8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

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8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby linreynolds » Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:02 pm

Here's a long post - literally bearing my heart, body & soul.

When I was 17 I came down for a rebound in a summer camp basketball game, and my life has never been the same since. I sprained my 5th Lumbar. I was told not to play basketball my Senior year of high school, I did not listen because basketball was my life. If I could do it over again I'd do the same thing.

For about 18 years I had on and off episodes of my back "going out". It hurt every day, some days worse than others. I have been on and off all different types of medications. I was told I had slipped discs, bulging discs, etc...without ever having had an MRI.

When I was 27 I had my first MRI. He told me to lose weight, but didn't give me an official diagnosis.

When I was 32 my neck started "going out" more frequently. It normally just "got stuck" once every year or two, but now it was happening every few months. I had lost a substantial amount of weight and noticed improvement in my back...only to start dealing with my neck. I finally went to see the Neurologists at Trinity Mother Frances. They performed MRI's of my lower back and neck and couldn't believe what they found. I had Degenerative Disc Disease (something you only see in people twice my age), 9 herniated discs from C3-C7 and L3-S1. And the craziest part was my neck. It was such a severe reverse "kyphotic" curve that it went past straight up and down and curved in the complete opposite direction. They asked me to sign a waiver allowing them to show my films to their students, since it was the worst kyphotic neck curve all 3 of them had ever seen.

What was the prognosis? Nothing. They honestly couldn't figure it out. They did site injections stating that it was purely diagnostic to see if I got relief, and if I did they could move forward. But with what??? Surgery. Hell to the no thank you. I was 32 years old, and knew from working with patients that as soon as you start the back surgeries, they never stop.

So I transferred my file to Texas Spine & Joint. They were amazing. They started with facet joint injections, when those wore off (about 9 months later) they did medial nerve branch block injections, and when those wore off about a year later they did 2 neurotomies in my lower back (in Jan & Feb) and the next time my neck goes out I'll have to do a neurotomy in my neck. It was hell because I developed neuritis, but eventually it offered relief.

Until last month. My back pain started reappearing (3 months later) and a new pain started in my ribs/lung area. It only hurts in the morning and it takes me forever to get out of bed, but after 30 minutes it's gone.

So I started researching, and I self-diagnosed myself as having Ankylosing Spondylitis which is a member of the Psoriatic Arthritis family. I self-referred myself to a Rheumatologist, but he was not convinced because it so rarely affects women.

Here are the symptoms: a common mis-diagnosis of a sports injury as a teenager, starting in the lumbars & sacroiliac regions and eventually working it's way up the neck, bone spurs growing on the spine (which showed up in my last MRI in March, but they dismissed it because I was pain free at the time from the neurotomy), eventual pain in the costal cartilage/rib area, increased pain and stiffness in the morning, indigestion, gas, for women eventual spreading to the knees (last year), shoulders (2 years ago) and elbows (this year). I had all the signs, but unfortunately it is subjective in it's testing. You see, only about half the people who are diagnosed with it have the gene. That would be too easy for me...nope, my tests showed negative on the gene. Oh...and eventually your spine starts to fuse itself together, causing a severe bent over position when you are older. It is hereditary, and my Grandfather literally walks at a 90 degree angle due to his back being fused together.

So I was diagnosed with a broader term of Psoriatic Arthritis. He first started me on 16 days of prednisone to see if the pain lessened. It went from an 8/10 to a 1 or 2/10. So yes, the prednisone was awesome, but I made it very clear I did NOT want to get on a medication. I am at a place in my life where I despise medication and am replacing all meds in my home with herbal tinctures. He said not to worry, there were alternatives, to just take the meds for 16 days then come back.

So I did it, reluctantly. But the pain was so much better, almost gone! But when I went back this past Thursday, his "other options & alternatives" were just different varieties of arthritis meds and injections. I felt as though I had been punched in the gut. Is he not listening to me? NO MEDS!!!

