Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

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Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby rosehebrew » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:23 pm

:shock: I weighed this morning and I am at 199.8 and have only been doing this a little over a month. I am down at least by 20 pounds. That is amazing! I am basically doing the MWL and have been eating a lot of sprouts and potatoes. I have so many people around me that are being inspired by this. I have done the program in the past but living with two hunters that were very threatened by this lifestyle, staying focused while always cooking for them was a major struggle for me after awhile. Unfortunately my husband got MS about a year ago, we then lost out medical ins last month and he decided after watching Dr. McDougall's MS video that he was going to have to go the diet route instead of the very expensive dangerous drugs he was on. He has lost over 20 pounds also and my son who is 32 has lost 23 pounds. Both of them cannot believe how full and satisfied they feel and how easy it is to stay on track with good food. I cannot believe my son is eating vegan, am I in an alternate Universe? My hubby has also went gluten free because of the MS and has bout 80 more pounds to lose but I know that after losing that weight he is going to be in much less pain and that will be a blessing. I need to lose another 60 more or less and can't wait to get there because I have a micro-vascular disease that causes me constant leg pain so I am praying for relief in that area. I feel really blessed right now and feel that there is hope for us. As a family we believe in divine healing but following a discipline of right eating may be the path we are to take.
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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby Atom » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:31 pm

This is indeed "Divine Healing" because it's obivously the foods God intended us to give to our bodies. Congratulations on your success and the success of your love ones! That is so awesome! I have been on the plan a little longer than you and have already lost 30 pounds. I don't let myself get hungry and I do eat some white rice, a bit of nuts and occasionally and very sparingly, a little extra virgin olive oil. I'd probably lose even faster if I let those things go but I'm in it for the long haul, am feeling great and if the weight goes off slow, that's perfectly fine with me! I'm receiving a lot of compliments though and a few others have started on the McDougall Program as well after seeing my success. Keep on going, it's great, isn't it?
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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby grangran7 » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:34 pm

Wow! That's great to hear about the whole family benefitting from the McDougall WOE. Congratulations and keep up the good work! Keep posting to let us know how everyone is doing.

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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby ETeSelle » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:38 pm

Congrats on your weight loss, your family's involvement, and on finding this WOE! It's sure benefiting you all! :)
Weight now: 124 (20.0 BMI)
Weight in 2010: 207 (33.4 BMI)
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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby Faith in DC » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:29 pm

wow big changes for you but sounds like you really really needed it. I hope you and your husband do find total relief. I know it will be an improvement.
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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby nicoles » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:23 pm

I am so happy for you! I pray that you and your husband continue healing and benefiting from this miraculous way of eating :)
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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby carollynne » Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:42 pm

Such great news, and so cool that your whole family it doing the same
WOE .. It will be the saving grace of us all here! keep posting for us, with more and more of the good news!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby edalyn.j » Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:11 pm

Congratulations! and Keep up the great work!... I am actually reading this post because I have a friend who weighs 200+ lbs. She told me she eagerly wants to lose weight but don't have a motivation to do so because she thinks there is no chance for her unless she goes on operation. I'll let her read this post to inspire her somehow. Thank you so very much...

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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby rosehebrew » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:43 am

Thought that I would post an update on the progress of the whole family on the plan. I am doing very well with it. I am mainly doing the MWL but I do eat an occasional tempeh burger with a gluten free bun and tuna maybe twice a month. Yesterday I weighed in at 189 so that means I am down a total of 31 pounds. For a person that has went through some painful leg problems lately and could hardly walk, I think it is good progress and my goal in the next three months it to lose 25 more pounds by Nov 27th.
My son (32) has lost a lot of weight, don't know the exact numbers but I think around forty pounds and is looking great. He is pretty strict except he does eat a flour burrito shell once in awhile wrapped around a vegan filling that he orders off and on at a local Mex place. They don't use lard so at least that is good. He is young though so that is why the weight is peeling off of him. (a little jealous)
My hubby is doing well on the diet. He has MS so has went gluten free also but is never hungry and really does not feel deprived at all. He does eat fish out at a local Japanese restaurant but not very often and it is not fried and is a small portion. I am very surprised at how well he is doing on the plan. He has lost around thirty pounds but has many to go so is not feeling or seeing extreme benefits yet but is hanging in there so I am proud of him for that. He is in a lot of pain with the MS so cannot exercise at all so in my opinion, I think the results have been excellent. We are very involved in church and have learned to navigate the social eating scene pretty well.
Please no flaming about the obvious "not one hundred percent pure compliance" but this is a huge change for my meat eating, hunting, rural family and I am very proud of them and shocked at times. Sometimes I wish that I would not have to cook everything that goes into our mouths but realize that taking the low road like the rest of the culture in which I live is doing is giving them the results that I do not wish to have so I do accept the trade off as just the price I pay. Sometimes though when I eat a whole batch of the banana-choco-cherry ice cream that I make in my high speed blender for my whole meal, I feel sorry for them.
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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby ETeSelle » Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:52 am

Congrats!!! That's really something to get your whole family on board so quickly! :)
Weight now: 124 (20.0 BMI)
Weight in 2010: 207 (33.4 BMI)
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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby Melinda » Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:43 pm

AWESOME! Great progress, and great outlook! :-D
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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby afreespirit » Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:15 pm

You have made a major change and should be very proud. 8)
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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby Christine in Cali » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:56 pm

Wow good going. Most impressive and also having your family on board it such great news. :nod: :thumbsup:
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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby carollynne » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:37 pm

big time congrats to your whole family. it is wonderful to hear such good news about this WOE. Blessed we all are to be together to cheer each other on.
keep writing to let us know ok? God bless!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Down 20+ pounds, now under 200 and shocked at how fast!

Postby lilliangimmelli » Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:07 am

Wow that is awesome. I am also over 200 and would be thrilled to see the scale at under 200 pounds. What does your daily menu look like?? What have you been eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner?? I need to get back on and living this lifestyle for good. I am 4'11" and 220 pounds, yuck!!! You have been losing pretty fast which is awesome. Have you been doing any exercises??
Keep up the great work. :-D
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