January Mary's Mini Challenge: SIMPLY Losing Weight

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January Mary's Mini Challenge: SIMPLY Losing Weight

Postby proverbs31woman » Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:54 am

Happy New Year Everyone,

I've found that challenges help keep me on track. It's something about having others join me that keeps me focused. So, I'm starting another Mary's Mini Challenge for this month because I need to lose a few more pounds and regain my focus on being 100% compliant to the McDougall plan.

I've already lost most of my weight following MM last summer, and I would like to get a few more pounds off (about 5 - 10). If you want to join me, please let me know. You can follow the complete MMC or a modified version. The goal is to eat as simple and repetitive as you can. This is intended to be temporary, but I've found even when I'm off of the MM I still like to use it as the foundation of my diet.

Starch of choice: potato
Length: Until the end of January
Goals: Lose between 5 and 10 pounds and improve my adherence to the McDougall plan

Here are the links to the information about MM: http://www.drmcdougall.com/misc/2006nl/june/marys.htm
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Postby aliceszanto » Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:42 pm

Hi, My name is Alice and I am new to McDougall. After reading the forums, I have decided to try Mary's Mini as a starting point. I am finding a lot of freedom on it. No measuring, No calorie counting, Feeling Full. Eating when I want and enjoying the food I eat. Can't beat that. I plan on poking my head in here and checking in for January. I'm looking to the end of January to decide if this is the Vegan plan for me.
Melting my Behind in 2009!
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Postby proverbs31woman » Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:33 pm

Welcome to MM and to the McDougall way of eating, aliceszanto! Wow, you've already lost 5 lbs. since December 26th. That's wonderful. Please do keep us updated on your progress.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:41 am

Things have been going well so far. Yesterday, I ate a lot of potatoes though. I like to eat oil-free potato fries, so since I like them so much, I can eat a whole lot of them. I'm not sure if I can eat so much, and still lose weight. The last time I did the miini, I ate brown rice, so I'll see if I can be successful by eating a lot of potatoes.

Anyone else want to join us?
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Postby rotemmay » Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:04 pm

Whew, finally I can post! I was having some trouble getting my account activated but now all is well :D.

I've been looking at McD for a while now but I've been afraid to try it. A few years back I was into the whole low carb thing and read a lot about the whole low/very low fat/high carb ways of eating like McD and, as you can imagine, they were not friendly towards this kind of eating :D. I lost 30 pounds low carbing two years ago but then became vegetarian and, after reading up on the whole beef/dairy/egg industry and the horrors of the slaughterhouses, decided to go vegan. But I've been having a hard time staying vegan and in the process I've gained 25 of the 30 pounds I lost (but I think the weight gain had more to do with stress and binge eating than going vegan).

I'm really considering doing Mary's MM, though, at least for a week or a bit more, mainly because of the simplicity and I think if I can see that I don't have massive junk food cravings and am even losing some weight/inches with a primarily grain/veggie/fruit based plan, then I'll be less scared about going into MWLP. I don't want to start until Mon though, since I go shopping on Sun.

I did have some questions, though. I did read the links about MM and I'm wondering if we can eat other things that are from the grain we chose. For example, if I chose brown rice (which I probably would), would I be able to also eat plain brown rice cakes, since they're made of brown rice? Also, is there a limit to the amount of fruit we can have during MM? And is there a list of McD condiments that we can use? I pulled the food lists from the web and also from the book (which I haven't finished reading yet) but I couldn't find a list of condiments. It would help to know how we can spice up the food :D.

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Postby proverbs31woman » Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:06 pm

rotemmay wrote:
I did have some questions, though. I did read the links about MM and I'm wondering if we can eat other things that are from the grain we chose. For example, if I chose brown rice (which I probably would), would I be able to also eat plain brown rice cakes, since they're made of brown rice? Also, is there a limit to the amount of fruit we can have during MM? And is there a list of McD condiments that we can use? I pulled the food lists from the web and also from the book (which I haven't finished reading yet) but I couldn't find a list of condiments. It would help to know how we can spice up the food :D.


Welcome, Tam! Here's my take on your questions. Yes, you can eat brown rice cakes although you may lose weight more effortlessly without the rice cakes. When I added rice cakes to my eating plan, it slowed my weight loss down, and I've heard others say the same as well. The less processed a food is, the better it is for weight loss. If you must eat rice cakes, I would limit them to no more than two a day, which is what I will do. I plan to eat them only for emergencies (i.e., when I'm out and there's nothing else to eat).

You should limit your fruit intake to no more than two servings of fruit a day, and the condiments are the same as those approved for the MWL plan. You should follow all of the MWL principles, but try to eat the same starch at every meal. The more redudant your eating is, the better it will be for weight loss.