I allowed him to call in my Rx for Lodine. My husband picked it up for me the next day. I got home from a long day ending a very long week. I picked up my new death sentence (my NSAID medications) and could not even finish reading the side effects of the medication before I found myself curled up in a bubble bath, bawling like a baby. Is this really what my life is going to be? Getting on meds that WILL eventually cause heart defects, heart attack, stroke, ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding? Not that it "might"...but that it will eventually cause these things if taken too long.

Ho-hum. I know what it feels like to be in this much pain at such a young age. But I also know what the long-term effects of NSAID's have on people, because I treat them every day. There has got to be another way.

After my husband caught me in the middle of my pity party, dried me off and made me eat dinner and go to bed at 6:30 on a Friday night, I decided to break out the trusty old laptop and start google-ing.

So...what did I find? Un-freaking-believable! There were answers that did not involve drugs! Why didn't my Dr tell me this? It's as simple as the food I put into my body. There are certain foods that increase inflammation in a person's body, and when the body is in a constant state of inflammation it causes increased wear and tear on the joints. Which is basically the definition of arthritis. Which over time causes degeneration, hence the diagnosis Degenerative Disc Disease!!!

So, I decided to try McDougall's arthritis diet, and I am now on day 8. By day 3 my pain was virtually gone. I made a vegetarian chili the other night and the only beans I had were baked beans with bacon flavoring, and my pain was back (very mildly) for 2 days. I am still in the acceptance phase of cutting out all animal products, but am ECSTATIC at the drastic difference in my pain level. Oh, and I have lost 10 pounds in the 8 days. An added bonus!

So for anyone questioning whether or not this will work, just try it. It won't hurt anything to try. Yes, it may be a little more expensive but I have not been nearly as hungry. I have gone from 239 to 229 in 8 days and hope that I will continue losing during this transformation to a no animal diet.
I have had much success with this new WOE!
Started no animal products on 6.24.12 at 240, 34 days later am 226!
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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby Lexus » Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:17 pm

I'm so happy to hear the relief you've found after the drawn out medical saga you've been on! It is quite amazing all the conditions that people have been able to "cure" or at least make dramatically better by the McD way of eating!! It was a lifesaver to me...I feel completely energized and full of life again.
It doesn't need to cost more to eat this way once you have the basics needed for your pantry. Check out these shortcuts for some great, simple meal ideas.
All my best, Lexus

Began the journey to health on April 20, 2012!

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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby danmc » Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:36 am

Congratulations! :-D

I was also able to give up an NSAID, Meloxicam, which I was taking for arthritis in both of my thumbs, with virtually no pain remaining. Based upon what my orthopedist said I figured I'd be taking this for the rest of my life, which made me think the same thing, "Why don't doctors tell us about this?" I also have lost 25 pounds that I didn't even think I needed to lose (but now realize that I did) as a "side effect" of this.

I'm not sure why you think this way of eating is more expensive. I eat mainly rice and potatoes, which are both extremely cheap. I used to buy a lot of those vegetarian junk-food burgers and fake meat thingys that are quite expensive. I'm spending a lot less money now.
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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby elsdon » Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:42 pm

It's not the weight that matters for you - it is the spontaneous healing.

Quite simply you are young enough to get a full life again. Put aside the childish things and adopt a vegan diet for your sake and for the sake of your loved ones. It is so easy and it is painless and you will sleep so well at night knowing that your body is healing itself. Get on board.
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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby linreynolds » Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:07 am

As of yesterday, I was on day 34 of no meat or dairy and down 15 pounds. I think I started doubting and wondering if this was just a coincidence, or strictly related to my new WOE. I had a weak moment and had a tiny bit of meat and cheese for lunch yesterday. By last night I was paying for it, and even moreso today. My pain is back to a 5/10 compared to the steady 1/10 it had been for the past 34 days. I think I needed this to reiterate and confirm that my body does not respond well to animal products. Curiosity killed the cat. I am going to start journaling more on this thread. I have kept a pain and food journal. I think when you are in pain for so long, even going a month without the severity I have had for the past 18 years...I started to forget how bad the pain was. I am leaving for a vacation in a few days, and plan to stick to the no animal WOE, but upon returning I am doing the 12 day cleanse. I am very excited! I can't wait to see what sort of improvements will occur.
I have had much success with this new WOE!
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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby nicoles » Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:06 am

Linreynolds, it is so easy to forget what the pain was when it starts to diminish.

