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Re: post's

Postby Love the Lorax » Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:49 pm

That's what happened when I tried grating my own hash browns. They turned out nasty!!

sigma957 wrote:
storm20 wrote:good to read then all, I have had to take sena pil to help me get going, that has help me lose xtra of the weight,

I have potatoe, has brown, corn, vegies, love my vegies,

have potatoes mashed, as chips, I make my own hasn browns, by grating the potatoes, and then you can add onoin peppers, corn, beans
put in a hot pan, put a lid on the pan to soften the potatoes, then remove the lid, keep turning the hash, I like them bown

The one time I tried grating my own potatoes, they very quickly got this unappetizing gray color. I grated them and tossed them immediately into the frying pan. I'm afraid I'll stick with frozen hashbrowns.

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I grate my own potatoes

Postby healthyME » Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:28 pm

I use a box grater. I don't have them turn gray though before I put them in the pan. hmmm.

I like this because I don't have very much freezer space. I sometimes leave the skin on the potatoe, and sometimes take it off.

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You are such an inspiration

Postby Mommylut » Wed Dec 03, 2008 8:14 am

I have been meaning to post this sooner. You have inspired me so. I am trying to follow MWL, and know that weight wise - as well as health wise - I do so much better with non processed food. The problem I have is that I travel or am away from home and eat out alot, so I haven't perfected my eating plan yet.

How do you handle eating out? What do you bring for snacks?

Anyhow, congratulations and keep on posting.

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Postby kpolninja » Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:46 am

Me, too. Don't worry about it.

Take last Saturday, for instance. I ate 2 servings of oatmeal with a banana, 3 strawberries, 1 Tbsp of flaxseed. Followed an hour later by a large tangerine.

A few hours later I had a large potato, very large salad & ff dressing, a bowl of homemade bean soup, and a large bowl of steamed turnip greens (about 2/3 of a pound pre-cooked weight).

Supper was a large sweet potato, 2 large steamed broccoli spears, and an apple. At this point I stopped and realized that I was very full and that I was just mindlessly eating/stuffing myself.

This happens to me pretty much every weekend, when I have access to food. During the week I eat only what I bring for lunch so I'm limited to what I can get at. But weekends are another story: one meal sort of morphs into the next.

But here's the key: you absolutely must stay away from refined, processed foods, i.e., white flour products, cereals (even whole grain, because they're processed too), crackers, chips, and all sweets. They cause me nothing but problems because they increase my appetite and cause me to overeat, they bring weight loss to a grinding halt (because of the insulin response our body has to them) and can cause weight gain due to the caloric (but not nutrient) density.

Really, refined carbs are, with a few exceptions, anti-foods that don't nourish us but keep us coming back for more. They bring on a binge quicker than anything. Beans and starches don't. Rather, they satisfy.

So, if you must overeat, be sure it's the good stuff: starches, beans and greens. You'll be OK when sanity returns because you probably won't have sabotaged your weight loss. Over time, as you begin to deal with the emotional dimension of eating, those binges will be shorter in duration and will not ultimately derail your goal of a healthy body and normal weight.


You are amazing, and I can't even begin to tell you how much better I feel today after reading this! Weekends are tough!!!! That is when I usually eat too much or "fall off the wagon"

How much fruit do you eat typically? I find that it helps my sweet tooth, but I am afraid it will slow me down. Do you have any other tips that you have found work really well for you? A kind of summation on how to do this and get the results you got?
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Postby dundas » Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:42 pm

You are such an inspiration! How long did it take you to lose those pounds. You sound as if you are so happy with yourself and life now! Something I look forward to!!

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Hi Nettie

Postby f1jim » Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:13 pm

Just wanted you to know I have been following your progress here and consider you one of my personal success heroes. I am so proud of what you have accomplished. You are also wonderful in jumping in and encouraging others on their road. Thanks for the encouraging vitality that I feel on this forum.
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Re: You are such an inspiration

Postby Nettie » Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:58 pm

Mommylut wrote:Nettie:
I have been meaning to post this sooner. You have inspired me so. I am trying to follow MWL, and know that weight wise - as well as health wise - I do so much better with non processed food. The problem I have is that I travel or am away from home and eat out alot, so I haven't perfected my eating plan yet.

How do you handle eating out? What do you bring for snacks?

Anyhow, congratulations and keep on posting.


Hi, Marion, sorry it took so long to answer. Due to work, I'm not on the forum as often as I used to be.

