Commited to get off medication

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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby sweetfruitlover » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:13 pm

B Smith, that's so awesome and inspiring! I'm so happy that you're doing so well, feeling so great and recovering your health! The best part of bringing your cholesterol down into the healthy range eating this way is that it's good for all of you, not just your cholesterol. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us.
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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby Bsmith » Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:32 pm

UPDATE 4/9/12

BP 115/75
TC. 116
HDL 48
LDL 60
Triglyceride 44

CRP 0.1

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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby carollynne » Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:53 am

wow to your latest numbers! Terrific!
this WOE does bring about results! You are in inspiration to us all. Love your BP numbers
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby Bsmith » Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:33 am

If anyone has any doubt, they need not even question the results that can be achieved.

I've contacted my doctor to discuss dialing down my meds again. I'm waiting for an answer.

I personally am most impressed with bringing my CRP from 3.4 down to .1 in a year! I mean .1 ! I don't think I can get that any better?

Maybe if I eat Cardboard ! Lol!
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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby stevekraunz » Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:08 pm


I am an MD in new york doing my residency in Emergency Medicine. Working in the ER everyday you have no idea the amazing gift you have given yourself and everyone who loves you by engaging in true health. I have adapted a plant based diet myself and look forward to a career of studying its benefits

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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby Tiger » Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:47 am

We need more doctors like you, Steve!

BSmith, your numbers are so encouraging. Who needs cardboard with results like that? :-D
Be compassionate, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.
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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby Bsmith » Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:16 pm


Thank you for commenting on my results. It's encouraging coming from a Doctor.

My doctor has allowed me to cut My Crestor in half again. I'm confident when I go back in 6 months if I maintain these numbers, I'll be allowed to quit completely and allowed to see how I get along.

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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby ETeSelle » Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:37 pm

Bsmith wrote:My doctor has allowed me to cut My Crestor in half again. I'm confident when I go back in 6 months if I maintain these numbers, I'll be allowed to quit completely and allowed to see how I get along.

Congrats! :)

I'm a bit confused by all this "allowing" stuff. It's up to YOU, not up to him, if you take meds. Have you read what Dr. McDougall says about statins?
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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby Bsmith » Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:55 am

Thanks ETeselle,

You make a very good point and have me strongly considering stopping now!

I have been strongly committed to this WOE for almost two years and I'm totally committed to never change. As you can see by my numbers, the results have been amazing.

The sad thing is, as nice as my Doctor is, she has not been the one suggesting I lower my meds. That has all come from me, and my inquiring about doing so.

You may have just triggered my motivation to just make the break!

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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby stevekraunz » Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:14 am

Hi Again,

I appreciate the trust you have with your doctor. As an ER doctor, I know that having a good relationship with a primary doctor is extremely important. People that do not have that relationship are more likely to be admitted to the hospital and exposed to all the possible ills of being in the hospital. This is a relationship that serves you well. Unfortunately, with issues such as cholesterol, hypertensionm, blood sugar we are strictly treating numbers. If the numbers are not elevated there is no reason to treat with drugs. End of story. Perhaps your doctor is worried that your numbers will rise without drugs...Fair enough.. maybe suggest you go off them and retest in a month. The worst case, although unlikely scenerio, is that your lipids will increase thus proving that you may be a person who needs diet and medicine. Even safer, test it weekly. I so admire you and all the patients that are taking these steps. I am going to meet Dr. Esselstyn in July and hopefully will someday meet Dr. Mcdougall and co when I can get to the east coast. (I will now write the obligatory disclaimer of american medicine --ALL health decisions must be made in conjunction with your doctor--beyond a disclaimer, I think it is important )
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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby sliggi111 » Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:57 pm

stevekraunz wrote:Hi,

I am an MD in new york doing my residency in Emergency Medicine. Working in the ER everyday you have no idea the amazing gift you have given yourself and everyone who loves you by engaging in true health. I have adapted a plant based diet myself and look forward to a career of studying its benefits


Have you established a private practice yet? Difficult to find a doctor who understands a plant based diet.


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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby stevekraunz » Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:37 pm

thanks sligg,

I am training in Emergency Medicine. I will graduate in two years. I hope to have an integrated practice someday and hopefully have an oppurtunity to treat people in the way of these pioneers (Mcdougall, Esselstyn). 2 more years to go in this system, however, to try to learn as much as I can . Hopefully I'll continue to take away the good and leave the bad

In two years when I have an independent license I would be happy to be anyone's doctor who is committed to real health. People who want all their problems solved by pills I will kindly point towards the mall.
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Re: Commited to get off medication

Postby Bsmith » Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:08 am

Thanks again for commenting on my post. I really like having you chime in.
I'm going to do exactly what you say and ask for permission to test with out meds for a period of time. I'm confident I have made the commitment to change that will allow me to quit all medication.

Congratulations on the opportunity to meet Dr Esselsytn, I spent a weekend in March at the Engine 2 immersions hosteded by his son Rip.

It was an awesome weekend I was able to visit with the great Dr Esselstyn In an almost unlimited way.

His convincing tone based on his life study gives you the confidence that this is truly the only way to live a great healthy life.

I truly be leave that in the not to distant future the likes of Dr Esselstyn, McDougall, and Campbell are going to be recognized as true pioneers in changing the face of health care.

It is very encouraging to me that a young and motivated Dr like yourself is pursuing this path.

I'm living proof the results are truly amazing!

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