I have also strayed from the diet due to doubts, only to be reminded that the diet is pivotal for pain relief!

If I have any advice regarding this, it is to not be too hard on yourself for tasting some meat and cheese - this is normal, human and not a failing! Plus you learned something valuable: this diet REALLY DOES work for you, and it has only been a month, give or take a few days. That will give you much confidence going forward.
Tough times don't last, tough people do

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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby linreynolds » Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:16 am


Thank you SO MUCH for your encouraging words! I have spent a lot of time reading your blog this morning, and am on page 8. I am sure you have heard it before, but THANK YOU for taking so much time to blog and journal about your story. I have a blog that is geared more towards my shift to herbal and natural products this year, as well as the online herbal store my Mom, Aunt and I created. I just posted a long blog about yesterday, and am about to copy and post here.

I am leaving for a vacay Aug 1...me, 2 Sisters, Brother-in-law, 3 nephews and Step-Daughter are all going to Austin & Corpus for a week to visit family. I start as an Instructor at a Jr. College mid-August and am trying to get vacays out of the way before I am forever on a Christmas/Spring Break vacation schedule. I am trying to prepare in advance for meals. But when I return, I am having a procedure on my uterus and will be home for 8 days, so I am going to star the 12 day cleanse. I figure that will be the perfect time...I have been studying the book and making lists. I am curious now about the water fast. I may save that until a few weeks after I do the cleanse.

I am a therapist (Occupational Therapy) and work with elderly patients and some autistic children and I want so badly for all of my arthritis/autistic patients to adopt this WOE. I hope to be able to incorporate this, as I become more knowledgeable, into being able to educate my patients on the effects food has on them. I wish someone had told me...I've been dealing with this for 18 years now (since I was 17) and am shocked and stunned at the lack of education on this matter from the multitude of Doctors, Neurosurgeons, Joint Specialists, etc. I have seen over the years. It really pisses me off, to be frank.

But, that's in the past. I am really very excited to see how much better I will feel in 5 years when I turn 40, than I did when I was 30. I like the idea of getting better with age...with this WOE, of course!

Take care!
I have had much success with this new WOE!
Started no animal products on 6.24.12 at 240, 34 days later am 226!
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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby linreynolds » Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:21 am

Curiosity KILLED the cat....Meeeooowww-ugh

OK. So. Upon awakening yesterday morning, I was beginning day 34 of this WOE (way of eating) of no animal products. No meat. No dairy. No egg. It seems to get easier, but there are times when I seriously doubt myself, or that this WOE is helping. After staying with friends at a cabin in Beaver's Bend last weekend, and having to pack all of my own food (almond milk, dairy free bread, hot dogs made of potato and apple, black bean burgers, etc etc etc)...I realized how this is going to impact me for the rest of my life. No more spontaneous drive throughs, no more spontaneous cookouts, no more of a lot of social functions revolving solely around food. I had to turn down a piece of birthday cake at work the other day. WHO DOES THAT? I certainly never have. I have become that annoying person at restaurants asking "Does this have milk? Does that have cheese? Does this have egg? How about chicken or beef broth?"...I was beginning to get on my own damn nerves.