There are a couple of places I eat that, while not the best, are a stopgap meal when I don't have other foods available. One is Moe's Southwestern Grill. I get a veggie burrito (called Art Vandalay) and ask for extra rice and extra beans. I leave off the cheese & guacamole, of course, and add salsa, lettuce and tomatoes. It's a huge meal, and the only bad thing about it is the shell/wrap is a refined carb. If I eat too many of those in a week, I'll put on a little weight. I try to keep it a weekly treat, usually on Sunday after church.

You can always get a baked potato at Wendy's - or 2 or 3, in fact. Completely harmless and healthy and McDougall-friendly. I'm not sure if they have salads without cheese, but, if so, that would work.

Subway, while the bread is not whole wheat, has a veggie sub. You could have extra lettuce & tomato, bell pepper, and mustard instead of mayo for the condiment.

I would suggest you buy some McDougall soup cups. You can find them at Publix or I keep some in the trunk of my car just in case. Just add hot water.

When you say you travel a lot, are you in hotels? Or are you anywhere that you could purchase some things as needed? I'm thinking of canned beans, corn, green beans, stewed tomatoes, etc. You could bring a large glass container and a can opener and microwave some canned food in your motel room. You could microwave some potatoes or sweet potatoes that you either brought with you or bought at a store nearby.

You will probably have a lot of trouble eating out as you travel. Everything in most restaurants has oil on it. They just don't know how to cook without some kind of fat. For the most part, we don't go to restaurants any more. I'm tired of explaining what I want and then having my vegetables arrive all shiny from the oil.

I had to stubbornly decide I wasn't going to eat any of that junk and then tried to figure out how to stay McDougall legal. Traveling with canned goods and McDougall soups worked for me. And of course, bananas, apples and tangerines travel well.

Hope you're still sticking with MWL, Marion. You'll definitely lose weight that way, and it's really simple. I resorted to Mary's Mini a few times to get the weight off when I stalled. It's amazing how much food you can eat and still lose weight.

Give us an update on your progress.

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Postby Faith in DC » Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:59 am

Ah another Moes fan.
I'm in training for maintaining
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Postby Mommylut » Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:26 pm


Your response was very much appreciated and very well timed. I have been having some issues about sticking with the MWL program (although not McDougall). I had just re-committed myself, and your post arrived. I do day traveling on business. Some of it is via train and some via plane. You can't get canned stuff through security at the airport, but if there is a will there is a way. I have to just accept that this is the way I eat. I have already lost 80 lbs - a combination of Jenny Craig, plain dieting and exercise and the last 10 lbs or so MWL. I now want to lose another 15, but realize that it is more important to have a way of life. I am definitely "yeast" addicted. If it is made with yeast, I can't stop eating it.

Thanks for the encouragement.

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Postby Jackie J » Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:23 pm

hi mommylut
re: the plane - i always take a few containers of mcdougall pea soup on the plane - very yummy and filling - and at least one or two extra for the next day so i've got an emergecy stash of something til i get settled in. don't have to worry about security that way-
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Postby CarolWL » Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:52 pm

Nettie, You're an inspiration. Many congratulations.

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Re: lose weight

Postby MTeehan » Sat May 23, 2009 10:31 am

jennifer8055 wrote:Hi,

I used to be pretty obese and started putting on a lot of weight especially on my thighs and bottom in my late thirties. I started exercising as often as possible and also cut down on a lot of high calorie stuff. Unfortunately I hardly managed to lose much weight at all. I then recently read an article by a lady who claimed that she managed to lose nearly half of her weight using a particular weight loss supplement. I tried it out and it actually worked quite well. Within 4 months I managed to lose about 65 pounds. The results were pretty amazing and I feel so much healthier and energetic now. You can read more about the lady's article at

McDougall has an even better 'supplement' AND they taste GREAT are relatively inexpensive and you can get them at just about any grocery store!!!! The secret: a potato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See how Dr. McDougall's Plan saved my life and gave me an optimistic outlook on my future here:

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Re: lose weight

Postby Nettie » Sat May 23, 2009 5:39 pm

MTeehan wrote:McDougall has an even better 'supplement' AND they taste GREAT are relatively inexpensive and you can get them at just about any grocery store!!!! The secret: a potato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D

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Postby karin_kiwi » Sun May 24, 2009 9:43 pm

Nettie - don't know that I can add anything else. You're a genuine inspiration; thanks for your continuing story and sharing.
All time high 275+ lbs/125+ kgs (maxed out scale!). Was a size 26-28. * * * Fastest 10 km (6.25 miles) run time 55.30; half marathon time 2:13.49.

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Re: Now down 150 pounds!

Postby marybeth0051 » Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:55 pm

What a beautiful story! Are you following the MWL plan now, or regular McDougall?
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