Also, make sure that you eat at many starches and green and yellow veggies that are necessary to get you full. Of course, the more green and yellow and raw veggies you eat, the better.

You should be able to find a list of the approved condiments like barbeque sauces, salad dressing, and soy sauces at the following site and also in the MWL book: http://drmcdougall.com/packaged.html

Please keep us updated.
Last edited by proverbs31woman on Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sulamith » Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:26 pm

Hi! I'm happy to find this thread right now.

I was doing very well on a fairly repetitive MWL program (potatoes, veggies, oatmeal and fruit) and loving it until I moved for the first time in ten years and the holidays hit which is when I invited (it's important to remember that it was MY choice) oils, sweets (vegan choices from the PETA list but still...) and large amounts of flavored salts into my mouth. I ate some sour cream a couple of times too. Nothing too excessive, I feel, but boy oh boy did it make a difference in my body and brain. I haven't gained any weight back, thank goodness, but I feel tired, lazy and greasy. (Zits at 48, eek!) My back started to hurt in the morning for no apparent (ie: injury or strain) reason. I also caught a bad cold for the first time in years and years.

I may be stubborn but I'm not stupid and I KNOW what I need to do. I need to get back on track before backsliding becomes a permanent choice.

I need a day or two to get my ducks in order but then I will sign in 'officially' and get going.

As I type this I am feeling more excited and determined and that's half the battle.

Thanks for the kick in the behind, Proverbs31woman. I'll be back soon!
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Postby proverbs31woman » Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:27 pm

Sulamith wrote:Hi! I'm happy to find this thread right now.

I was doing very well on a fairly repetitive MWL program (potatoes, veggies, oatmeal and fruit) and loving it until I moved for the first time in ten years and the holidays hit which is when I invited (it's important to remember that it was MY choice) oils, sweets (vegan choices from the PETA list but still...) and large amounts of flavored salts into my mouth. I ate some sour cream a couple of times too. Nothing too excessive, I feel, but boy oh boy did it make a difference in my body and brain. I haven't gained any weight back, thank goodness, but I feel tired, lazy and greasy. (Zits at 48, eek!) My back started to hurt in the morning for no apparent (ie: injury or strain) reason. I also caught a bad cold for the first time in years and years.

I may be stubborn but I'm not stupid and I KNOW what I need to do. I need to get back on track before backsliding becomes a permanent choice.

I need a day or two to get my ducks in order but then I will sign in 'officially' and get going.

As I type this I am feeling more excited and determined and that's half the battle.

Thanks for the kick in the behind, Proverbs31woman. I'll be back soon!

I have a big zit on my chin right now from the SAD eating (i.e., oily and dairy-laden foods) during the holidays. It was a reminder of how important my eating is to my health as well as outer beauty.

I'm glad that you've decided to join us. I know that we're off to a slow start in comparison to the MWL thread, but I believe that we can support each other through this and come out with the results that we want.

Today has been a good day so far for me. I had my oatmeal for breakfast, and I'm eating oil-free French fries and broccoli as I write. I'm feeling good about eating this way although I believe I may have to switch to eating rice soon because of the effort that I ahve to put into eating potatoes the way I like them (i.e., cut into French fries). You can imagine that that takes a lot of time and effort.

How's everyone else doing out there?
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Started MM today - count me in!

Postby stormie » Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:03 pm

I really want to focus on jump starting weight loss in January so I've started the MM today. I've chosen potatoes as my starch.

I've followed the McDougall lifestyle in the past and lost 40lbs but I seem to always fall back into the SAD. :cry: I blame my boyfriend :p Just kidding but I have gained 30lbs in the last 9 months that I have been dating him! We do use each other for foody calls so that's gonna stop this year too!!

My goal for the year is to lose 50lbs.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:51 pm

Hello Stormie,

Welcome to the group! Your reference to you and boyfriend's "foody calls" was so funny. LOL!

My stats were about the same as yours a few months ago. Five feet four inches and 170 pounds.

I trust that this time will be different for you. Please keep us updated.
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Postby Sulamith » Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:41 pm

Hi! Hello. I'm back. (On top of everything else we've been having internet connectivity issues since the move. Grrrrr.)