I have heard many women say after childbirth how excruciatingly painful it was and that they would never do it again. Only to turn around and do it again, and again, and sometimes again and again and again! You forget the pain. Well that is what happened to me yesterday. I have been feeling so great, I started to forget the pain. I forgot how sometimes it took me 15 minutes to get out of bed. How I could hardly breathe because the pain in my back was piercing and sending sharp, burning pains into my lungs with every breath. I forgot how I couldn't even wipe my own rear in the mornings, because my shoulder pain was so severe that it limited my range of motion. I even forgot how difficult it had become in a matter of a couple of months to open jars. I had to use a piece of adaptive equipment I bought at a convention for patients to use. I forgot how even a drink of water gave me heartburn/indigestion and I chewed Tums like they were candy. I forgot how I would have such a hard time holding my cell phone up to my ear with my right hand because I couldn't bend my elbow enough without feeling like there were knives going straight through it. I forgot how I couldn't lay on my back, or bend my knees to get my socks on, or the many other things I was starting to "not" be able to do.


Why? I guess time really does heal all wounds. My mind forgot how miserably painful my life had become, physically. I guess I had gotten used to it for so long, the more it progressed, the more normal my pain became.

Until I started this new WOE. I have kept a pain and food journal for the past 35 days. My pain is usually a 1/10, compared to the 7 or 8/10 it was before I adopted this WOE. I have even had a few days that were a big, fat ZERO out of 10!!!

Well, curiosity killed the cat. I have had a long week, and was so excited for my Friday. So excited for a nice, relaxing weekend. So excited that I forgot to pack snacks. So excited that I started fantasizing about CHILI-CHEESE TATOR TOTS from Sonic. One of my all-time favorite foods. The devil on my shoulder was much more powerful than the angel on the other side. I thought to myself, "Lin, you have gone 34 days without meat or dairy. You DESERVE chili-cheese tator tots". After all, I had forgotten my pain, and started to doubt and even convince myself it was purely coincidental. Well, once I convinced myself of that lie, it was over. I high tailed it to the closest Sonic I could find. I inhaled the biggest chili-cheese tator tot Sonic could make me. With a Diet Dr. Pepper, of course.

I instantly had heart burn for the first time in 34 days. I obviously had forgotten how awful heartburn was. I decided to just pretend like I didn't do what I had just done. I mean, it was only a little meat and cheese. It's not like my body was REALLY going to notice. But the shame and disappointment and embarrassment didn't forget. And my body especially did not forget.

Within 2 hours my back pain was a 5/10. By the time I got home, I was halfway crippled and hurting too bad to even do my yoga. By the time I woke up at 6:30 this morning (on a day I had intended on sleeping in)...the stabbing, shooting pain was back. I had to peel myself out of bed because I could barely breathe, the pain was so sharp.

So, do I regret my indulgence yesterday? Yes and no. But mostly no. I think I needed it to remind me of the pain that I used to consider normal. I needed to be reminded that this WOE is no longer something I am "thinking" about adopting. This is my new life. Does it suck? A little. It certainly requires a lot more will power that I wanted it to. But does it work? YES. Abso-freaking-lutely. So in 35 days, I had one slip-up. A very painful, debilitating slip-up. But I am trying to adopt the mentality that I am LUCKY to have found something to believe in, as my favorite musician says. I believe in this WOE. I believe it can keep me off life-threatening and quality of life reducing medications. I believe it could be much worse. I believe I will be around for a long time, a healthy long time, with this WOE.

and I am grateful.

I had lost 15 pounds in 34 days. As of this morning I had gained 2 back. Damned chili-cheese tator tots. Today I am having oatmeal for breakfast, going to gym to workout, having a salad for lunch, then a nice relaxing couple's massage with The Huz. Today is about getting re-focused, re-centered, and back on track.
I have had much success with this new WOE!
Started no animal products on 6.24.12 at 240, 34 days later am 226!
Follow my blog at http://www.linreynolds.blogspot.com
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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby blue » Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:09 pm

I have also strayed from the diet due to doubts, only to be reminded that the diet is pivotal for pain relief!

Oh yes, me, too! It's part of the process. We learn from our mistakes!

I inhaled the biggest chili-cheese tator tot Sonic could make me. With a Diet Dr. Pepper, of course.

