Is this normal?

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Postby merriweather » Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:57 pm

I love the idea of releasing instead of losing.
I am visualizing beautiful balloons lifting up with my fat attached. Also sending my old hangups . Releasing all the negative that has
weighed me down.
So glad I found this place.!!
Love is never wasted
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Re: Is this normal?

Postby Wendy Jane » Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:42 pm

Is it really this easy? That depends. When my husband and I first began we started out as just vegans. I read a few books like "Vegetarian For Dummies." They were very helpful. One suggested a few ways to make the switch.
One was to gradually go off meat but eat everything else. In a few weeks or so you would go off dairy, etc. It was a gradual process.
Another gradual process was to eat this way on Monday. Then eat whatever you wanted the rest of the week. As time went on you added Tuesdays, then Wednesdays, etc.
Of course the third way, and what we did was to go cold turkey. One minute we were eating a standard American diet and the next day we were vegans. We were vegans for a while before I realized that nuts and seeds were far too high in fat. In fact we believe they were successful in raising my husbands cholesterol considerablly. So now we are McDougallers. I use nuts and seeds so rarely in my cooking that I consider ourselves McDougallers.

So is it easy? I guess that depends on how much you want to get healthy and stay there. For us it was very easy, but others might not feel that way. I guess it boils down to how much one is willing to give up our standard high fat American diet. At any rate my husband lost 30 pound without even trying, and I lost 15. And it was so easy.
Wendy Jane
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