I'm starting my MM at sundown tonight. I wanted one more day to eat oatmeal and mentally prepare my significant other for the next ten days. He's a fabulous cook and has been a professional restaurant owner and chef for years and years now. He's currently taking a break between selling one restaurant and opening another so he has some time on his hands and he loves to cook for me. (or anyone, come on over! lol)

I love what he cooks too but even though he can and does cook yummy vegan food with ease, he is clearly of the "it's just a little bit of olive oil, what can it hurt?" persuasion. He also loves nuts and sweets. I have hope though. He hasn't eaten any red meat since I started McDougalling last September and has also switched from heavy use of milk and flavored Coffee-Mate in several daily cups of coffee to rice milk in black tea or just herbal with fresh green stuff (either mint or some kind of plant they put in tea in the Middle East) instead. I haven't said a word to him about changing his diet, he's just coming along for the ride, up to a point.

I chose potatoes as my starch. I have stocked up on broccoli, spinach and some other veggies that have escaped my mind at the moment.

I LOVE my oatmeal with frozen berries and considered doing a modified MM so that I could eat it too but I feel I really need to prove to myself that I can be this strict so today I will be eating oatmeal twice but none tomorrow. THis will be very hard but I know the oatmeal will still be there in ten days.

I will be eating no sugar except for that in limited fresh fruit. No more sesame seeds on the sofa at night either. I will be using vinegar, salsa, fresh and dried herbs, pepper and fresh lemon and lime juice as condiments. I need some salt in my diet BUT I really need to put down the flavored salt grinders and stick to a minimum amount of table salt instead.

I'm a salt cheat so I am going to measure out the recommended daily maximum and keep it in a small jar so I can see exactly when I should stop.

For exercise I am committing to at least one hour per day of heavy walking/running/being dragged along the grass by our young Siberian Husky. We want to train her to do canicross so I need to build my endurance and strength (she's still growing) so I can participate. I also want to get back to using some free weights at home.

I am determined and almost excited about this challenge. If I were feeling better physically I think I would be more excited so I expect to be more enthusiastic in a few days when I remember why SAD is BAD.

I'm glad to see your 'faces' again and am looking forward to hearing how you all are doing.

Keep on keeping on!
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I'm in

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:48 pm

I'm going to be doing a modified Mary's mini:

I'll use any of the acceptable starches, mostly potatoes, yams and brown rice.

Cereal of some kind for breatkfast--generally steel cut oatmeal--I like to cook a whole lot of it and put it the leftovers in individual microwave-proof dishes in the fridge so it's easy to get for breakfast in the morning. I usually eat it with some kind of fresh berries--usually blueberries, and a little bit of soy milk.

And, of course, all of the veggies I can find, and one more fruit each day.

I have found that I don't feel deprived if I eat this way.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:10 pm

Hello Vanilla Orchid,

It's good to see you are back for another good round. We had so much success back with the past MM challenges.

How much have you lost so far?

Do you all think it would be good to have an official reporting day (i.e., a day to report changes in weight or any other successes)? I saw that they are doing that in the MWL Challenge, and it seems to be working well.

Let me know. I plan to check my weight tomorrow to see if I've made any progress. Honestly, I've been eating so many potatoes, I'd be surprised to be able to eat as much as I have been eating and still lose weight. Of course, I've been eating veggies along with it, but the potatoes are the main focus on my dish.

I'll let you all know what happens.
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:54 pm

proverbs31woman wrote:Hello Vanilla Orchid,

It's good to see you are back for another good round. We had so much success back with the past MM challenges.

How much have you lost so far?

Do you all think it would be good to have an official reporting day (i.e., a day to report changes in weight or any other successes)? I saw that they are doing that in the MWL Challenge, and it seems to be working well.

Let me know. I plan to check my weight tomorrow to see if I've made any progress. Honestly, I've been eating so many potatoes, I'd be surprised to be able to eat as much as I have been eating and still lose weight. Of course, I've been eating veggies along with it, but the potatoes are the main focus on my dish.

I'll let you all know what happens.

I've lost about 23 pounds since August 2008 (see that little tape on the bottom of my post--it's a sort of cool way to keep track--if you follow the url on it you can go to the site and make one for yourself. It also gives you a graph of your progress so you can check your history--mine shows a lot of up and down for the past month, but that's ok. I'm back on track now.)

I weight in every morning quite compulsively except when I'm traveling and don't have a scale. Some people recommend against that, but it helps me. And I write down my BP, everything I eat, and what exercise I get (or not).

I don't have a strong opinion about a reporting-in schedule. I'll do whatever the majority wants. The main thing is that I'm here for the mutual support, --and to have some fun!
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Postby proverbs31woman » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:49 pm

Sulamith wrote:
I'm a salt cheat so I am going to measure out the recommended daily maximum and keep it in a small jar so I can see exactly when I should stop.

What a wonderful idea, Sulasmith! When you find out what the recommended max is, please let me know as well so I can limit my amount in this way also.
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