:lol:haha my weakness was chicken salad sandwich and jalapeno kettle chips from the convenience store.
I have FINALLY learned that my body does not tolerate that kind of crap.

Lin I'm so pleased you have posted a success story :) I was wondering how you were getting along. Keep at it! I'm still learning a few things as I adapt to this WOE. There's definitely a learning curve, but we're getting there. Please keep us posted.
Success using WFPB diet to avoid steroid treatment for polymyalgia rheumatica. I don't hurt anymore :)
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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby nicoles » Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:47 pm

Lin, the blog post you added here about the Sonic tater Tots really made me think of a post Norm made in Deb's Journal, on the 7th page.

I had a really hard time accepting that this WOE might be it for life, just like you described. No more impulsive food anything, lots of planning, standing out in restaurants like the kind of person I never, ever wanted to be. It took me 8 months and quite a few slips-ups, followed by a MAJOR slip up that caused lots of pain, to really get me to accept and EMBRACE that this was it for life.

Norm's post below (bold case my addition) is really helpful advice and perspective, I think, for those of us who are mourning the loss of our former eating life:

Norm wrote:What doesn't work for me is to tell myself I can't have those foods, that they are off limits. Sure, my will might win that battle most of the time, but resentment will creep in and eventually I'll cave. It's my nature. Instead I tell myself that I could have some if I wanted to, but keep in mind all of the reasons why I gave them up in the first place. I haven't been seriously tempted by foods I shouldn't eat in a long, long time, even if they're sitting right in front of me.

I was, however, mildly tempted the other night. In an attempt to build community I have been inviting people from the neighborhood over to play board games during the nice days of summer. The other day one of the guys wanted to come but his wife was cooking up fried chicken and he didn't want to miss it. I told him to come anyway and have his wife bring his dinner over when it was done, that I'd also be eating my dinner during the game. She brought over a HUGE platter of pan fried chicken and rolls slathered with butter. It was a meal the old Norm would have cooked and ate. And it was hot, needed to set and cool down. So it sat there for a good long while and then it took him forever to eat it because it was such a huge platter of food. I admit... it looked good and it SMELLED heavenly. The smell triggered many fond memories of similar meals I'd eaten and the intense pleasure they brought me.

Had I told myself I couldn't have any I'd have had a battle in my mind I quite likely would have lost. I instead asked myself why it smelled so good, when for the most part the smell of meat, especially raw meat, has become such a turn off to me. And I knew it was because it triggered fond memories. I wouldn't eat that chicken because it appealed to me then and there, because quite honestly, it didn't.. I would have eaten it trying to capture the pleasure I felt before. And I knew that wouldn't be possible.

I learned from my addiction to alcohol many years ago that many people drink ever increasing amounts of alcohol trying to recapture the initial pleasure alcohol brought them in the past... and requiring more and more alcohol while bringing them less and less pleasure...
Then I was sad for about 30 seconds before I remembered I'd already gone through this process and let it go, went back to eating my potatoes, and all was well with the world.

The process I'm referring to is the letting go of foods and relationships to foods I've had in the past. it's a grieving process, much like you go through during a divorce. People who do not go through this process after a divorce carry much more baggage into their future that will plague them forever, causing them to make bad decisions and hinder their ability to "get it right" the next time. Same thing with the relationships we have with food. If we do not properly say goodbye, if we do not grieve their loss then we're likely to make a bad decision when we find ourselves sitting at the same table with them.

I'd gone through that process and that plate of chicken might as well of been my ex-wife... Still looked good... still smelled wonderful.... but I wasn't touching it. Hell no!!
Tough times don't last, tough people do

Read the results of my journey here: Nicole S. O'Shea vs. Psoriatic Arthritis

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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby blue » Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:35 am

The process I'm referring to is the letting go of foods and relationships to foods I've had in the past. it's a grieving process, much like you go through during a divorce. People who do not go through this process after a divorce carry much more baggage into their future that will plague them forever, causing them to make bad decisions and hinder their ability to "get it right" the next time. Same thing with the relationships we have with food. If we do not properly say goodbye, if we do not grieve their loss then we're likely to make a bad decision when we find ourselves sitting at the same table with them.

