebeakeeper » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:27 pm

I've been doing WW for years and love the program- except that I've been vegan for a year and was having problems finding food to eat. With WW i lost over 100 pounds and have kept it off for 8 years. I love the program but like I said, I have a hard time with the food choices.

I'm a lifetime member and love going to meetings. I like weighing in, the support I get in person, and how when I start to stray I can attend a meeting and get back on track. Since I learned about the McDougall program from my doctor (he's vegan and told me I'd find a ton of food choices on McDougall) I'm so much happier. I don't eat anything that's not on his MWL program, BUT i also stay within my WW points.

It's like a whole new program- I'm eating so much more, and a lot healthier. Before I was loading up on low points bread, dried fruit, etc, but I wasn't getting full. Now I'm eating fruits and veggies and more of a variety. MD program forced me to change what I eat and my variety of choices.

For me- I love a combination of the two programs, but I think it's up to the individual. WW online Ive tried- but I dont find it as good as in person.

Hope this helps!

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Postby Charlie » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:14 pm

Hi Faith,
I did not change my WW goal, it is 210 lbs. The normal goal for a male my height, is about 180. I got a Dr. to write me a note and WW allowed me to have a goal of 210. When I reached this goal, I, of course, was no longer required to pay the $11 or $12 dollar weekly fee. :D

After reaching your goal...you become a lifetime member and no longer pay any fee. You must get weighed, at least, once a month and as long as you are no more than either 2 or 3 lbs over your goal, your meetings are free. If you miss a month or weigh more than the 2 or 3 lbs of goal, you must pay the going fee. I believe I have this correct, Faith.

Faith, I now have a personal goal that is not a WW goal. It doesn't matter how much you are below your WW goal at weigh in. My weight was 200 at the Dec WW meeting. I am barely under 6' tall. For me, WW helped motivate me to continue my losing, now it helps me maintain. I have always gained :cry: my weight back with other programs that I have been on. Now, with McD and weighing in once a month at WW, I will not gain it back.

Oh yes, I liked the glass stomachs as well. I think I have a better understanding now, about eating the good filling and satisfying food, than I ever had.

I do not agree with some of the food and beverages ww recommends but their meeting are beneficial for me. If you are not happy with the goal that they set for you and want it to be lower, change it. However, wait until after you have reached the goal, then you no longer have to pay.

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