Just found this board!

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Just found this board!

Postby countryfolks » Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:25 pm

Hi everyone,
My name is Cheryl and I live in rural north texas. I just felt compelled to post and thank Dr McDougall for my life! That's not an exaggeration. I started at 378 lbs with a slew of health issues, all self-induced. From chest pains to what I suspect was pre-diabetes or maybe even diabetes.. never went to a doctor to find out, but had neuropathy symptoms, and falling asleep after eating carbs. Or eating anything, really. I coughed up phlegm every morning, I had shortness of breath if I walked a block and was so tired all the time, I had to sit in a chair to load or unload the dishwasher. I had all these little tricks for how to do things because I was so tired all the time. Sitting in an office chair with wheels, to mop my floor.. you get the idea. I was one of those low-carb is the be all end all, types. And my weight kept going up. I also was addicted to diet soda, and drank at least a 12 pack a day. I had my gallbladder removed in my 20s, in a small town in Arkansas and am still convinced it wasn't necessary for anything other than to pad that particular doctor's wallet. heh
This is all garbled. I'm usually more articulate. I am just so grateful I found this site that my eyes are pouring. heh
Today I am still obese at 314, but pretty proud of my 64 lb weight loss that happened over thanksgiving and Christmas holidays!
I started in early November. I consider that pretty good for 3 months. Within a couple of days I had SO much energy. I found myself bored and looking for things to do around the house. One day it seemed silly to go get the dining room chair to load the dishwasher so I did it standing up and wow.. no backache. I was still bored, a little antsy just being indoors, so I bundled up and went for a walk. I later checked with my car's odometer and discovered I'd walked a mile out, and a mile back!
I am still walking. I don't do it because oh, I'm overweight and need to exercise. I have energy and run out of things to do around the house!
I started out on this journey with another Dr's materials.. he was on PBS with his program of beans, greens, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds. I mean no disrespect. I highly respect and admire all the doctors encouraging people to eat this way. I began to google and found a fat free recipe site and the author recommended Dr McDougall. His picture looked familiar and I realized I'd seen him on TBN! It looks like that show was done in the 80s or maybe 70s from the clothing, but I'd definitely heard him teach before. So I started with the free meal plans and wow. I wasn't so hungry I was eating every two hours. This was filling! I was afraid of potatoes at first, because of falling asleep in the past when I ate them, but now they gave me energy. Right now I'm eating a late lunch of the Mexican potato salad and garbanzo spinach salad and feel terrific!
Once my husband gets home we're going for a walk together. He is totally on board with eating this way now that he feels more energetic too, and he's 60.
I should edit this for the rambling, but I'm so excited, so thrilled and so extremely grateful for Dr McDougall, for my life. Literally!
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Re: Just found this board!

Postby UtahJane » Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:26 pm

Cheryl, this is awesome!! I'm so enthused by your story. Thanks so much for sharing. I love hearing about how much more energy you have, and the weight loss is amazing!! You are truly on a path to happiness. Glad you found us, and hope you'll stick around to inspire others and to keep getting the support. Bless you!
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Re: Just found this board!

Postby countryfolks » Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:29 am

hi UtahJane, thanks for the reply. This may not be the place, but you're the first person I've seen on here.. someone sent me a private message and I can't find a button to reply to it. Where is it on there?
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Re: Just found this board!

Postby Lesliec1 » Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:45 am

Great story. Thanks for posting. I hear you about the energy boost. I love that too. It really changes your whole life and outlook!

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Re: Just found this board!

Postby JulieS » Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:28 am

It's great that you found this WOE and have lost weight and regained your energy! It is also fantastic that your DH is eating this way, too. Keep up the good job!! :nod: This board has helped me so much!
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Re: Just found this board!

Postby peasouper » Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:15 pm

Hi Cheryl

What fantastic progress you have made so far! It is very inspiring for us all when people share their stories. Keep giving us an update so we can see how you are getting on. I wish you and your husband health and happiness.

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Re: Just found this board!

Postby nat0576 » Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:14 pm

64 pounds During Christmas THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :shock: :D
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Re: Just found this board!

Postby OOnaOwl » Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:38 pm

Wow fantastic! Congratulations to you & wishing you continued success & good health!

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Re: Just found this board!

Postby indy107 » Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:25 pm

Looks like you've come to the right place. Awesome job! Keep it up!
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Re: Just found this board!

Postby Pudgypumpkin » Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:40 pm


How are you still doing? Hope things are going well and keep up the good work!

Pudgypumpkin - who is working on becoming a Sleekleek!
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Re: Just found this board!

Postby wkriski » Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:04 am

Way to go! Keep it going and keep us updated!
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Re: Just found this board!

Postby AnnieMaim » Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:07 am

I love that story! Thanks for sharing it, and hope everything is still going well.
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Re: Just found this board!

Postby judynew » Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:55 pm

Hi, Cheryl

I just found your post and read it for the first time. Fabulous! It made me feel good just to read it. Your energy comes through in your writing.
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Re: Just found this board!

Postby Mike Crosby » Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:02 pm

Hi Cheryl,

I just found your post. So how do you like that :unibrow:

So it's now been months, I hope you're sticking with a starch based way of eating. Good luck, we're all with you.
Mike Crosby
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Re: Just found this board!

Postby Clifford » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:21 pm

Welcome home. I found this site while ago, learned a lot, and just joined. I will have to eat this way for the rest of my life to keep the health that I have regained.
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