Love this! :nod:

It took me 8 months and quite a few slips-ups, followed by a MAJOR slip up that caused lots of pain, to really get me to accept and EMBRACE that this was it for life.

That time frame has been about the same for me. Although I think I may have been the most committed as far as very strict eating in the first few months (as I was doing the elimination diet), my more full acceptance (not just resignation) to this WOE and the necssity of very clean eating to avoid all possible food triggers (because I now know what is like to be pain free, and want to stay that way!) has come moreso in the past month. One thing that I have been working on has been to have a healthier replacement meal for those times when I want something salty/fatty/bad for me. So I've recently discovered the fatfree frozen hashbrowns. Love them with salsa and avocado. Maybe something like that could work for you, lin, whenever thoughts of sonic tater tots are looming ;)
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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby linreynolds » Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:38 pm

Lots of pain today. I am assuming it is from my cheating moment I had on Friday. Mostly in back, hands/fingers and wrists. Some in knees and hips. Even more motivation for me to stay on track. I can't believe I used to feel like this every day. :duh:
I have had much success with this new WOE!
Started no animal products on 6.24.12 at 240, 34 days later am 226!
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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby shell-belle » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:23 am

lin-thanks for sharing and congrats on your progress! and good for you for realizing your slip up was needed. we all slip up - and that's how we learn.
also remember you are not that many days into the WOE so your taste buds have not had time to adjust. they still need more time. you will get there!


I also was a potato chip and parmesan cheese addict! thought i could never stop missing those but I have! they even smell bad to me now. i was at a music/wine/cheese gathering last night and the sight of the cheese platters almost tuned my stomach.
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Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby Norm » Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:00 am

I too have ankylosing spondylitis, and I too, had a heck of a time getting a diagnosis for it, even though I have all of the symptoms, history, and blood markers. The only reason I wasn't diagnosed sooner with it is because MRI hadn't confirmed any actual bone fusing. As it turns out, it can take 10 years for the actual bone fusing to show up, and some people never do have it.
I can tell you that this way of eating will help you, especially the longer you're on it. I would emphasize strict avoidance of dairy and fats/oils. If you can't give those things up outright, know that you have to start working in that direction. Over time, a very low-fat plant based diet will clean out your arteries and improve blood flow to your spine, and that, along with the reduced inflammation, will really start to show improvement.
About 4 or 5 months ago I started noticing my sacroiliacs actually starting to open up some. I had been under the belief they had fused or started to fuse a long time ago, but they became very painful when riding my trike for about a week, and then the pain went away and I was left with increased flexibility. It was exactly the opposite process I went through about 9 years ago, where they were very painful for a very long time but slowly the pain subsided as the joints got stiffer and stiffer and eventually they stopped hurting altogether but the joints were so stiff I thought they stopped hurting because they had fused! Because of my very large size it was hard to get a clear image of them for the doctor to verify that. They only saw enough to know that things weren't right there.
There is hope!! Stick with it.


Re: 8 days = 10 pounds and no pain!

Postby linreynolds » Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:59 am


Thanks so much for your story! I am actually starting the 12 day cleanse today (or tomorrow?) I just woke up, had a "female" surgery 2 days ago and have pretty much been in bed. Before that I was out of town for 8 days so I honestly don't even know what's in the fridge or pantry. I aim to find out and if I am not starting today, I am at the very least going to the grocery store to get the items so I can start tomorrow. I am very excited to pinpoint my exact triggers. I only had one weak moment on vacation, and that was eating something battered. I felt it the next 2 days, too. I actually lost a pound on vacation which is definitely a first! Good to be back, and I'm ready to do the 12 day McDougall cleanse!
I have had much success with this new WOE!
Started no animal products on 6.24.12 at 240, 34 days later am 226!
Follow my blog at http://www.linreynolds.blogspot.com
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